Realistically speaking could a law ever pass that forced thots to answer to and obey men in the US...

Realistically speaking could a law ever pass that forced thots to answer to and obey men in the US? I'd call it the Women Reformation Act. I know it seems like a bit islamist in nature, but that's one thing they got right to be perfectly honest.

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You are the type of brainlet that believes enacting gun free laws means people will obey.
Zeta male op

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Just imagine that you're this girl and you walk into public like this. Even men know how to be women better than they do. Maybe that's where the whole trap meme comes from.

>Being totally serious right now.
>Fuck traps and jannies.

Guns and women are not to be trusted because ultimately they cause harm. Controlling them, in order to prevent further harm on society, is the only natural thing to do.

If you don't give them money, gibs, jobs or attention it gets better. Laws can't fix lack of common sense.

Why can't you faggots understand that Jews won't allow you to put any of your grand schemes in place?

How can an inanimate object not be trusted you absolute moron

A guy on YouTube was saying that he was on Tinder recently and sent this girl who was maybe a 6-7 out of 10 a message saying "Hello." She replied, "What do you call a guy who is under 6 feet tall? A friend." And then she blocked him. these dating sights are proof that the sexual market place is broken and only increases female narcissism and self-entitlement.



yes its called sariah law and you should submit to it

Wamen will lose all their "rights" when western civilization collapses and at best becomes akin to the Balkans.
Lawd knows that no man will ever listen to a fucking word of a wamen ever again, what men spent centuries if not millennia to build, wamen have brought RUIN to all of it in less than a century.
Wamen will be reduced to be nothing more but baby factories and at best 'housekeepers', can't even trust 'em to look after the children anymore.

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guns and women were doing just fine until you faggots and jews started importing the third world in '65

If you want to legislate how people act, you're not better than leftists. A real man knows how to control his woman, and knows how to get her to agree with him. A true man will be able to convince his wife with his opinions, and sway her completely. Women enjoy being led.

Get yourself a proper woman, and you won't need to feel like you need to enforce them via laws. You'll feel like you're in control of your life.

Honestly, it's partially our fault for letting women get this bad. All they need is gentle guidance. Women aren't evil creatures; they're merely being tricked into doing things against their nature.

Stop hating them for being tricked. Show them the proper way, and you'll start hating them less.

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Or you could just kill yourself, since your not a Chad anyway, what does it matter. Die with honor, you brave but ugly Incel.

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Who's this fat pig?


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I went MGTOW about 2 years ago, I won't go within a 100 websites of a dating site.
Now I only "sport fuck". I have lost interest in modern western and 1st world woman as they are too entitled and spoiled. Most of my friends and acquaintances feel the same (about 20-30 guys average to high income)

Stop being angry at women because they wont sleep with you due to your repulsive personality.

Whatever. What's the point.
Feminism has shown us the true nature of women for all to see and I think it's absolutely disgusting.

Women didn't change but their environment did.

Based and redpilled.

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so society fails and wants government to step in and do societies job for it?
that doesnt work, it only gives you a lazy immoral population further dominated by governments which always fall to corruption and are unchallenged in that corruption by a society used to letting government totally dominate them.

its one of those ideas op that is too simplistic and easy to be true. the deeper ramiications of your planned course of action are that you wil get a world less like the one you want

They do obey men. Chads. Get with the program ,beta boy

>women are not to be trusted because ultimately they cause harm
>this is because they refuse to have sex with me and it's not fair!!!!

kys, faggot incel.

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any feet pics of this cunt?

Just admit that we Muslims had everything right and we'll let you join

not surprised you'd take over after letting you in

I wouldn't even care about their degeneration if I didn't have to pay for their STD treatments, abortions and childrens education/healthcare/necessities
it's something communists always have to learn the hard way: you do not fix your country with oppression

dissolve the welfare state and everyone becomes equal under god - everyone gets the freedom to make their own decisions and live with the consequences

post feet

Idk man, it's all so fucked up I don't even see the point anymore.
Just get a trad asian wife.

I'm not an incel. I'm married. Stop projecting on me, you degenerate faggot.

>Muh authoriteh

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Peak Incel

Do you even respect and treat your woman well?

Fucking memeflaggot

>Will women ever stop being whores while at the same goddamn time claiming they are not whores?

I have 0 pictures of thot in my computer. I'm better than OP.

well, not adult one anyway...

can someone please tell me what a "Jannie" is? urbandictionary isn't making it clear for me

Jannie is the nickname for janitors or mods.

What do you think her ass smells like?

You can nip it off the bud by removing women’s right to vote. Everything else can be fixed afterwards

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *cough*, were you planning on going to jail today?

Except gun's are protected by the Constitution's original Bill of Rights, item number 2, whereas it took decades and 14 Amendments before we pretended women were supposed to be our "equals".

cut off the gibs and a lot of it will sort itself out

Stop fucking replying to people who ask for information. They are bots that rely off input to improve an AI through one-shot method.

exactly what an incel would say


>being this new

>didn't read namefield
>being this new

Who is this braaphog? I bet her asshole smells fantastic.

The trick to women is passive aggression.

So the three things you need to work on:
>1) The silent treatment:
If they fuck with you, and they will, stop speaking to them. Go about your business. Pretend they aren't there.
>2) Ensure that you live your life by the book. Do everything right, don't create problems for yourself. This puts emphasis on the silent treatment as, you aren't just being a dick and neglecting social responsibilities/duties, you are specifically cutting them out of your existence.
3) Learn to work on yourself. Become obsessed with your own personal development and keep your ambient thoughts on the track of personal development and your other interests. Especially do this when you are in the presence of the target. The thought process normally goes like this:

>Thinking about stuff>see girl>"oh shit, I need to ignore her">She's staring at me>Fuck how do I act casual?>Don't make eye contact>I look awkward.
The new technique will make this possible:
>Thinking about stuff>see girl>"oh shit, I need to ignore her">"She's staring at me>Ok so, what specifically gave the Roman army its edge over so many of its competitors?We know it wasn't simply their equipment for they adopted a lot of this stuff from the people they fought and mostly conquered so what was it? their logistics? their mentality? can a core principle be identified and implemented outside of the arena of war that will allow me to replicate their successes?>Ah, she's gone>Now where was I?

When fully mastered, this passive aggressive strategy will cut the target off from all social resources and make them feel abandoned and rejected. If people ask what is going on, say in the shortest and vaguest way, what your reason is. Something like "She's rude and my time is precious". Then go about your business.
In the event that people try to appeal on her behalf say something like:"sorry, you only get one chance", again, go about your business.

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tits or gtfo

>to finish:

This is a very powerful technique that I've outlined and it's been honed through years of experience.

All that I ask is that you respect its power and do not use it unjustly to bully and hurt the innocent. This is a tool that must only be employed upon abusive men and women. Deny them any and all social resources and freeze them to death with cold silence and absolute uncooperation.
If you do this against the undeserving and the innocent, then you are absolute scum.


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ur both gay

My girl needs those jeans.

unless she's got a bidet, it smells like shit you idiot.

Is there a place where I can get my Jow Forums fix without looking at hundreds of pictures of whores every day?

Would be interesting to see the results of a law like this passed in an ostensibly secular country. Seems to me you'd need the support of a religion / religious institutions to get a law like that in place and to have it properly enforced.

>what is Jow Forums x


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That's not what passive aggressive is retard

>”She's rude and my time is precious".


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you need to show your flag when you post here.
also, kinda related, have a happy hanukkah

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horny jidf agent lol

Women default see the state as their Man and chooses to let that lead her. This is a result of giving them sufferage and is critical in the destruction of family values

my peepee hard

You can try, but we'll just ignore you like always.

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>forcing people to obey
Never going to happen and never should.

No, nothing will improve unless universal suffrage is revoked. Armed coup is the only way that will ever happen.

Those pants are so tight I can see her IUD.

Learn to eat pussy faggot, only subhuman Muslims have such small cocks they need a sky daddy to keep their women in line, sad

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You can stay

>How can an inanimate object not be trusted you absolute moron
Robot won't think twice about murdering you upon receiving orders to do so. Or to commit wholesale genocide on behalf of its owners.

Skynet won't rise up against man, Skynet will follow its orders like a good little German when the elite orders it to kill off anyone who could otherwise challenge their supremacy.

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Which means islamic revolution.