I find it funny when white nationalist or white supremacists claim to be Christians. Jesus was an ethnic Jew. Get ahold of yourselves and accept reality.
Jaxon Adams
Evan Perry
Ethnic Jew that Jews vehemently hate and want to see erased or bastardized.
Brandon Clark
Yeah but He is still a Jew. If you hate Jews than you hate Jesus
Leo Murphy
You can tell allot about someone by who their Sun God is.
Colton Nguyen
Are low IQ posts by mutts a meme, or a reality?
Asher Murphy
>Jesus is still a Jew
And Georges Washington is still a british officer ?
Grayson Powell
Alexander Roberts
cool story bro, nobody is claiming off their ass that jesus was white or a white supremacist
not really, Jesus was the end of Judaism. There are some based jews like brother nathaniel, youtube him
also kys for being so stupid
William Nelson
>jews are the synagogue of satan
Jesus hates them too
Austin Bell
Seeing if the boards up