I find it funny when white nationalist or white supremacists claim to be Christians. Jesus was an ethnic Jew. Get ahold of yourselves and accept reality.

Attached: Jesus.jpg (1200x1114, 635K)

Ethnic Jew that Jews vehemently hate and want to see erased or bastardized.

Yeah but He is still a Jew. If you hate Jews than you hate Jesus

You can tell allot about someone by who their Sun God is.

Are low IQ posts by mutts a meme, or a reality?

>Jesus is still a Jew

And Georges Washington is still a british officer ?


cool story bro, nobody is claiming off their ass that jesus was white or a white supremacist


not really, Jesus was the end of Judaism. There are some based jews like brother nathaniel, youtube him

also kys for being so stupid

>jews are the synagogue of satan
Jesus hates them too

Seeing if the boards up