Ayo how come when da stock market go down we be poor but when it go up dey rich folks is rich. BAKA

Ayo how come when da stock market go down we be poor but when it go up dey rich folks is rich. BAKA.

They were a mistake.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying this guy has a job


he's got a point tbqh

>defending the (((corporatists)))

checked, please do elaborate

>stock market goes up
Hey drumpfy that’s just rich people getting richer
>stock market goes down
Wtf you’re making us all poor

Attached: 081CDC840882407383564E9EE53C2EDC.png (195x256, 37K)

Really makes me think...

No, he doesn’t you fucking moron. If the stock market is up, the economy is likely doing well and most people have ample disposable income. In the unlikely event that nig has a job, his actual employment is reflective of the economy doing well.

If you're not investing in any stocks or have any sort of retirement fund then of course the stock market doesn't affect you noticeably.