Anyone among you who considers yourself a patriot and a nationalist who wants to stand up for your nation instead of being a simpering cuckold to European Union tyranny and has decided to attend the Brexit Betrayal march tomorrow in London, I recommend coming with a fluorescent yellow high vis jacket. There has been no better time than now to take advantage of this iconic and politically incendiary symbol as it can become a symbol of a Pan-European rebellion against Globalist tyranny and provides the uniformity and coherence of a legitimate movement that can cross ideological boundarys. In France the far left and far right are WORKING TOGETHER. Nothing scares the globalist technocrats and corporate elite more than that!
Show the world that we will not sit idly by while they tear out our democratic will to reclaim our country in all her majesty, show them that we are not weak and we are not as cowed and spent as a nation as people think. Are we not as brave as the French that we will not also come out on the streets when we are abused and oppressed as a people? Don't be put to shame by the French people, we should join them in making our voice heard to our disinterested treasonous government and their corporate masters.
cool, where is this going to be? ill ask my mum if i can go and she will drive me there of course. if she lets me ill make sure to bring everyone a packed lunch
Bentley Nguyen
What a dumb and sarcastic post, naysayers and cynics like yourself are the reason we're in this mess. Because you help demoralise people and therefore lower turn out to events that might actually shake up the establishment. But your kind is everywhere in this country unfortunately, apathetic lowlifes.
Lucas Cook
Question: why would I want to march for a country that has done nothing but toss me aside after using me and abusing me?
I have no friends, no family, all my relationships have failed.
Why? Because I'm too real.
I don't cause anyone any problems, I go out of my way to help people, or at least, I did. And I never ask for anything in return.
What did I get in return though? Abuse. Hatred. Ridicule. Ostracisation.
So please, tell me, why do I owe anyone anything, why should I march for this country when this country has done nothing but take from me?
This country can burn for all I care. I have no loyalty to it because it has and has never had any loyalty to me.
They're not my problems though. They're problems other people bring into my life.
And they're reflective of the mentality of the general populace.
So it is the country, the whole country. Aside from a tiny minority who likely live exactly as I do, away from everyone else.
Charles Cox
>why would I want to march for a country that has done nothing but toss me aside after using me and abusing me?
Its not your country that has abused you it the state of life that enemies to our nation have brought about within our country though deliberate political policy and social engineering.
>This country can burn for all I care. I have no loyalty to it because it has and has never had any loyalty to me.
This is what they want, they want you to resent your own people for having had a bad life at the hands of bad people and lose any sense of civic duty. If you have nothing to lose why not join in events like this that might give you a sense of purpose?
Luis Richardson
>all these faggots looking to march tomorrow
On your own faggots. Any proper britanons will already be thinking about helping our French brothers out and Is a good way of getting down there for next week should today provide us reason for going down. If it goes to the next level we need to help out. This country can stew for a few more months if it needs to.
John White
Why can't you do both? We want this yellow jacket thing to spread to England not just be localised in France until it dies down, because there is a lot of discontent that can be swept up by this.
Carson Cox
I'm not going to pretend I know all the answers but you've got to improve your own life as no one else is going to do that mate.