All protesters are fucking white. This is the whitest downtown Paris has been since 1944. When I was at Champs-Eliwhatever in 2016, it was infested by niggers and Arabs, literally Togo tier cesspool of filth and trash. I know most of you fags have never traveled (especially Americans) but holy fuck, the difference between 2016 and now, it's like normal world and Africa. And no Antifalibans or Socialist flags anywhere to be seen, only French flags.
My boys, this protest is something else. I suspect CIA.
>I suspect CIA. are you sure it's not the french revolting again like they always do?
Kevin Phillips
Shut up - central Paris is packed with white tourists all the time.
Camden Campbell
There is no French anymore since 1945.
Owen Gutierrez
That's the only white you'll see in downtown Paris. Seriously it's a shithole. It's like Subsaharan Africa.
Dominic Morgan
Fucking hell this shill changes his regional flag IP address about every 10mins.
The wordings almost identical, clearly the same guy.
Aaron Bell
We always revolted because someone pulled the strings somewhere. The revolution was the beginning of the end of the white race, europeans abandoned imperialism and fell for the nationalism jew, which led to colonization french/anglo style (spaniards did it right), the 2 world wars and so on. Napoleon was the last one who tried to fix France and Europe and take us back to roman imperialist glory, even napoleonian law, still in use today, is just roman law. The anglo jew destroyed Napoléon and the chance of Europe becoming great again. Revolutions are for niggers. The white man changes regime by reformation or coup d’Etat.
You’re exaggerating a bit but yes Paris is full of niggers. Whiter than London but blacker than Berlin.
Thomas Scott
>(spaniards did it right) They left a huge mass of morons who can't even manage their own countries and have to flee to America (product of anglo imperialism). The fuck are you talking about
Jayden Phillips
None of them are white
Brayden Wood
Or, shitskins are cowards, or don't actually care about "their" country, or both.
Leo Young
>This is the whitest downtown Paris has been since 1944. My sides, user.
>My boys, this protest is something else. I suspect CIA.
M8, your entire first paragraph suggests anything but CIA.
Matthew Long
>The revolution was the beginning of the end of the white race, europeans abandoned imperialism
How do you explain massive White empires like Britain or Russia after the revolution? Austria-Hungary was a non-nationalistic HRE style empire throughout the XIX cent. etc
And Europeans waged massive wars like ww1 and 2 against each other before the revolution, like the 30 years war.
The problems we have seem very recent, like a few decades ago. The fertility, the immigration, demise of industry, lack of will to do basic violence like border enforcement were unimaginable just 50 years ago
Don't put too much trust in your mothers account of how Paris was when she visited. First af all, she wouldn't tell you about all the black cock she rode while there, and it's been decades man, things change. >And no Antifalibans or Socialist flags anywhere to be seen Gosh, it's almost like they are afraid to show themselves when they can't outnumber someone else at least 10 to 1
The original French don't exist anymore. They've been raped out of existence by African refugees, colonial migrants, and Arabs.
Hunter Lee
Caleb Smith
dumb fuck parisians are white despite what the Jow Forums memes makes you think, it's pretty much the same average crowd you saw for the world cup except even more white but that different also it's not that white, it actually represent what you see when you walk in paris on middle class areas
Camden Jones
This is a Protest about Taxes
Niggers don't pay taxes
They go to France to live off of your taxes. They want Macron to raise taxes because they know it will go to them.
That's why it would have been the USA's destiny to rule over the whole americas when the spaniards left. That is the natural destiny that any Roman Imperialist of old would see clear as day. But you got fucked in the head by (((Humanist))) values and now you pay the price, being consumed by low value savages.
Brayden Carter
i thought I just heard gunshots there? maybe fireworks cos nobody is running..
Josiah Peterson
Exactly. This is the counter to Soros globohomo “democracy.”
Isaiah Peterson
Why does everything has to be CIA?
James Bell
It's a middle class revolt against a former socialist party member increasing taxes when France is already heavily taxed. Almost every (decent) western country has been built upon revolts like this and is something Jow Forums should be getting behind.
Jayden Gomez
>>All protesters are fucking white. >How is it a bad thing? It's just amazing, Paris has been african for some years now so it's good seeing people taking it back
Christian Lee
It's my understanding that many people from outside Paris are fed up - so I'm guessing there's alot of people that have gone to Paris specifically to show their discontent.
Jose Gutierrez
The revolution was triggered by the Whigs and Freemasons in England as a psyop to undermine England's chief rival. It got out of hand though with Napoleon.
Hunter Hill
Horseshit thread detected.
Brayden Ross
>sell drugs world wide unrivaled since the 60's >use that money to assert power wherever you feel the need to reality what wouldnt be glownigger controlled?
Jack Lee
>Napoleon was the last one to try and fix France
No. Napoleon is one of the main reasons France and Europe is so fucked. When Napoleon became Emperor the very first thing he did was emancipate the Jews, make Judaism an official religion, remove all the anti-Semitic laws the Bourbons had in place, and give Jews high-ranking political and banking positions. Napoleon is the reason Jews have so much power in Europe
>The Spaniards did it right
Again, No. the Spaniards had so much sex with Indian and African women they created a sub-human species known as Mexicans.
Sebastian Russell
It's just that Americans still think they rule the world and need to put their narrative into other people's mouths.
Dominic Ward
What is even the point of all this? They're just dicking around on one patch of street, what is this going to amount to
The world is much bigger than CIA, am saying. There are at least 20 parties in here fighting for the interest of their nations and allies. I can't deny what you are saying. The world is waking up and history is making a come back. Too many happenings for it to be the source of one nation's secret organisation.
Matthew Cook
I wonder if you're government would respond this way to a black lives matters march?
Is it more or less police presence than in the 'bataclan "state of emergency"
Evan Williams
>This is the whitest downtown Paris has been since 1944
they must be...
>Le Pen voters >descendants of soldiers who fought in WW1 >Alsatian Germans
take your pick. if they are descendants of soldiers who fought in WW1, that makes them based and redpilled heroes who helped my country with General Berthelot and the Treaty of Trianon!
They're euroPEON. Worst they can do is cry and wine. We need to export more niggers over there. The nigger actually a necessary evil in society to keep it strong.
Alexander Sullivan
The French Revolution created Liberalism, communism and socialism. So yes the revolution absolutely hurt the white race. The reason the Russian Empire flourished after the French Revolution because they had great monarchs ruling during the time; Empress Catherine the great and Emperor Alexander I
Evan Sullivan
the world is bigger yes, but the common denominator is money, which that organization has literal endless supplies of. it also doesnt hurt that they control cartels who literally cut peoples faces off in lesser countries
Xavier Roberts
Where are all the supposedly revolutionary French youth and students in all this?
Oliver Wilson
>The problems we have seem very recent, like a few decades ago. The fertility, the immigration, demise of industry, lack of will to do basic violence like border enforcement were unimaginable just 50 years ago
The Boomer-vision has corrupted our morals.
Brayden Martin
We'll see. The ride never ends.
Wyatt Cruz
>The French Revolution created Liberalism >flag
The American revolution created Liberalism. France was more socialism and communism.
Jacob Scott
nothing is happening
Brayden Hughes
i hope we do see, because if we do that means all this will actually become public knowledge and that empire has been toppled
You think BLACK would be proteting open borders and free gibs.
John Powell
Police brought doggos
Camden Hughes
most of the protesters are probably not from Paris. they're probably from white surrounding areas, because they're the ones who are affected by the tax.
Matthew Campbell
And what can you do >MUH GUNS never used even though you are 56% white and dropping.
Jackson Perry
>I suspect CIA Well, the Yellow-Vests are designed to glow in the dark
Logan Rogers
You caught me, I don't visit Jow Forums. Just came to see the reaction of your darling Fields getting life in prison, then decided to browse the catalog.
>Dansk flag Du lyder som idiot i denne tråd. Afsted.
Thomas Scott
No everything is CIA or the Jews
Brody Rivera
CIA jest 100% responsible. Protests started just a few weeks after Macron declared he wants to establish a european army to wage war against USA.
Joseph Gonzalez
Anyone who is not retarded can see this is an FBI honeypot
Ian Morales
I have reported you to the mods and will contact the ADL
Vidiš da živin u Danskoj. Ili si preglup pa nisi vidia ID? Tako da vjerojatno neću umrit od raka zbog zdravstvenog sistema odi. Ali ti na drugu ruku... uživaj u HDZ državi za koju su ti Ustaški dida i ćaća ginili, di moraš platit doktoru 100eura da bi te preporučija specijalistu.
Živiš u jadnoj državi, siromašnijoj od Rumunjske i Bugarske jebate, i onda bez stida sereš po Francuskoj jer imaju crnce. A pogledaj Hrvatsku, 98% bijelci a ipak sranje. Pa bolje živit u Francuskoj sa crncima nego u Hrvatskoj sa debilima poput tebe. Utopi se u Savi, Ustašo.
Josiah Campbell
>muhh cia Its just the people who had enough. Not sure how people feel in eastern europe and croatia and such(how do you call that area in europe?)but in western cunts +nordics middleclass is taxed till death and in general really unhappy. We are just working slaves, fokken cattle
>I know most of you fags have never traveled (especially Americans)
Shut the fuck up retard. You """"travelling"""" to Paris is the same as me taking a trip to fucking Cleveland, Ohio. I have no interest in your faggy continent
Christian Hernandez
Don’t be jelly polack your chimpouts are pretty cool too
all cyclists and spectators during tour de france were white
i suspect cia
Jack Miller
You should kys if you’re sure it’s fucked. The jews are not gods and we can fight back. Always.
Isaac Perez
heh, somehow when we had german agents in gov previously noone cared about our protests, and from what I recall there were no fires or windowsmashings either have fun in your dystopian future with ruling class totally disconnected from citizens
Isaiah Wright
Jaxson Gomez
Najautisticniji akcenat i najbedniji post koji sam video danas.
Need I say more?
Carter Rivera
went to the library yesterday everyone was white when will those damn CIA stop messing with our multiculturalism
Luis Reyes
>have fun in your dystopian future with ruling class totally disconnected from citizens
This is why we want to kill them right now my retarded friend. Also at least we don’t have a trans in Élysée... yet.
>They go to France to live off of your taxes. They want Macron to raise taxes because they know it will go to them. It's about oil taxes, everyone pays it at the pump fucktard. They are mostly white people because it's a right wing protest. It's all the cucks who voted le Pen and don't accept democracy. Most of them come from outside Paris, they are jaleous cucks who want to destroy the city because it's beautiful and they don't live there
Hudson Wood
you will do nothing, our peaceful celebration of independence had 100 times more people that your chimpout has dog without teeth big bark no bite
Nicholas Garcia
wait, so first it was the MI6, now it's CIA you people really are paranoid delusional schizophrenics
>i najbedniji post koji sam video danas. Virujen ti, ka Srbin si ekspert za bijedu. I još braniš Ustašu, nije ni čudno da Srbija ima manje utjecaja nego Hrvatska. Još samo triba bit sranje oko Kosova tako da vas Amerika satare i postanete dio Bugarske.
Ok m8 we will do nothing. The whole west will turn into Africa and somehow Poland will not be affected at all by the billion niggers at its gates. Happy now faggot ?
Fuck mohamed France belongs to the french and Paris is not yours