How do I accept that life is suffering?
It seems like too disheartening a notion to want to live with.
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Find somebody who doesn't believe life is suffering and do everything in your power to keep that flame of hope and happiness alive
That would merely be lying to myself now, wouldn't it?
why do you think that life is suffering ?
legit quesiton it's not the first time i've heard this but i think that life is pretty ok actually.
>How do I accept that life is suffering?
Embrace Buddhism.
Sure life is suffering but take comfort in the fact that it doesnt matter because we will soon be dust
Because anything remotely good requires you to suffer to get to it, while bad things will happen without even you having to do anything.
Accepting it could be a good thing, but it's very discouraging.
That's where I first learned about the concept of the inevitability of suffering, but accepting it... it's a whole different story.
If there are good things then life isn't "suffering"
By your definition it's "mostly suffering".
Then if it's just "mostly suffering" you could learn to see the times you suffer for good things as good things too, instead of just giving up and seeing life as suffering period.
>you could learn to see the times you suffer for good things as good things too
I've already given a similar answer, but this is just lying to oneself.
What am I supposed to do, keep repeating to myself that those are good things over and over, until I either believe it or reach the peak of cognitive dissonance?
Why must you paint this as lying to yourself ? Please note I said "learn to see" with an emphasis on "learn". Changing your outlook on life isn't the easy way out and a lie, it's hard work and takes practice, trial and error and time.
Do not get me wrong, some things really do make you suffer, but other aspects on your life can be changed by a switch in your perceptive.
For example :
For some people, working out is a painful and excruciating task that they do to achieve a goal, others don't have a precise goal, for them it's just a nice way to "log out" and focus on working on something else.
Some people scale a mountain to get to the top and look at the world, and despise the exhausting process of walking for days on end. Others scale mountains just to enjoy a nice walk and don't even stop to enjoy the gorgeous view above.
none of those people are "staying true" or "lying to themselves" they are just different in focus and perspective.
I hope I'm making sense to you.
What the fuck are you talking about? You asked how do you accept it, not how to get over it
How could I learn to change my outlook on life?
Life is suffering. Spread it around.
Everybody is working their fucking asses off to achieve happiness. Life doesn't give you shit. If you dont like it die mad about it you lazy wimp
I'm asking how to come to terms with it, in fact.
You make some goddamn lemonade and try to improve your life to the point where you are no longer suffering
>implying happiness exists and isn't just a mirage carrot invented by millennia of false hope
Does love require you to suffer to get it? You could meet an amazing person tomorrow and there would be no suffering.
>Does love require you to suffer to get it?
Hahahahaha, what do you think you can do whatever you want in a relationship, and your partner does everything you want as well? You make sacrifices
Existence is suffering due to the constant suffering that occurs, you get a car, it breaks down, you have a child and they will perish or potentially become evil, parents divorce and mistreat you. You get a job and it sucks, you must toil 8-5, 5 days a week in order to secure your existence. You must work your body physically to ensure health and good looks.
Effort and the terrible things that happen to us are part and parcel to our existence and therefore it is suffering.
To come to terms with it, I strongly suggest you find a cause that makes the suffering worth it.
>Does love require you to suffer to get it?
Um, yeah.
You have to look good to attract people, and to look good you usually have to make sacrifices (unless you're really lucky, that is)
Find reason that make the suffering worth it or kill yourself
I don’t mean that in a mean way
If you can’t find something that makes the suffering of life bearable enough and you would rather die, then do it.
But Suicide rates are pretty low in the grand scheme of things, so people must be finding so,etching that keeps them alive at the end of the day
For some people that’s family for some people it’s drugs for others it’s fear.
The goal is to find something that makes life bearable for you while reducing the suffering of others
>you have to look good to attract people
no. can't believe how many ugly people i've seen procreate my dog.
Let me rephrase that:
You need to look good to attract decent-looking people.
You need to have a good paying job
You need to be attractive
You need to be interesting and funny
You need to grind to find that person
If i ever do find a woman who loves me, i wont love her because it's conditional.
I used to feel sometimes like that too OP. But then I got tired of it and started searching online about its randomness and why I dont feel like that all the time. I got redpilled on the universe and existence itself. I no longer feel like that and I am quite happy with my life for now.
Things that I changed about myself:
- Accepted that there is no free will
- Accepted that self is an illusion
- Accepted humans to be biological computers
- Based on this previous points, I take really good care of my hardware. I follow a proper sleep schedule, eat healthy, exercise daily and do creative work.
- Carefully add supplements to my meals that I think I am in need of.
- Embracing nihilism, which combined with all the previous improvements, helps me prosper in my work place.
With all of these changes to my lifestyle, here are the bonuses:
- Emotions are under control
- Life feels pretty happy
- Enjoy the simple things like a cool wind or the warm sun.
- Productive
- Amazing sleep
- No depression
- Great "hardware"
- I decide whats wrong and whats right
The only con I have noticed so far is that you realise how much of our world is built by evolutionary quirks in our biology. Life feels very artificial when looked from that perspective and somewhat empty. But thats a natural reaction of our brain since its programmed to always search for a meaning and you can get varying results when it realises there is none. The whole feeling doesnt bother you alot tho and its short and rare.
I hope you manage to find happiness in this life OP. If not, then hope for a better roll next time.
life is suffering is a load of crap.
I just won £250k on a horse race, next I'm taking a 20 year old blonde with large breasts out for a delicious meal with drinks after, before I drive her to my home in the Ferrari for a night of lust.
This is suffering?
That's a mistranslation of Buddhism. It really means life is inevitably wrought with suffering. Existence itself isn't suffering. Existence can be beautiful. Emotions like love aren't suffering, they just include it - you'll want more, or you won't want to lose it, and those considerations will keep you from fully experiencing it because you won't be mentally present. Get rid of those desires and you'll be able to fully experience. When you feel that discontentment, sit on it, reflect on it as an experience in itself, and don't judge it.
Buddhism isn't nihilism, and only people who don't understand it say it is.
Make it your life goal to reduce suffering.
There would always be things that suck, but giving up on life just means you allow it to exist.
You can be a positive thing in the world.
Holy fucking shit, this entire post. Are you me from the future?
when you are suffering you need to remember thats the way life is. Your not the only one, see? But life can also be very good, which can be hard to remember at times. I was suffering for years but then i started to feel better. Now i know that i used to think life was nothing much but pain. Now i almost miss the pain. It was real and strong and made me feel hard and cold. People who only know happyness are like children with all the bad sides included while people who were happy, became victims of pain and later recovered are full of insight. Pain is your friend in a way because it digs away all the silly bits, all the weak bits and all the anger inside you. Learn to love your pain. It is a compass that helps you make the right choises
Try stoicism. It also teaches you not to get angry at anything. Stoicism + Buddhist studies = you will never get angry at anything, and you will get used to the suffering. Think of suffering as an endless ocean. You can't escape it, but you can learn to swim in it. Perseverance.
In the Greek myth of Sisyphus, the man of this name is punished and forced to roll a heavy boulder up a hill every day, only for it to roll down and for him to have to go through the same routine the next day. Thats life. Thats your life. But you have to keep rolling that boulder. And you can learn to love to roll that boulder, if you try hard enough.
try running. running is pure suffering but you get a nice runners high after.
learn to enjoy the suffer by picking what you enjoy suffering through