Whites morphing into niggers???

They are literally grafting nigger body parts on their body, only a matter of time till mandatory Tyrone dick transplants for whites at birth

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LUL wut


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Jewing of the white race is morphing us into racial Frankensteins

P-please please tell me you're fucking joking

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I am pretty sure the person knows and that they aggreed to that transplant

They were jewed into it, some Jew doctor probably mixed around the transplant list to make it look like this nog was the "only" compatible donor


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Afraid not user....

The next level of we wuz.

I feel like I'm looking at this wrong. Are jews gonna start harvesting niggers for parts now?

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No, they will make transplants for whites ONLY come from niggers in an attempt to destroy white identity by turning us into racial Frankensteins

Well that's one way to fix black unemployment


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>call me a mutted frankenstein mongrel one more time

happy too

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wasnt this the plot of that one horror movie?

Literal mental illness.

Damn that's crazy. I wonder if he feels like his hands belong to someone else.


>can now demand reparations


I have a nigger dick.
What does that make me?

Wait a minute, if I were american, and I get transplanted limbs from a jewish person. Would I be eligible for holocaust reparations?

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You mean the one where they grafted a white guy’s head onto a black guy’s body next to his original living head and the the black guy goes home to thanksgiving dinner with his black family and the white head on his shoulder keeps shouting “HEY BOY GIMME SOME OF THOSE GREASY NIGGER MASHED POTATOES THAT MAMMY OVER THERE IS SHOVELING THROUGH HER BIG BALLOON LIPS” and eventually the guy’s family tells him to take his white head and get the fuck out?

Won’t a white body reject transplants from blacks?

Fists of the thief, Hand slot. +10 thief skills, +3 sneak attack, -10 handwriting

This shit is actually pretty cool though

That guy had a choice between black arms or no arms. I am sure most would take the nig arms since Star Wars tier cybernetics aren't a thing yet

>get nose transplant

wtf I love jews now!

oy vey!

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Well at least this proves blacks have some actual use now.


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Apparently not

>Wait a minute, if I were american, and I get transplanted limbs from a jewish person. Would I be eligible for holocaust reparations?

to turn the goyim into a hodgepodge of not only genetic mutts but literally mutts physically sewn together from different types of niggers

oh shit that's fucking gold

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who knew golems were a real thing?

their have been claims of gene editing embryos in china but the guy that did it posted some thing to youtube and got disappeared japan is doing experiments but they are not supposed to be making embryos their are prolly some real abominations in secrets labs we are becoming more borg like everyday I don't like it.

Oy vey my fellow Jew

A phenomenon known as corporeal appropriatio

Now we can Jew the jew

OP is a dirty nigger
Pic related after healing

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I've always noticed that blacks and whites have different hand structures, very strange. Whites generally have short stocky fingers, while blacks have long skinny fingers. Is their any actual science behind this? Or am I just generalizing?

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mfw its real youtube.com/watch?v=gWHNA_j7h5A

You're not thinking far enough, we can get Jew nose and nigger hands, we can get reparations AND Holocaust pension

Nogs need long skinny fingers to steal, and also helps them find dinner in ant hills.

holy shit, brilliant.

Because they're less evolved and have diverged far less from our ape ancestors thus having similar digits.

Your nose is showing user, this isn't the same person kike, you can tell because the right arm scar is different

Long skinny fingers are better for pick-pocketing. They literally evolved to steal.

>tfw you get bitten by a radioactive nigger

that is not a nigger, my friend.

this is a bionicle

>jew magic is literally real

no, but you wouldn't be able to stop rubbing your hands together.

Just another case of matching white donor in USA.

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This is fucking disgusting.

I'd rather have robot hands.

stockier hands are easier to keep warm. long fingers are prolly easier to frostbite

I hope with the advancements in this tech it can cure my manletism.
I'm finally going to be 6'0!

>having sex with gf
>rape charges
>wasn't me sir, it was the nigger
>can I get a description of the perp?
>uh, he hand long black arms and hands
>anything else?

This !!!!

Surely there's plenty of spare arms to go around from donors. How hard could it be to get one that's the right colour?

It's Jews, they probably shuffled around transplant lists and made these the (((only))) arms available. Then promoted this shit online to fight white identity

Ever heard of transplantees gaining some characteristic of the person that was transplanted from? I wonder if guy gained an irresistible urge to steal.

You fag wytebois better not take my dick. Go watch BLACKED instead. fags

The Jews gonna steal ur dick jamal

a guy lost his arms and thanks to new tech, he got 2 new hands transplanted.

Yeah but the chances of a interracial histocompatibility is super fucking low, meaning there must of been other arms available, then the Jews did their jewing and made the white get the black arms to shill interracial relations online

That's just sad, and you'll probably die a midget famalam. Science is in its infancy right now in regards to bio medical research. So keep your hopes where your height is, and stay down under. Lmao.

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I've seen this movie, after the transplant his hands can't stop stealing and doing bad things he can't control.

Firstly Secondly, why would it matter? If I lost my arms, I wouldn't care what colour my new arms were.

You should though...

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all those innocent black teens shot by cops finally have a use

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>be wh*Te guy
>lose limb
>"we need a ready source of moderately healthy limbs cut off recently deceased donors"
>"where are we going to find a group of young men who die young, regularly and frequently?"

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So you don't get arrested for having sticky fingers
Also, so your immune system doesn't reject the alien tissue
Also, AIDS

why would you also get black arms?
i know there probably wasn't that big of a doner list
but you already will be freaking out over them not being your real arms but now you got everyone else feeling that way too

Even with black transplants, won't the skin eventually become white since white people don't produce as much melanin? I mean just as the skin cells regenerate... or is the foreign arm producing it's own melanin? Excuse my autism btw.

Why are burgers this way

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For the hilarious reasons above listed by myself and others. If you're asking because you want a real answer, I think it would be hard to personalize an appendage that wasn't congruous with the rest of my appearance and it would draw attention to my deformity and accident. You'd always be that guy. I'd want white arms if I were white and black arms if I were black.

Your melanocytes will not infect the new arm, the arms melanocytes will produce their own separate nigger amount of melanin

>I'm going to be picky and choosy about fixing muh deformity: The Post.

There's a small part of me that wishes this misfortune on you just so you'd have to eat your word you whiney little cunt.

Gud answer m8.

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We voodoo warlock nao

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I'm allowed to have a preference. And a pocketknife.

Well you can't have the cake and eat it, sort of. You take what's available or you go without arms and I'd rather have some young healthy black brown arms than to have to use my feet and mouth to hold stuff.

That looks /fa/ as fuck desu.

Who says? Out of the ten's of thousands of people who die horribly and unexpectedly every day, the only one who has usable arms is black? I'm already without arms, I'd just wait a day.

WHat a bizarre world we're living in. White people wanting to look black and asian people wanting to look white. It's like we're living in a weird hell.

>All these faggots implying that there's some sort of shortage on donor arms, as if there's a huge list of people without arms just lying around on life support waiting for some arm-y faggot to kick it

Spoken like a true cuck

No we should be fine so long as you only go for the nose transplant and not jew hands. The only downside is being able to smell coins from 100 feet away

ho ho ho we're gonna be rich

Again, you're gonna have to pay for that transport and you need, young, disease free, non mangled arms.
You can't just pick and chose in this situation. You either go for what they have or you live with your choice.

No I'm rational. You're the one who's fucking moronic you fucking NPC.

Can we put in some native feet as well to add tax exemption?

White suicide is at an all time high in my country Sven. Most of the black arms have police bullets in them. My chances are good.