Global warming thread

Prove anthropogenic climate change isn’t occurring

>Pro tip: you can’t

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Other urls found in this thread:

>why is more likely
>posts retarded strawman
>ignore sthe fact that everybody in the scientific community is also funded by someone and has their own agenda
>repeats lie about 90% of the scientific community
>has no response to those scientists who don’t agree

Btw of you weren’t retarded you’d know the onus is on you to prove it

Why is it that majority of those "climate scientists" are Jewish?

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three issues with this image
1) oil companies don't need to bribe a few guys, and even if they did have 8x the money as your image implies, they'd be "disinfoed" to hell and nobody would hear about your 97% bullshit
2) the goal of the "scienfitic community" ("community" is a term for gatekeeping faggotry, FYI) Are doing it for sweet, sweet grant funding
3) Who's paying the 'environment groups' and 'community activists' ?

>everybody in the scientific community is funded by somebody with an agenda
Clearly you have no idea what scientists do

>Jewish scientists agree with other scientists

I know what they don't do - work for free.

>1. Oil companies don’t need to bribe a few people
Is that why they fund politicians?
>2. Scientific community is doing it for grant money
Global warming isn’t the only thing climate scientists study
>3. Who’s paying the environmental groups and community activists
They usually take donations and send people clipboarding. Not exactly a profitable job.

>climate change is the only thing climate scientists could study
Yep, all the science has already been sciences so scientists make up science

Oh, we're playing this game. OK
Prove God doesn't exist

>Pro tip: you can't
Prove the Earth is a sphere

>Pro tip: you can't
Prove OP is not a complete faggot who subsists on nigger cum alone

>Pro tip: you can't
Prove I didn't just sage this thread

>Pro tip: you can't

>red herrings
Solid argument. Science has been vanquished

>Is that why they fund politicians?
At best, politicians are invested in them, and they might seek to protect their investment. To be fair though I was operating from a free market perspective and as it stands, oil is king. If they're actually paying anybody, it's green guys to fuck off from using gov't to fund their competition.
>Global warming isn’t the only thing climate scientists study
I didn't imply they did, but they want grant money because grant money always has some unaccounted living expense money, and there's money in being popular, especially when you establish a "community" around a concept and larp as gatekeepers
>They usually take donations and send people clipboarding. Not exactly a profitable job.
Their financial structure has a lot in common with oil's. The Paris Accord should be a glaring clue that they're not dealing in nickels and dimes against muh big evil monolith.

What's a scientist? What is science?

>At best, politicians are invested in them
Other way around, politicians receive campaign contributions from fossil fuel industries.

>They want grant money (for experiments) so they do climate studies that show global warming as the result
You know scientists are more interested in papers that go against popular wisdom than papers that go with it, right?

>the Paris Accord should tell you they have tons of money
Nope, tells me that every country in the world except for a random niggerstan and USA recognize the danger of climate change.

The French are rioting do to (((global warming)))

>Other way around, politicians receive campaign contributions from fossil fuel industries.
They get money from green industries too. My original argument pertained to scientists, par the course of what your image implies.
>You know scientists are more interested in papers that go against popular wisdom than papers that go with it, right?
Can you prove that in an objective manner?
>Nope, tells me that every country in the world except for a random niggerstan and USA recognize the danger of climate change.
That shit was all about using political force to take money from people and siphon some of it to Africa and China. As for climate, you ain't fixin shit, money or not. You've had 40+ years of the EPA to demonstrate that and apparently the climate has gotten worse since its inception. You're literally burning money in a barrel while bitching your homeless are too warm.

The UN global warming research budget runs in the billions (from taxes). I know a bunch of researchers (mostly female) working on stuff funded by this.
No man-made global warming=no jobs
In contrast, the technical expertise of oil company employees would likely be valued in many different fields.

If climate change does occur ( and at this rate, it will ) it will only cause major immigration from sandniggers in Europe and latinos in North America, due to the desertification of the temperate zones.
Can't you see the companies that deny climate change just do this to keep making benefits. In fine, Wall Street jews are the ones making a profit of climate change and don't give a fuck about your country.

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Budget for "climate change scientists" comes from tax money not from "community activists".


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Reminder: OP can be dismissed without an argument because OP wields science, and scientifically speaking, OP's existence is unproven.

lol rekt

Go protest. Dont be a cuck.
Or shut up, pay the "green tax" and get called surrendermonkey.

also even if you believe in climate change, which i tend to do, there is literally no argument for ruining green and efficient white countries with obscene taxes so that tyrone, chang and panjeet can ruin the earth at a rate 6 gorillion times the amount of whites

That's something, coming from the money laundry country of Europe.

Letting China's into the OCDE in 2002 was a mistake. We should relocalise our industry in Europe, dropping the number of unemployed and making less CO2 emissions due to transportation.

I don't dispute change is occurring, just that the negative effects are so big. Framing changes as "destroying the world" is absurd when looking at the shifting climate from the geological record.

don't forget the
>le fission plants BAD!
if anyone was unironically pro earth they would use france as a model to become "green"
but no macuck is not only imposing a goy tax (carbon tax) but he's shutting down the only viable source of clean energy

What I don't get is how in the minds of certain individuals, it's entirely possible for certain billionaires to endlessly fund hoards of protestors and crisis actors, but it's not at all possible that billionaire oil companies might bribe certain people into pushing bogus science in the interest of protecting future profits. It's almost as though they have a biased worldview that says corporations would never, ever lie, but financially-poor activists must necessarily be getting paid to protest, or else would not be present.

How does that work?

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>You're literally burning money in a barrel while bitching your homeless are too warm.
So we're just supposed to go along with your fatalistic worldview that will necessarily drive the world to a state of unrecoverable famine this time next half-century?

This. It's the one-sided hysteria, which is to a large degree down to stupid journalists/activists and a need for clicks, and less the majority of responsible scientists who couch their research in lots of maybes and possiblys.

There's an almost infinity to none ratio of funding for research into the effects of man-made AGW, compared to anything that goes against the consensus. There's a reason many of the sceptics are retired - they don't have anything to risk or lose by being honest and vocal about their misgivings.

>no manmade global warming, no jobs
This implies that there’s nothing else occurring in the field, and there is.
>I know people in the field
But you don’t understand their field, so it’s a pretty lame appeal

"Death by a thousand cuts" as a concept is lost on you, I see. Otherwise known as "plucking the bird one feather at a time."

>muh global warming grassroots movement
how fucking stupid do you have to be to not instantly spot an obvious astroturf you dumb faggot
literally every jewish plutocrat supports it by word and monetarily
and again
if you were pro ecology, which i am, you would be literally be pro nigger/chink/poo genocide

But I thought they couldnt into technology?


>if you were pro ecology, which i am, you would be literally be pro nigger/chink/poo genocide
Your eyebrow-raisingly narrow perspective/opinion/mindless rant is so noted.
>how fucking stupid do you have to be to not instantly spot an obvious astroturf you dumb faggot
How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe the most absurdly complex, roundabout conclusion over the simpler, more obvious one?
>literally every jewish plutocrat supports it by word and monetarily
You can't objectively prove this, and even if you could, how is it relevant?

>they get money from green industries too
Such as? What’s the comparison in terms of money donations?
>can you prove that in an objective manner?
It’s literally the philosophy of science. Einstein was famous because he disagreed with Newton, whom everyone believed. The theory of relativity was literally a “hold on, Newton had this wrong”. David Hume would be a good scientific philosopher to explain the concept, if you can understand what he’s saying.
>as for climate you ain’t fixin shit
Nobody said anything about fixing the climate. It’s not broken, it’s accelerated. The EPA was created by a Republican President. It’s not a government agency designed to fight climate change, are you a retard?

that's exactly the reason they ruin everything
literally a substantial part of panjeet carbon emissions are from burning cow shit

>Jews bad NPC meme

Nobody said anything about taxes, except for you

In all fields.

>claiming it’s destroying the world is absurd
Do you understand how fragile life on a planet is? Little changes make a huge difference

>Macron’s neoliberal policies are what anyone wants
Nobody is advocating for austerity

>Jews are bad NPC

>Global warming thread
>...climate change...

reminder that whether the change that comes with whatever climate change is happening is desirable or not is unknown.

>clearly you have no idea what scientist do
They spin results to fit the Grant Providers Narrative for more Grants?

>global warming isn’t a climate change
Do you get confused between the words “cup” and “glass”?
Jesus, semantics your best argument? Really?

Confirmed scientifically illiterate

>we can’t measure how climate change impacts things

>Your eyebrow-raisingly narrow perspective/opinion/mindless rant is so noted.
not an argument
>How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe the most absurdly complex, roundabout conclusion over the simpler, more obvious one?
okay let's compare 2 different grass roots movements
one is yellow vests in france
the other is extinction rebellion
2 polar opposite movements that are happening at the same time
one has a corporate neoliberal website created before the movement even existed
the other is a facebook group that started with a couple dozen truckers that dislike goyim tax
one is funded by neoliberal plutocrats while the other is an authentic grassroots movement
guess which one is which
you dumb nigger
npc meme is a meme about programmed thoughts that normies have you absolute newfag
you don't even understand why it exists and yet you're using it to "BTFO Dumpfh XD"
yes your side is
stop this pathetic sophistry
pic related

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But we aren't warming. Now we are cooling.
The Sun is going sleepy time and fucking your shit up.
So now you have to stick with "Climate Change" for your Gibs Me Dat grant money.

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The earth survived a huge meteorite and many more natural disasters. The world won't die in at least a couple of billion years.
We couldn't destroy the world even if we tried, humans would die first.

>You can't objectively prove this, and even if you could, how is it relevant?
>you can't objectively prove that oil companies are funding studies, and even if you could how is it relevant

I don't spin results for Grants Gibs, no.
forgot to post their site

Do you understand how small one degree of warming is? Here's how to experience a climate one degree warmer:

Get in your electric powered car, drive it 200 miles south (if you're in the nice northern hemisphere), park it legally, get out.

Oh noes! The earth's a hell-hole, nothing could survive/adapt to this. Help me mother!

Here's how to adapt: be wealthy. Here's how not to adapt: give all your money away in carbon taxes and wealth distribution, replace all your cheap fossil fueled energy with expensive unreliable windmills and solar panels.

Expensive renewables are killing real people now, poor old people who have to choose between heating and eating in winter, because the greenies have made their energy too expensive.

the people on the left have just as much money involved to be bias.

The great sin of the climate movement was to become politically partisan or allow their message to become a partisan message, whenever politics became involved they should've withdrawn and came back again with a bipartisan message. Have leftists talk to leftists have right wingers talk to right wingers. Amazing how all leftists use it as a way to attack capitalism and ruin western civilization for the chance at an insane Marxist utopia.

*marxist distopia.

But I'm sure they'll think it's equality+ as they throw any naysayers into the gulag or reeducation camps.

>unrecoverable famine
I'm not a communist, but climate change conspiracy theorists have promised the end of the world already happened a dozen times by now. Even the Mayans couldn't get it right.

It might happen, it might not, but all the money in the world won't fix it and your sort generally aren't really interested in saving the world anyway. You really want to reduce CO2 emissions with a compromise that doesn't imply you have any human rights to my wallet? Simply stop doling out welfare and stop doling out foreign aid. The people who haven't earned it consume less, breed less, die a bit more if they can't adjust, and all that food you had to transport with the trucks and the planes and the boats, they're not burning fuel anymore.

You won't do that though because 'muh humanitarianism' that just so happens to generally vote democrat. You will 'literally destroy the world' if you can't own it.

The IPCC is funded through the UN, so this image is complete bullshit.
Also most of the climate scientists are just thrilled their niche field has been hoisted to the world stage and will say a lot of things to stay in the limelight (and continue to get their research funded). :^)

Prove a tea kettle isn’t in orbit around Neptune right now
>pro tip: you can’t

I know what they don't do:
Publicly state that their subject of research is phony, solely based on notoriously unusable computer simulation and fear mongering.
A gender "scientist" won't say that anything above 2 genders is bullshit and a climate scientist won't say that AGW is just the result of some computer games based on incomplete and biased models.

>NPC is about programmed thoughts
Like yours, Jews bad NPC

>hurr durr semantics argument
Best ya got?

>mfw people on the Internet tell me I'm a fraud trying to bully the poor Coal and Oil billionaire tycoons
>mfw I'm working 55+/week and surviving on ramen and coffee

>using semantics as an argument
Solid argument. Definitely not reflective of a lack of deeper thought

I'm just saying, the earth is not fragile at all, we're arrogant in thinking we could take on mother nature.
Humans actually think they can stop climate change lmao.
We should prepare for the coming climate change instead of trying to stop it, because it will come and we can't stop it.

>global temperatures raising by a single degree is the same as local temperature raising
>false equivalence fallacy
Do you think state and federal governments are the same thing? Your elected Sheriff is the same as the UN?
You’re comparing a micro event with a macro event.

>my preprogrammed mass media talking points are what playable characters believe and you dumb NPC
nice cope

>allow their message to become partisan
Except it’s not. The right side of the aisle is who decided science was political.

The reason "Green Energy" is so expensive;
Millions of barrels of Abiotic Petroleum are burned
yearly to strip mine for Monazite, from which Rare Earth Elements are extracted using tens of thousands more barrels of Abiotic Oil.
These are then manufatcured in to solar panels using thousands more barrels of Abiotic Oil.
These radioactive R.E.E.'s in solar panels decrepitate quickly, making it needful to buy more panels frequently.
Same process with wind turbines, except wind turbines have fun bonuses.
they explode and burn on a regular basis, sending toxic smoke in to the atmosphere, and scattering massive shrapnell across the countryside.
They are also very short lived and have extremely high maintenance / replacement costs.
They leak highly toxic coolant and lubricant all over early in life, and utility companies just keep du,mping more in.
They broadcast this with centrifugal force, turning them in to giant toxic waste sprinklers.
Oh yeah fun bonus; they are Bird Whackers, and will result in the extinction of Golden Eagles, Ospreys, and so on.
Forgot to mention, it would be exponentially cheaper and more environmentally sound to just use the Abiotic Oil to manufacture electricity, and totally bypass the Green Energy Scam.
You might wanna copypasta this kids, I am an ACTUAL SCIENTIST who works for a living, and do not have time to type this again in the future.

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He's pointing out that you asking someone to prove a negative is disingenous because it assumes your claim is true by default.

>everyone I don’t agree with is funded by people I don’t like NPC

IQ as a concept and the differences between racial populations is established science
are you telling me you're anti science user?

>red herring fallacy

>Such as? What’s the comparison in terms of money donations?
Irrelevant. Just because my dick is bigger doesn't mean you don't screw the pooch sometimes.
>It’s literally the philosophy of science. Einstein was famous because he disagreed with Newton
But even though Einstein disagreed with Newton, it's impossible for some faggots in white coats to disagree with your philosophy, or simply not be corrupted by financial gain? Oh Science above, how dare I, a bigot, question the unquestionable arbiters of our society, the priestly scientists?
>The Environmental Protection Agency wasn't meant to Protect the Environment because it was made by a Republican. You're a retard.
You're projecting.

You still can't prove scientifically that you exist lmao.

OP is right! If we don’t do something, Florida will be under water before 2010!!

>gender scientist
No such field. I believe you’re referring to a sociologis, and that argument is an attempt to connect two separate fields.
>won’t come out and say a whole field is phony
Probably because science revolves around repeated, testable results.
>computer simulations
Oceanic temperature measurements are not simulations.

That's not the question.
Maybe it is happening.
What will be the results? It is highly improbable that these will all be negative.
What should be done about it? Putting the global economy under central planning does not look very intelligent to me.

>Do you understand how small one degree of warming is? Here's how to experience a climate one degree warmer:
That 1 degree global warming means multiple degree local warming. Summers that were 30 average degrees are now 40 average degrees.

Also 1 degree warming already happened. 2 degrees will happen if we act now to stop climate change. If we do nothing like Trump wants, we will end up with 4 to 8 degree warming. If 1 degree warming causes summers to be 40 degrees then I don't even want to know what 4 degree warming will bring. It will make currently habitable places, hell on earth.

>claims everyone funded by a private business is evil

Clearly you’re a leftwing retard who has no idea how businesses work

>humans actually think they can stop climate change
Nobody said that

>media bad NPC

Totally agreeing with you, fission ain't the ideal, but it's the best we have at the time being. We can control the energy chain from the beginning 'til the end with care. Fusion energy is still in research to save the day. ITER will be finished in 2~3 years. Research will be greatly accelerated..

Well, when your country debt is closing to 100% of the GDP, you have to do something about your financial policy. I don't want my country's debt to be bought by Jewish-China.

What's the purpose of creating this thread OP? If you really cared about anthropogenic climate change, you'd turn off your computer right now and sell your car.

>making up retarded strawman arguments

You’re doing a great job of convincing people, keep it up

How? You usually can’t prove negatives, correct?

Except the claim has the vast amount of scientific evidence behind it. The comparisons are not equivalent due to the fact that the evidence is pointed toward the existence of climate change, rather than against it. Thus, it’s an accepted fact in academic circles

Temperature measurements say nothing about causes and effects. The whole theory is solely based on simulations of highly chaotic systems.

>applies the same standards back to you

Well done on being a retard

The Oceans are not rising, they are falling.
Earth is loosing water via H20 molecular decay.
What does hydrogen do? it rises.
Earth will become Mars.
t. Real Scientist.

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Yea man if we don’t get on this the North Pole will melt by 2012 at the latest.

>this implies

No it doesn’t, you’re retarded

>but you don’t understand their field

Clearly you don’t

>too dumb to address his point so just claims it’s semantics


>he listens to the media in the year of our lord 2016+2

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>Prove the Earth is a sphere
The simple fact that you can’t see New York from London with a telescope.

3rd option. Governments are filled with corrupt assholes who want to destroy industry in order to impoverish the people and enact communism.