How do you know if your present girlfriend pr fiancee is a massive roastie slut who has had several previous sexual encounters? Can you expect them to tell you the truth if you ask them directly?
Pic related is a poor lad who realised 2 years into his engagement. Notice how all the female posters (i checked their comment history but blurred the name, they are all female) react. Is he unreasonable?
Is this a recent post? Surely there are people telling him he's right to be disgusted too?
To answer your question, pretend like you're nonjudgmental about it so she'll be honest
Leo Long
kvetching over things that you have no control over that happened well outside of the jurisdiction of your limited world-view are exactly why you fucktards will remain lifelong incels.
Matthew Brown
Marry a woman that has feared the wrath of God all her life or don't bother at all. t. Atheist disguised as a Catholic
The man is a cuck for thinking he should have a pure wife when he himself isn't a virgin.
Caleb Allen
>getting married
What’s the big deal he was basically already a cuck anyway
Aaron Young
So much this. Don't tell a girl exactly how conservative you are. They'll tell you anything as long as they don't believe they'll be judged for it. Which is what women hate the most seemingly.
Wyatt Ramirez
Said the degenerate expat who can only get gook women LMAO.
Julian Hernandez
i want more women npc memes. why hasnt this been done before?
Jason Campbell
You can never be sure, but it is important to discern in the first couple dates by divulging an exaggerated history of your own sexual history to create an atmosphere of non-judgement so that she will divulge hers.
Also: -smokes -drinks -active social media -non-religious/ non-religious family -bad relationship with father or mother
If you guys want to understand the intersection of incel and nationalism, pretty much read this blog for the last 5 years. It will do wonders for your English vocabulary too:
Make sure to find out what student groups she was part of, what charity work she has done, what jobs she has done etc.
Find out what she thinks about abortion. Pro-choice correlated with being a massive whore or NPC.
Aaron Morris
>"take your diseases and marry the cock addict, goy." Those comments, though. Holy shit. The pathetic part is "his" concession to a certain degree of whorishness. "his" is in quotes because this thing is not a man. I've dropped sluts in a heartbeat with zero remorse for far less and I have a great family as a result. My brother married a girl with 40 dicks under her belt and now has a stepchild, 3 kids WITH her, and they fight nonstop and have the state constantly on them to take their kids as a result while they live out of a trailer. The difference acknowledging the standards encoding in your DNA and making tough calls EARLY ON makes. A man makes those calls for the good of the children he doesn't even have yet. A beta pussy puts a ring on anything he can shove his dick in consistently and takes all the shit that comes with the snatch. Which do we have here?
Brayden Sanchez
Also: dumb whore compares how she is about her boyfriend having railed a ton of sloots with a "mans" PoV. It's not the same. Women are wired to be property, to have their man fucking 6 other women at the same fucking time as they're getting fucked, men are wired to OWN a woman completely and accept zero outside cock. Feminists deny the ever loving fuck out of basic biology.
>women npc memes The rare redundancy trifecta. All three of those words mean the same thing, user.
Michael Richardson
he describes himself as "sexually liberal" so he deserves it don't support women being sluts than complaining about it when your wife is one
James Jones
>follow this advice >she's actually a great girl with standards >she's disgusted in YOU >threw away a rare quality woman with a shit test >tfw you're the woman >tfw she finds a man who doesn't have to play mindgames to get at who she is >tfw no gf
>If shes swedish she for sure is Where does the "all swedish girls are sluts" meme come from? Ive lived here my entire life and most girls just monkey branch from one relationship to the next
Nicholas Gray
If a woman was promiscuous when she was really young for a summer or two and was smart enough to work out that the gratification from this doesn't last, that she doesn't like being disrespected and that it's not healthy, ok - fine. Not ideal but look at the context we're in. We've all come here from somewhere.
But the orgy thing. That doesn't suggest youthful, spontaneous exuberance. Sex clubs... maybe a young, naive person wanting to 'prove' themselves would do this, but it's all pretty fucking gross.
If she's over 25 and still acting out, she's going to be a total cunt regardless of muh newfound fidelity.
Parker Sanchez
All Western European women. Danish women in some ways moreso than others (porn came from Denmark, don't forget).
Even if the women stay in relationships, what fucking difference does that make? They still do throatfucking, oral sex, anal sex, etc. They still have had 10+ sexual partners.
Wyatt Reyes
Post about in on R*ddit and see if the females support you or the woman. If they support the woman, dump her.
Carson Collins
>I'll take "things that never happened" for 500, Terry
Connor Diaz
Reddit OC Chad dumps roastie for getting a tattoo >immediately has another date >roastie gets another tattoo on impulse >roastie cuts off her hair >shes a cat lady (previous posts) >she in therapy (previous posts)
>Even if the women stay in relationships, what fucking difference does that make? Speaking from my own preference whores are fun, picking up a girl and fucking the same day is fun and exciting. A relationship monkey brancher isnt fun at all because she spends 90% of her existence in a relationship and you wont get laid unless you get lucky and catch her between boyfriends and commit to her
Complete overreaction, she could have had another date instead >inb4 no good men Pic related, even a hambeast can land a 7/10 guy
Same thing with her circadian rhythm -- is she a morning person.
Also: her 2D:4D ratio give you an idea of how much testosterone she was exposed to in the womb.
Women and men have different standards. If you're reasonably certain she's a good girl, the couch it in the language of 'going through a phase'
I've cut it off with chicks for getting a tattoo against my wishes. I've cut it off with chicks for not agreeing to a sub role. I've cut it off with chicks for not quitting smoking.
If you want women to respect you and you want respect from women, you have to have standards AND enforce them.
Wyatt Gutierrez
More The idea of a European Military didn’t work out too well in W.W. I or 2. But the U.S. was there for you, and always will be. All we ask is that you pay your fair share of NATO. Germany is paying 1% while the U.S. pays 4.3% of a much larger GDP - to protect Europe. Fairness!
Parker Miller
This, wise advice
Justin Flores
>>that she doesn't like being disrespected they want a man that doesn't respect them, the thing is, they also want this man to love them too
No woman wants a man that respects them. They want a superior man. Someone to literally and figuratively look up to.
Luke Ortiz
>All three of those words mean the same thing, user. Underrated truth
Jacob Sanchez
Let's go back to the ancients
Ephesians 5:22-33 King James Version (KJV)
22 Wives, SUBMIT yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, LOVE your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
John Allen
She is supposed to be your subordinate, but your role is to die for her.
Oliver Hernandez
What do you mean by "that doesn't respect them"? If for example she says that if I don't go to the disco with her she'll leave me and I reply with " I will never go to such places,I'm going to gym" or "If you smoke,do drugs or drink I'll leave you immediately,is this considered " not respecting her" or for example if she slaps me and I slap her (not too strong because I might kill her),answer please
>he thinks girl openly show what they do behind closed doors >behind these closed doors there are a small percentage of men, a secret club if you will that are smashing tons of women >most guys have no clue about this world, I assure you it exists.
it's all theirs. for what's about to come, the last thing I would want is VD for when there is no doctors or penicillin
My sexual behaviour changed radically after my first STD
Owen Brooks
Ah i see, this is a more reasonable explanation than my lived expereice of girls swapping out bfs every few months from ~14 A secret club for men to fuck tons of women, ofc
Kayden Reyes
Gtfo we never wanted your jewish help, speaking as south-east slav
Carson Jackson
I’ve been with my wife since we were 14. We’re the only people we’ve slept with and we have two children. Hate to break it you anons, but if you don’t get her whilst you’re in school, you’re never going to find a girl who hasn’t had more sausage than a butchers dog.
Gavin Torres
>Can you expect them to tell you the truth if you ask them directly?
No. I'm so pissed at women that I actually am rooting for them to win at this point. Like, my understanding of their bewitching men out of their money and purposefully ruining their lives over time. Like how alcoholism starts with the drink feeling good, ends with you dying. The concept here is the same and it is so clear, I now see every man that falls for it as deserving.
You should probably stop worrying about it and marry her.
Ryan Bennett
>you should stop worrying about it Is it that dire, Gandalf?
>You'd better learn sum skills sun Exploitive research knowledge required here, before ever moving into relationship w/a women. These tail-tail findings express themselves all the time. >Better learn to read the tea leaves Jcaho'
Blake Lee
Most beautiful truth that mankind has forgotten or devalued