The truth about why you're single

Hello, fellow men. Unless you don't approach women at all or are clinically retarded. You don't have a gf because you're not cute enough.

Pic related is a fake tinder bio where the guy has a swastika. He gets 363 matches and the number of a lot of girls just because he's hot. His face being the main reason.
It's not about confidence. In these videos they make another fake profile with a hot guy, during chats he talks about having depression and he treats the women like shit. He STILL gets their attention and love.

do NOT keep believing the bullshit people feed you here about pick-up artistry, stupid nit-picky specific things you should avoid, "make them laugh"

Attached: BsODyIB.jpg (4228x2944, 478K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Men need to stop wasting their time wandering in circles with stupid lies they are fed here.

>I'm an enormous faggot

why dont ugly people just get plastic surgery???

>I like wasting people's time


What do you think you're doing replying to me


>hot people are attractive

Thank for the memo, user.

Let me guess.
You're a super badass 7foot big dick genius who's got a really funny reply roasting me anytime I say anything.
Oh I'm sorry mister badass, I apologize.

It's an app for anonymous sex tinder bitches take anything with a pulse

You realize you cant bump your own thread

Even 365 women are still anecdotal.
Those women chose to use and app known for quick hookups devoid of emotional attachment.
They are most likely low on morals and personal respect.
So the true "lesson" in your """Study""" is to find a women who does not use dating websites, does not have one night stands, and has well defined morals.

Fuck off Jow Forums. It’s not some big secret that being attractive makes it easier to get with people. But that fact is not going to stop me from pursuing women


It's a lot more than that and you know it.

If you’re paying, I will get some...

These results are extremely cherry picked
Not good data

>Implying these standards don't apply to any demographic, nerdy or not.
>Implying only dumb thots use tinder
If you look at these videos you clearly find men that had these problems even before tinder existed.

That is literally it. He is hot, girls are attracted to him.

So you’re still a virgin...

That's the fact of the matter.
But this has an important conclusion, that men should not waste their time going around in circles with bullshit dating advice and long speeches about why they are still single.

Oh, I'm sorry, I missed out on the study with a lot more participants you have that refutes this. Enlighten me.


And you shouldn't waste your time on a Sudanese sword-swallowing imageboard, but you don't see me killing a thread over it

Well, there is a difference between "girls are attracted to hot guys" and "girls are attracted only to hot guys".

I personally have been attracted to guys I'd consider 3/10s because of how amazing they were to be around.

If you are single it is probably a combination of poor looks, poor personality and poor social skills - possibly combined with other external factors like where you live and such.

Bad analogy.
There are a lot more people wasting time with pick-up shit than Sudanese sword-swallowing

There are ugly guys who get girls.
There are also guys who jump off buildings and survive.
The point is.
Looks are the MAIN REASON for being single.
And all these experiments prove that.
And men should not wander in the desert of pick-up art advice, thinking about what to say and what not to say, where to go and all that massive amount of literature as to what they're doing wrong.

And the first advice usually is to improve your looks as much as possible.

If you don't have great looks, it helps to know ways to pick up girls or techniques to help with social anxiety and such.

Especially since many things they advise men to do/not to do is completely irrelevant in the eyes of women when you are attractive.

Watch as women laugh at this dude saying
"I've worked at target for 3 months"

But the point of this thread is not pushed nearly enough as it should in this board, and the result is massive delusion.

I agree with you.
But personally I think it's absolutely humiliating and undignified to try and get girls with "techniques" when they most often decide in about 10 seconds if they want to fuck you or not.

It is better to live a solitary life and wait for women to approach you.


It is up to them to decide if they prefer to not try or to try and get rejected, not to you.
Getting advice that might help you increase your chances to get girls is good.

My boyfriend went for the solitary life and wait for women to approach you and he is a rich 8/10, and he was single for most of his 20s. If he tried a little, he could have had every woman he wanted.
I am glad he didn't try because he ended up with me, but it is a pretty uneventful life.

Shameless bump.

>It is up to them to decide if they prefer to not try or to try and get rejected, not to you.
It is.
I am merely informing them.
They can read what I write and decide for themselves what to do.
>"also my bf is 8/10 and rich"
Women on average are rated 3 points more than the men of equivalent attraction level (in percentage) that they rate.

Did you read any further than that?
>he was single for most of his 20s

My only other boyfriend was probably a 3 or 4/10 and he cheated on me.

Yes I read it.
An 8/10 guy got a girlfriend easily after going after one.
What did I say that contradicts this?
In fact, right in the beggining of the thread I wrote: "Unless you don't approach women at all or are clinically retarded..."

I did all the going after, he doesn't talk to people and is heavily introverted.

I was simply implying that unless you are very attractive, I don't see women coming after you.

Fucking trannie, take your spam elsewhere.

Girl here, this is a blatant lie.

9/10 times, it is because the single guy is too shy to ask anyone out, or consistently goes for girls who would never be interested in his type in the first place. There are plenty of girls who fall into the awkward category of "not quite ugly/ whale who gets picked up because she is turbo desperate, but also not pretty or cute enough to be the "ideal girl".". It is the 5/10s who just kinda gets overlooked. I have several friends in that category, and most gets hooked up through friends exclusively.

So an 8/10 guy didn't even have to move to get a gf.
Thanks for providing further evidence for my claims. This is starting to be too good to be true. Are you larping?

Thanks for the bump.

Bullshit. This is extremely rare and a waste of time.

There was even a club that banned self proclaimed pick up artists because they were uglier men, yet attractive men that talk to women randomly get a whole different response from them.


Can we amend this thread so that when we say "women" we're referring to generally attractive women? Getting laid by fat and/or ugly women is not in question, right?

I was never disagreeing with you in the first place.

Attractive men are attractive and attract girls. If you are not attractive to begin with, you better do something about it or, in general, try the best ways to charm girls.

My bf happened to be attractive.

>My bf happened to be attractive

seeWomen have a smaller sexual libido than men.
Statistics on tinder suggest:
80% of women go to top 20% of men
Women swipe right 15% of the time´
Men do it 47%
>But tinder is just sluts
This behaviour is probably the same even for women in libraries, maybe only a slight difference.

>"Woops! Got myself an 8/10 rich guy for a boyfriend!"

*Women have a smaller sexual libido than men, men are more desperate.

Yeah, I am not going to chase a 3/10 with a mediocre personality. I get them to hit on me all the time. If I go out of my way to chase someone, it is a top tier guy.

ITT: Generalizing, black and white thinking, mind reading, predicting the future.

thanks for the bump.

>" I get 3/10's to hit on me all the time but idgaf about them."
Precisely the degrading shit I tell men not to do here.


Another bump! :)

So what do you need advice on?

I understand, but it is funny that you prove OP's point so well. The only girl in the thread is in total agreement. Hurts my heart a bit, but it is still humorous in a dark way.

I'm going to go jerk off to prettier women than I can ever hope for irl on /gif/ now. Again.

How can I get you to bump my thread again?

>"Schuks, OP, don't be like that"
>*sucks 8/10 rich husband's cock*


Are you justifying girls being willing to have NSA sex with a guy with a swastika tattoo?

So being a subpar man is WORSE than being a supporter of an ideology responsible for the deaths of millions?

Women are not bright.

Nobody in America actually cares about Jews, despite how big of a deal the ADL may make it out to be.

Also, she says she's been "attracted" 3/10 guys.
She did NOT say she fucked them.
Keep that in mind.

I'm not attractive at all. I'm 6'4" but I'm super overweight and pretty socially awkward but I'm also a touring musician and, from what I've heard, pretty funny. I don't have an issue with women in the slightest. I've had several long term girlfriends but for the most part I just kind of stick to hook ups and casual relationships because I'm on the road so much. My looks weren't my strong suit so I found what I was good at it, made it my passion and watched women flood in. Seeing as how both of our evidence is purely anecdotal then what is your actual excuse for not attracting women? All one has to do is stick their head outside and you'd see all sorts of fucked up guys with girlfriends. This kind of mentality always baffled me because believing it requires purposefully ignoring the literal millions of exceptions to your supposed rule that are right in front of your face. I can't imagine having to shore up the defenses of my own denial so frequently.


look up "jews in media" in google images.


i bagged a girl last week who is clearly out of my league and i didn’t even mean to, now we are talking and i plan on dating her for a while

i don’t want to marry her or anything, just in it for the ride

life’s a ride, op

enjoy it

>Women are not bright.
Speaking of not bright, has it occurred to you that perhaps not 100% of the women overlooked the swastika tattoo but either didn't notice it or perhaps were attracted to it? You're operating under the assumption that every girl was a non-racist who saw the tattoo and decided that having sex with a hot guy was more important than not associating with Nazis while completely ignoring the very legitimate reality that people are attracted to other people with similar ideologies. You don't think that maybe some of the girls who hit him up were themselves a tad racist? Without individually interviewing each girl you have no clue why they decided converse with him. You're merely filling in the gaps of information with your own assumptions so that the whole experiment fits your narrative that women are shallow and ignorant. You really gotta take a step back and use your thinking cap before you start saying other people aren't bright, user.

>This thread is bullshit, I'm 6'4 and have lots of women
You're face is probably more attractive that what you'd like to admit here.
>" what is your actual excuse for not attracting women"´
Implying not attracting women is something immoral that I need to justify.
I don't interact much with them.
I had a tinder, swiped everybody right and only few matches from ugly women.
I've tried to hit on 2 women with no luck.
I work out. A lot. I'm very fit. I'm a good student.
I'm 5'7 though, not very pretty (a 6/10 maybe)

I'm a lot happier not chasing after them.

good point. Ugly men are good $$$ providers, but for fun, girls want a bad boy chad.


Nice strawman. They didn’t make any mention of justifying NSA sex, just who they were attracted to and why.

Stop acting like an incel.

>"They didn't see the swastika"
Maybe 1% of the 363 matches he got in a week tops.

He was literally asked if that was a swastika tattoo.

I've never understood threads like these. Where the fuck do most of you all live? Just walk around in any big city and you'll see ton a of ugly dudes with good looking gf's. Maybe go outside and try to get one instead of sitting at home crying about how girls won't date you.

Attached: e1RoF.jpg (383x500, 29K)

>You're face is probably more attractive that what you'd like to admit here.
Excuses, excuses.
>Implying not attracting women is something immoral that I need to justify.
Read the post again. That isn't even close to what I was implying. Choosing to not chase women is a personal choice that needs no justification. Using an amateurish, anecdotal "study" to validate your incendiary generalizations on an entire gender because you, personally, don't understand why other men get women and you don't is idiotic scapegoating that requires at the very minimum some kind of half ass attempt at acknowledging the basic scientific method. If your assertion is that anecdotal exceptions have no bearing on your equally anecdotal "rules" then I'd really suggest you sign up for some night classes and take your stupid ass back to school because your whole argument is the opposite of logically sound.

What’s the harm in trying anyways? Seems like laziness to me if you don’t approach women.

Pulling numbers out of your ass eh?
In one message, yes. What about the rest? Again, are you asserting that it isn't possible that some of the girls were attracted to swastika as opposed to overlooking it? Is it out of the realm of possibility that racists are attracted to each other? See, the funny thing about "studies" that have no sort of controls to account for correlation versus causation is that you can literally jam any causation you want into the equation and the numbers will always be the same because there's no information to confirm it either way.

>Using an amateurish, anecdotal "study"
Some of the studies of the videos I posted are made by serious psychologists. Others involve LOTS of people, mainly the ones made by tinder addressed by the channel Colttaine. you clearly see LOTS of women being surveyed in the videos.

>because you, personally, don't understand why other men get women and you don't
Realize how this thread is actually more directed to other men who waste their time here.
I don't get women because I think it's fucking degrading to go after people who probably don't give a shit about me because of how tall I am and the way I look, for something that isn't even that good (a relationship)
If I was attractive enough, I would have already fucked PLENTY of women on tinder, I would also have pulled off the other women I hit on.

The only thing I ever see if fat girls with fit and skelly guys.

Essentially the cost of entry for being a woman is 0, while being a man there are a ton of hoops to jump through.

God forbid you're not at minimum 6ft. Women are trash, thats why you always seem them whining about their boyfriends they'd rather be treated like shit by someone in OPs pic, than be in a mutually loving relationship.

Sounds like a mental disorder if I've ever heard of one.

By the way. I do have a girlfriend of 5 years.

You know what I mean by 1%.

>"Attracted to the swastika"
363 neonazi girls.
The possibilities you are proposing are a lot more far fetched than ours.
It is WAY more reasonable and likely that they forgot about the swastika when they looked at his face than that they were literal fucking nazis, or that they were attracted to the idea of being stupid enough to put a fucking swastika on his arm.

Actually it was referenced in 2/5 messages. And what would make you happy in terms of one of these "studies?" I've always wanted to do one where I use two guys and say the exact same thing, but then again that would be too obvious. The thing isn't even about racism. It is about how women overlook bad traits in men if they're attractive enough. Plus, you're assuming that these girls are some Neo nazi alt right group of women, when it would be safer to assume they're of the Hillary Clinton liberal college girl persuasion.

Why do you people try to cope so hard? Just admit women are literally garbage.

>Bio of attractive guy who claims to take anti-depressants gets lots of girls
>Women literally laugh at "I work at target for 3 months" because guy is cute
>Lots of dating shows where women reject guys strictly for looks
>Ugly guys literally get banned from clubs for pick-up artistry while chads get away with almost anything
>Women saying that would pay a criminal to rape them
>"It's correlation, not causation"
Keep telling yourself that.

>Some of the studies of the videos I posted are made by serious psychologists.
>serious psychologists.

Ok... Let me give you a bit of a crash course in basic logic here. Lets say I have a study that says "80% of the people that walk onto my car lot buy the Ford Focus". Now, the Ford company (who has an obvious bias concerning the sales of their cars so is keen to pick a favorable causation to their narrative) puts out an ad that says "80% of people think the Ford Focus is the best car on the lot!"

Lets examine that. Objectively, all we know is that 80% of the people who walked on to the lot bought the Focus but those numbers take on a completely different characterization when you actually attempt to make a connection between correlation and causation. What was the price of the other cars on the lot? If the Ford Focus was the cheapest car there then wouldn't that have an effect on its sales? What about the median income of the people who were shopping during the time of the study? Was it a new car lot? Used car lot? Did that particular model have a special financing deal or sale that day that contributed to its high numbers? You see what I'm getting at here? Trying to assert causation in absence of any actual proof is illogical. Anybody can just come up with any reason why the numbers are what they are and insert it because there isn't enough data to neither confirm nor disprove it. So, again, any assertion you have about WHY these 300+ women matched with this person is anecdotal speculation. If you tried to write a paper on this topic that met even the most basic principals of scientific method you'd get an F.

It's a lot more absurd and it requires a lot more rethoric to shift these studies into your conclusions than to ours.
You clearly have also not watched any of Colttaine's videos, where he gets more precise with the variables.

Are you literally an incel who is trying to find reasons for not getting girls? It's not that superficial most of the time, and tinder is a bad measurement since it's hooking up for sex (more superficial), not realtionships which are based on more than a nice face

Attached: 1526974525506.jpg (600x832, 89K)

Another one.
If you watched any of the videos you would know these are preferences for women, even when they are looking for long term affairs.

I would bet money that even women that go to church would have these preferences.

>If I was attractive enough, I would have already fucked PLENTY of women on tinder
Your excuse isn't everybody else's excuse. If that is what you choose to believe then that is fine but stop pretending as if you're representative of some objective rule because you aren't. Just like this guy said all you have to do is stick your head outside and see that your narrative doesn't pan out in reality.

I'm not okay with being an ATM thank you very much, my dick still works for now and I'd like to use it.

>So desperate to believe a narrative that you actually think reality dating shows are reality.
wew lad
>Actually it was referenced in 2/5 messages
Ok, so 2/5 displayed on the photo versus 300+ total messages?
>Plus, you're assuming that these girls are some Neo nazi alt right group of women
False, OP's implication was that the women who matched purposefully overlooked the swastika due to their shallowness and I merely provided an explanation that he purposefully excluded because it didn't fit his narrative.
>when it would be safer to assume they're of the Hillary Clinton liberal college girl persuasion.
Keyword is "assume"
>Why do you people try to cope so hard?
Cope with what, not having a problem with women?
>The possibilities you are proposing are a lot more far fetched than ours.
Keyword is "possibilities", nowhere did I assert that all 363 of them were neo nazis. That was your weak strawman, not mine. Like I said in , you can try to insert your own causation all you want but the fact is there's no data to proove it. You're purposefully excluding other factors because they don't support your narrative.

They aren't all ATM's buddy. It's actually true that a personality goes a long way with women. I've been going to the same bar for about 15 years and I've seen a lot of people come and ago. A few of them stick around and I've gotten to know them and they're people that make like 30k/year yet they're still pulling some pretty good looking girls despite not being lookers themselves but when I see them you can tell the girl is having a good time. I'm just over there being a good looking guy who makes almost 100k/year but I'm also a huge asshole so I've been single for 5 years now and will continue to be till I change my attitude.

Most people aren't rich. Most people aren't good looking. Most people are still able to find a partner. Stop crying.

Why do you care how many times it gets bumped?
Is this making you happy?

>Hello, please watch my gay ass video for retards and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and smash dat bell for notifications



kinda this

most dudes who cry about being ugly just have severe dysmorphia and/or are too self-centered to do anything to improve their image.

If you've got dumb lego hair then fuckin comb your hair and put gel in it or grow it out or shave it off, if you're fat lose some weight, if you're skinny put on some muscles, etc.

If your chin or nose or whatever is THAT fucked up to the point where it's socially crippling then yeah go get that shit fixed as well

That's just the type of people who would use Tinder.

It's an app for one night stands, what do you expect.

>bitches take anything with a pulse

Lmao no. Even a 4/10 whale whore still wants a 10/10 chad.

I'm not one to beat off about the good old days of decades I know nothing about because I wasn't even born yet but it seems like a generation or two ago ugly people would just date and get married. Like some tall balding idiot with shitty teeth and his fat wife who borderline has down's syndrome but nooot quite. they were perfect for each other. Even in my day, the 90s and early 2000s you still had awkward ugly people hooking upbut they were managing to mask most of it with goth make-up and whatever.

then with shit like MGTOW and incels and on the other hand SJWs who are dodecahedrasexuals and bingo-gendered those same ugly idiots are suddenly too good for each other.

Attached: 1518311131155.jpg (2048x1865, 519K)

This isn’t pol faggot

>Unless you don't approach women at all
this is me
women are very cruel and the consequences of attempting are real
do I need a therapist to get over this?

>do I need a therapist to get over this?

Attracting women is definitely a skill though. I can certainly say I've become better at it by putting effort and consideration into learning.