i met a girl online from russia. we were supposed to meet in real life. i am american. she got a plane ticket to fly to me about a week ago. it had 1 stop. the 1 stop was in europe. she told me that she is being detained in europe and can't go to usa because there is an issue with paperwork. according to her she has been detained for ONE WEEK. is this scenario possible? i think she is either a scammer, got cold feet, or this situation is real :( please help
I met a girl online from russia. we were supposed to meet in real life. i am american...
>think she is either a scammer, got cold feet, or this situation is real :( please help
I can tell you with absolute confidence that it is one of those three
desu if she were a scammer, it would make more sense to continue on to US for the free shit.
the fact she's still contacting OP and not just ditching him (for the relatively free flight to Europe) means there's some chance OP isn't scammed
Who bought the ticket?
It might be a scam.
Is on to something though, who bought the ticket? If she did, then she might be real.
But if you did, You got catfished my man, sorry dude
Kinda strange because if she is transiting through Europe directly there would be no passport control there. Only in Russia and US, unless she was going to leave the airport in Europe in which case she would have needed a visa anyway. She should not even have been allowed to board the plane in Russia if she had no valid visa.
Just don't send money
i sent her money on paypal for everything... its easy to refund on paypal... so if she was catfishing/scamming... its pretty pointless since i will get the money back.
first rule of online dating
stay away from the eastern european women
even if they arent a scammer, theyre a golddigger, the chances of a real decent girl are so low youd be better off trying to find a straw of hay in a needle stack the size of russia
you fucking idiot.
I fucking love it
We want a followup.
Let me guess, you sent money to this person and now they're gone
>detained in Europe
Highly suspicious. How did this happen?
there is passport control for Russian through Europe dumbass
Way to miss the point you idiot. If "she" is only transferring then there is no passport control at most airports because she can go from gate to gate without entering Schengen. Only if she wants to enter Europe is there passport control.
Where in Europe? I'm sure some anons are nearby her and can help.
Yeah. Just Paypal me a couple hundred to cover any fines she might have incurred.
is she still chatting with you OP?
he's gullible enough "she" probably figures to swindle him out of another thou
We want updates.