Ok, I've been having to deal with some fucker for almost 2 years and I need some advice.
>Be me
>Usual school routine, getting from period to period, etc.
>People give me odds looks while in the hallway, as if I slaughtered 3 cats (In which I didn't, of course), while I'm wondering why they're looking at me like that.
>I find out a few periods later that some fucker who tried to slander my name once, has just again slandered my name with a fake snapshot account, due to someone showing me the "so called account"
>Had to prove that wasn't my account to people who asked, etc. It was a fucking nightmare enough to have to convince people
>Pissed off at the fucker, yet he's always surrounded by people so I can't do anything to get back at the fucker. Can't fight him, etc.
>Several months pass since the second time he's slandered me, I'm chilling out a bit, trying to think of ideas to ruin this fuckers reputation without having to look like I'm involved.
>Then it happened
>After I'm just about to give up on trying to get back at this fucker, during 5th period, me and my girl get into an argument, just because I asked about her grades.
>Then while I'm at home, since we we broke up a few hours later, she is trying to be clingy and is trying to "win me back"
>"user, please. Just tell your parents i'm sorry, seriously!"
>"No, they don't like you after that other stupid shit you pulled on me earlier."
>The next few days later (This was yesterday btw), when I go to meet her to say hi, since I felt bad about her being a bit depressed, I was being given a note that had my parent's last name on it.
>"What the fuck? I told you that my parents don't like you, we talked about this"
>"Ok you know what, fuck you, user!"
>I walked away after that and she kept on msging me during the day stupid shit, like "You're a fucking failure in a relationship" and "Does breaking a girls heart feel good or what? It suits you", shit people say when they're in the stages of grief.
(Part 1)
A problem i've been facing
(Part 2)
>I then mention her manipulative childhood bully, oh how i managed to make connections with them so that if needed, I'll be able to take the manipulative slandering fuckboy that tried to slander my name down.
>"Try it and you'll die"
>That message fucking hit me like a train.
>I think to myself "Was this bitch cheating on me?" before I came to the conclusion that she was.
>my entire trust for anyone fucking broke, and now not only am I in some shit for people slandering my name and people believing that slander, but now it's gotten to the point where I have no one to back me up, etc.
>Been depressed ever since, but still not giving up on trying to take this fucker down.
So, Any advice on how to take this fucker down for ruining my relationship and slandering my name, Jow Forums?
Wtf did I just read?
The problem i've been facing. Do you have any advice as what I can do that can help me?
What the fuck are you rambling about
some dude slandered my name for the second time and now because of that, that managed to fuck up my relationship, since im still trying to think of ways to ruin this guys reputation without getting involved in too much of a major conflict. Do you got any suggestions?
Why the fuck didn't you just use that in the beginning instead of wasting everyone's time on your bullshit greentext, retarded underage user?
As for the mean bully, tell your mommy about it.
Exactly. All I want to do is to get this fucker to feel him regret fucking with me and i just need some advice on how to do this. Like is there any method I can try at all without being seen as much? Since I do know for a fact that every time he, or his shitty goon friends see me, they try to snap a photo of me, etc. Any Suggestions?
If you're using underage as an excuse, thats sort of a bit sad. I never mentioned anything about age, neither would I want to go and have the situation go without an explanation. But if you're seriously going to insult on here then I wont really waste my time on here any longer then.
It's obvious you're in high school but I'm sure you're going to swear that you're 18. The point is that your problem is dumb high school drama that's going to blow over eventually, kiddo.
I can admit I'm under the age of 18, it's just that since i've been dealing with this shit for a while, I've been thinking that this would go on beyond high school drama to where it gets personal. Like I have been seeing people that know the guy in cars trying to follow me and such to the point where I need personalized shortcuts to get home. That's another reason for why I was asking for advice.
Read above.
Read above ^^*
Wtf, why is he slandering you?
Did you do anything to him?
You can plant cp on his computer.
Are you tech savy?
Have you talked to your parents/school administration about the problem? Do you have friends that can corroborate your side of the story?
Alternatively wait for everything to blow over, or get a posse to beat up the guy who started shit
I did nothing to this fucker and he started slandering me almost 2 years back. We were in a summer school thing for PE and we usually were given field trips to several places. A public pool, etc. While at said pool, I do remember my first interaction with this fucker was me asking "What was wrong with Sunkist?" and he replies, saying "You think only black people work at Sunkist?" like some autistic scumbag. No joke, this was when he first tried to slander me, when he tried making a fake snapchat account of me (And keep in mind, I dont use snapchat, neither have I ever known how to use it.)
you fucking moron don't say you're underage, poeple will report you
I have told my parents and school administration about the problem and my parents have told me that a few people that they know are looking over that account atm. The school administration, however believed this fucker when he had some "crocodile tears" trick or whatever, saying that there was a third party involved. Shit administration in my opinion.
So he's a nigger?
Wow this is even worse.
user, niggers can't into logic and are petty, they're so irrational.
DON'T fight him or he will KILL you, that's how irrational they are.
What are the race demographics of your school?
Well at least its close to my 18th bday, which then I wont be underaged for long. That aside though, Do you have anything you want to add as advice?
Well, since he's a nigger, you can always plant drugs on him.
He get's caught he'll become belligerent and possibly get shot.
Nah, he's white. But this guy is a type of sociopath that thinks that dressing up as a stereotypical nerd with glasses would help him. But you know, I can roast the guy though right now. He looks like a man child version of Jared Fogle, that pedophile from subway that got arrested for child porn
Like i said before, he is white. However, I don't know if I should go and do a roast on this dude via a meme video or if I should just find his house and beat the fuck out of him when he's alone. I wouldn't kill him though, I just want this fucker to learn not to fuck with me.
Don't the the meme video.
Just beat him up then.
Seriously, just beat him up.
Wear a mask and don't drop DNA if he presses charges.
But make sure he knows it's you.
Too late, I already reported op
Wish i could, but he's always surrounded by his friends. Like he has a whole group of manipulators like him alongside him at all times. Also, theres always an administrator wherever he goes.
well its okay, B. I dont usually post that much on here anymore. I usually lurk but this is probably the last time i'm going to be on here, desu.
Learn his patterns so that you can know when he's alone and then beat him up.
Alternatively, get some Jow Forums boys to beat the group up.
I'd help if you're in Florida.
Well I used to live in Florida desu, but he lives in Texas. I just dont know where his house is though. All I do know is that after school, he's in this bus lane area, surrounded by some people. If I found out his bus thing next year, due to finals coming up, I'll probably have a car or ride by then so I can follow his bus to his stop from a distance so that i know where he lives. Maybe probably egg the fuckers house or if he's alone, I might beat the fuck out of him, etc.
Tbh with you*
Fucking auto correct. Now i know not to use mobile for Jow Forums
Make fake social media accounts using this guys info
Using these accounts do what he did to you but with other people
While pretending to be him spread lies and slander about others
You'll ruin his reputation and no one will believe him anymore. They will also realize the first time (real time) was bullshit
I think that would be hypocritical, since if I went and had that on my phone, etc. Then an officer would go and try to search my phone if I had used snapchat or whatever, which would then make his argument of slander against me look correct to him. Also, If I did that, then that would make me look like the bad guy to other people.
And to be real here, I would possibly take that risk, It's just that if I were to ever have get caught, and have deleted the app, but it shows a button to re download it on the appstore, what would I do then?
You can delete it from your installed apps.
Also, use VPNs
Pay for it
Buy another phone for this.
Use walmart prepaid cards to pay for the bill.
Then you don't really want revenge. Revenge is going down to their level and making them hurt like they hurt you.
Making the choice to be a better person and rise above it makes the world a slightly better place. But you asked about revenge.
Best you can do is treat the slander like it's nothing, dismiss it, carry yourself with confidence, and then graduate and never see the fucker again. If you get any evidence it can help, but really no ones going to do much and it would have to really escalate for police to care. There's no righteous justice to be found here.
Well I do remember my sister following the account and getting blocked, and i do have a recording for that as evidence. But thats about it.
That does sound like a good idea, however i'm going to have to use some of the cash on said cards on other things at walmart like games, etc. So it seems as if its nothing suspicious. Would that help in a way or no?