This is premium content in a British hard right newspaper

Wew lad.

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Why are you paying for content?

They already know you're prone to getting cucked because you're paying for shit content, so they figure why not?

These newspaper companies are dying and trying to keep themselves alive with edgy clickbait like this

Author: Rosa (((Silverman)))
Also the Telegraph isn't a right-wing newspaper you retard

(((Silverman))) user is either JIDF or too retarded to make the connection.

>actually paying to read this absolute garbage

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>Hard right

>mutt shilling for a jewish author
That's premium snipdick intellect right there

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That and it was written by a women and like men they too want to fuck more than just their partner. Also how long do you think until they die completely?

I really wonder how statements like "biological sex isnt real" are going to age in 10 years

Source lets go

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>since biological sex doesn’t exist
Obvious troll. Not even SJWs claim it doesn’t exists.

What if there is no plan to destroy the soul of goyim and make him degenerate and humanity is genuinely retarded

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It's fucking real.

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Not very well, if I know anything about culture it's that things that seems wildly used at the time eventually get looked back upon by future generations asking what the fuck was wrong with us as they tend to discover a better way with dealing with crap then the past.

>every single time
I wonder who is trying to undermine thee fabric of western culture?

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They'll age well enough when we're sent to the Gulag for questioning them

>hard right
That must mean MSNBC is right wing.

The media doesn't want you to think, it wants you to feel (annoyed)

They're surely not left.