Conchita Wurst, darling of Europhiles and a stunning lady in her own right has gone and got the AIDS.
What does Jow Forums think of this end of year news?
Europe's chosen leading lady caught got Jow Forums's favourite fever
It should be a warning sign of out of control degeneracy but sadly in these times aids is a badge of honour for faggots.
HIV isn't the death sentence it was in the 80s anymore. He'll live another 30 years or more.
See even Gods hates freaks.
oh wow youre telling me a faggot has aids. Shock
That's the problem. He'll go around spreading it for another 30 years.
how could this have happened?
This is what jesus looked like /thread
AIDS is the progressive version of apotheosis and admission into sainthood.
Yeah because we can keep them alive for decades. All at the low cost of millions of dollars per year in subsidized health care.
How many will he infect in that 30 years? The Cubans used to quarantine AIDS/HIV+ in camps. That was a sane plan of action for dealing with this.
Lol good.
>a faggot gets aids.
No but it still kills nearly everyone that gets it. And the fags seem to love it so, spread it on fags.
The sexual revolution was a mistake, especially birth control such as condoms, besides making women into whores it allows faggots to live longer, without rubbers they would get and die off aids sooner.
Hahahahaha, burn in hell faggot
Probably true
Publicity stunt anyway
Now autists are talking about the freak
>I'm gay
>better have sex with literally hundreds of dudes a year
>Uh oh! I got booty blasted!
No one will ever be able to convince me that LGBT shit isn't degenerate when these people have absolutely no restraint or self-control and then want you to weep for them once they reap the inevitable consequences of their hubris. Even in ancient fucking times when STDs were rarely a thing because everyone died young, gays didn't fuck hundreds of dudes. They're engaging in a high-risk behavior in a high-risk environment then crying.
"No one's talking about me anymore... :( "
>I have Aids!
"Everyone's talking about me now! :) "
Living kills you if you get it. HIV needs to be sexually transmitted ebola.
This and only this
He had to go public because he gave it to someone and they were about to announce it as a warning to other people not to have sex with him.
I hate the media making out like this self-centered piece of shit that gave someone HIV is some kind of hero.
press s to spit
and that's a good thing!
Pic related is my initial reaction. Sadly, this freak will just get endless gibs for treatment.
That's the equivalent of pregnancy for faggots
just communist things
>be faggot
>die of aids
Why do faggots already contract HIV? Isn't it supposed to be equally infectious no matter what? Somehow it's always the faggots who get it.
what a fag...
It's not equally infectious. Substantially higher rates of infection via anal sex...and that's a good thing.
Praise kek
That wurst is full of toxic sperm now.
>news from april
do you use ie?
The wurst is yet to cum
How could this happen?
Why did no one see this coming?
The system has failed us.
most people contract it from anal sex. i have a suspicion that's why the jews keep pushing ass eating and anal sex in porn nowadays. they want heteros to get aids as easily as fags do.
>No but it still kills nearly everyone that gets it.
AIDS infects more people every year in America than guns kill, but everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I advocate for fag control.
I'm shocked; really.
Praise our lord for striking these Heathen degenerates down.
why are we here
>Be a degenerate faggot
Like pottery
Imagine my shawk...
Of course he has HIV. He probably has been infected since he was a teenager.