The lived experience of being a black woman results in their higher mortality rates.
Are you happy now, bigot?
Thanks for causing it.
Apologize now
They would live longer if not for your racist hate
they would live longer if they quit smoking menthols and crack.
They shouldn't live at all they're subhumans and the planet would be better off if ever nigger was shot into the sun. Prove me wrong protip you literally can't
Daily reminder that abortion is nigger population control
The subtext of this garbage article is the so called “crisis” is beyond the black woman’s control. It is something being done to them by the so called systemic racism. That means you. It’s your fault.
I'm Christian & I stand against abortion! If it were up to me the US would be MUCH more brown because abortion is immoral & GOD doesn't want dead babies, especially BROWN babies! You fucking degenerate!
Abort all nigger babies.
Wed all be living in the middle of Oakland if it wasn't for legalized abortion
More niglets? No thanks.
Or maybe If we outlawed abortion the black women would be forced to be more responsible for their actions???
GOD wants the country to be Oakland! Go to church, say NO to abortion! It's IMMORAL!
Wow, racist! GOD loves those brown babies that grow up to serve Jesus just as much as white babies you athiest HEATHEN!
You know they had to make up SIDS as an unexplainable phenomenon because black mothers can't help but suffocate their own children?
>GOD loves those brown babies that grow up to serve Jesus
wew lad
My black wife usually is very healthy, and our pregnancies wentry very well. Wonderful woman and mother
9.8/84 = 1 in 9 white babies in the US are aborted
fuck thats still pretty brutal. hopefully its all tards and liberals
>Black women and children are dying.
Problem? Not even niggers want to be with nigger women.
Well she probably doesn’t eat fatty fast food and junk food, smoke menthols, drink too much, or live in a ghetto surrounded by niggers shooting each other. In other words, an exception.
You’re welcome.
I’m glad they suffer but in the end they cause all they’re own troubles and have done for generations.
See, they always go for alpha Congo male, usually drug dealer gang banger types and not the quiet black kid trying to do well in school.
Which one of those would be a better life long decision to make?
Fuck it, why am i bothering, animals will act like animals and die like animals and I couldn’t give a fuck less anymore of their whinging.
Yeah she doesn't do any of that and takes care of her body
Here are the latest stats. Black, Hispanic and Native have been falling these past 5 years slowly. Asians have increased. Whites have stayed relatively constant. This is data released on 11/1/18 for 2016.
wtf I'm even more racist now
>less niggers overall
And it's a good thing.
They should put a chemical in menthol cigarettes to target fertility.
The idea is less that we'd get that extra 9th white baby and more that it would force white women more generally to behave less degenerately with their sexuality since they don't have their get out of jail free card
Maybe true of whites, but blacks have less control over base instincts and would therefore breed zillions of niglets for us to pay for
kek. we should torch their houses.