She's 13 i'm 22. She wants me.. Help

She's 13 i'm 22. She wants me.. Help

She wants to have sex with me what should I do?

Attached: 333.jpg (1920x1080, 768K)


what country are you in??

I live in the UK

Convert to Islam then fuck her

If you have sex with her I won't judge you, but a guy I grew up with did pretty much exactly that, got arrested in November of 2016, and is eligible for parole in 2020 (release date: Nov. 2025). So there's that.

kys mohammed

She's 13 you fucking pedophile. What in the fuck is wrong with you?

i never said i wanted to have sex with her

So here's a thought...

Why are you even asking? You'd answer "no" in a heartbeat if you weren't.

Turn her down. How is this even an issue? What in the sam fuck

fuck her brains out senpai, you only live once

pop that cherry and put a ring on it

get a good job and get her popping out kids by the time she's 16

she's thirteen she has no power over you lol. fucking beta faggot

>i never said i wanted to have sex with her

no woman has power over me

incel alert

Tell her to bring a friend

im not having sex with a 13 year old

Good to hear that OP.
What's your relation to her? Do you know her parents or other relatives?

If she has a decent home I'd say discuss that with her parents. Going around trying to have sex with older people is dangerous because eventually she'll run into someone like and it'll ruin her young life.

Isn't age of content in Europe,14? Ask her to wait if she really wants to do with you. Do it legal, worry-free, and enjoy that fresh cunny.

Just wait 8 years until she's 21

Pro tip: if she's worth it and top tier, she'll look nearly the same as she does now.

Leave the child alone you fucking pedo

absolutely dont do it...its a big mistake buddy