need to know who are wearing the red arm bands and who is wearing the green arm bands and 3rdly what 'types' are giving orders with the tear gas around corners/bends
Landon Hill
Can someone gib me quick rundown on todays happening? Spent whole day offline. Thanks frens.
Gabriel Sanders
>Literally wearing the colors of communism >HURRR REBOLUSHUNZ! I hope Marcron kills all these rabid leftists.
Dominic Adams
THE JEWS FEAR THE LIVE STREAMS, I WILL TRY FINDING SOME FRESH STUFF FROM TWITTER >Undercover police officers who adopted fake identities in deployments lasting several years spied on more than 1,000 political groups, a judge-led public inquiry has said. >it is known to include environmental, anti-racist and animal rights groups, leftwing parties and the far right. >They spent long periods, usually five years, pretending to be political activists while they fed back to their superiors information about the activities of campaigners and the protests that were being organised. but yeah that couldn't possibly happen in france for some reason.
Christopher Bell
Genuinely depressing to think of how many of these probably got captured. These guys clearly made enough to pass out to random strangers, as well. They need to find ways to circumvent these checkpoints in the future when trying to get into the city.
Started really slow in Paris, then it got spicy after 14h. Nothing too big was accomplished there.
Toulouse and Bordeaux gone wild. Big barricades were built, but the protesters dispersed because of tear gas.
Countless arrests and wounded people.
Noah Hughes
Official Police stats at 9pm: 10.000 people in Paris, +1.000 arrested, 120 injured at least 125.000 protesters all over the country Shit still actively going down in Bordeaux and Toulouse Shit also fucked in Puy-en-Velay Shit fucked in Saint Etienne, Mayor openly shitting on Macron for leaving the city undefended Lots of damage in Lyon as well Shitskins using the cover of night to break and loot Roads etc blocked all over the country, at least 20 highways heavily perturbed Belgians also raided the EU Parlement in Brussels Millions in business losses Very likely it will keep escalating in other regions, as all cops are on Paris Very likely it will happening tomorrow and next week Already 40k people having shown interest for Act V on social media Rumor of an active RG (glow niggers) investigation on Ruffin from the far left party for conspiracy against the government Philippe and Castner saying on MSM they have things under control and congratulating themselves (lol) Ministry of Truth BFMTV acting like everything is under control; someone brought up Rothschild tonight and instantly got called antisemitic All eyes on France right now, Trump and Erdogan openly shitting on Macron One official from Macron's party replied by insulting Trump on twitter Macron shitting himself right now, supposed to sign a pro migrant treaty and make a public announcement on Monday Government just announced they opened an investigation into Russian involvment (lol) New video of a 20yo girl losing her eye to a grenade burst going viral TOUT VA BIEN LA SITUATION EST SOUS CONTROLE
Glownigger 'anti-crime units' that move among the protestors and silently drag off any instigators or leaders.
Sebastian Cook
As I understand it the plain-clothes officers with the armbands were straggler catchers. They deliberately rough up protesters that get too close and arrest them.
Daniel Campbell
>cites an article that talks about how agencies did things in the 60's and how they monitor potentially dangerous organizations Yeah. What the fuck is your point? Obviously it's the job of the police to attempt to you know... police people. That doesn't mean they're subverting and directing political groups.
>they did it in the 60s >but since then they all gave up and stopped doing their job, despite increases in funding and technology and political activism what is this claim based on?
Samuel Rodriguez
.S. posters you have a responsibility to Bump /frog/post Respond to /frog/ posters politely Share riot footage with normie freinds
Act 4 was kind of a disappointment. Lots of people showed up and the cops were obviously scared shitless but the protests weren’t set anywhere near the presidential palace, nobody was armed, Macron wasn’t effected in any way and over all it wasn’t too different from the other Gilets Jaune protests. From what I’ve heard things were way more intense in Brussels, but I couldn’t find any livestreams of what went down over there.
Camden Rogers
>mfw I actually went to Paris alone and made riot buddies today
The real revolutions was the friends we made in the tear gas
>France streams dead >Put the Canadian stream on out of desperation >Immigration is replacement >We're Candian Nationalists wtf is Alberta trying to be based?
Isaiah Foster
Bon les gars petit rundown sur Bordeaux J'ai fait la manif NON STOP de 11 h 30 à 21 h 30. Pas de pause pour pisser ou bouffer, que dalle.
Donc : — en fin de matinée, assez peu de monde. je commençais à penser que les gens s'étaient lassés et que ça péterait pas comme la semaine dernière — vers 14 h finalement, comme prévu, le cortège bouge. j'étais avec des potes et on avait un drapeau français, ce qui nous a valu des dizaines de remarques et un fichage par les antifas présents en nombre évidemment — on converge vers l'Hôtel de Ville, flics qui bloquent tout, deux hélicos, policiers sur le toit, véhicule blindé — au bout d'un moment ils gazent à fond, dans tous les sens, scindant la manif en trois — je suis séparé de mes potes, qui se font attaquer à 2v15 par des antifas dans une ruelle enfumée. sans gravité — je continue de stream sans discontinuer, on est coincés dans une rue avec des flics devant et derrière, tout le monde est gazé, aucune échappatoire, pour personne. même pas pour le groupe de retraités qui se tenait sagement derrière et qui a pris du gaz en plein dans la gueule. j'ai tout filmé — ensuite,situation bloquée de mon côté, calme avec les flics qui bloquent, mais en face on entend qu'il y a du feu et des explosions donc on peut pas passer
ENSUITE, ce soir — on rejoint le vivier d'émeutiers en ville, des barricades en feu PARTOUT. pas une, pas deux, pas trois mais au moins six ou sept barricades enflammées, plusieurs banques (BNP, laposte) pillées, énormément de monde — après gazage massif ça gueule dans tous les sens de converger vers le centre-ville pour se mêler aux fouler et piller les magasins — les manifestants fracassent un chantier et la vitrine de l'Apple Store, là des antifas nous agressent en surnombre et je dois fuir — dans ma course je croise des dizaines de policiers en civil qui se dirigeaient vers nous, j'ai donc échappé à une probable arrestation
tl;dr: chui mort
Parker Fisher
>>We're Candian Nationalists is there a thing like this?
Luke Harris
Old french riot grenades, they got into a lot of trouble in the past for using them since they have way too much bang. So instead of stopping using them, they just said they weren't going to buy new ones and are using up all their old stock. All the injuries you see like that are gonna be from the GILF 4's.
Is there any outrage over the man who lost his hand or the girl who lost her eye?
Are ppl aware yet?
Easton Morales
The NPD political party in germany had so many undercover agents in it that it crashed a lawsuit. Its reality, not conspiracy.
Colton Taylor
Damn, what a love story ;)
Jonathan Lee
If in France, as of now and for weeks to come 1) The police+gendarmerie+prosecutors are busy doing damage control for protesters 2) If the majority of police force has been removed from the country and into Paris + other hotspots 3) If infrastructure has been blocked + no more gas for cars 4) Many businesses are interrupted, which means many workers are also doing nothing
then... A) What are non-white immigrants doing (niggers, arabs)? Rapefugees? B) Is France a big NO-GO zone/The Purge because of niggers and arabs running wild everywhere? C) Does that mean the native french could be snuffing down a couple of africans and no one would know?
Caleb Williams
nvm that one isn't live now
Christian Long
if the french dont make more rufus after that, they will be known as the Cucks
Christopher Taylor
translation please
Jackson Gomez
What's the real situation now there, no streams left so there could be war going on and we wouldn't know. Like in Bordeaux and Toulouse, where we found some Periscope streams and Tweets that showed the true Mayhem there.
The only time Canadians see people missing a hand is when they're fisting a dog
Jordan Sanchez
I dropped that guy once he got on his scooter, I thought he was just heading home.
Gavin Powell
yes but has anyone worked out the coordination tactics of green and red, also the tactics systemically deployed by this from my understanding splits the protestors
Good guys little rundown on Bordeaux I did the NON STOP demo from 11:30 to 9:30 pm No break to piss or eat, that slab.
So : - late morning, quite few people. I started to think that people had grown tired and that it would not fart like last week - around 14 pm finally, as expected, the procession moves. I was with friends and we had a French flag, which earned us dozens of remarks and a listing by the antifas present in numbers obviously - we converge on the City Hall, cops blocking everything, two helicopters, policemen on the roof, armored vehicle - after a while they gas thoroughly, in all directions, splitting the dem in three - I am separated from my friends, who are attacked at 2v15 by antifas in a smoky lane. Without gravity - I continue to stream without stopping, we are stuck in a street with cops in front and behind, everyone is gassed, no escape, for anyone. not even for the group of pensioners who stood wisely behind and took gas in their mouths. I filmed everything - Then, blocked situation on my side, calm with the cops who block, but in front we hear that there is fire and explosions so we can not pass
THEN, tonight - we reach the pool of rioters in town, barricades on fire EVERYWHERE. not one, not two, not three but at least six or seven barricades inflamed, several banks (BNP, laposte) looted, a lot of people - after massive gassing it kicks in all directions to converge to the city center to mingle with the tramp and loot the shops - the demonstrators smash a building site and the window of the Apple Store, there antifas attack us in excess and I must flee - In my race I met dozens of plainclothes policemen who were heading towards us, so I escaped a probable arrest
dr: dead chui
Elijah King
Work experience. There was really no oversight back then, and intelligence agencies basically compartmentalized every little fucking thing. So people with political grudges could do anything they wanted ending up with dudes like J Edgar.
Now we're actually really good at preventing shit like that, and there are incredibly strong pieces in place that prevent abuses.
But that's a matter of criminal prosecution. I'm talking about targeting and subverting political movements. Obviously we infiltrate fringe groups for the sake of building a case. But that's not what the other guy was claiming.
Liam Turner
this exactly
Charles Ward
that's all you're getting
Kayden Collins
This speaker's the most Canadian sounding man I've ever heard.
Alexander Mitchell
Quelle bande d'idiots utiles, ces antifa de mes deux. Respect à toi et à tes potes, en tout cas.
Isaiah Thomas
Kayden Allen
Nothing's happening sage this gay thread
Nolan King
Carson Evans
have a strange craving for oxtail now.
Ian Diaz
Reminder that Attali left the country.
Nathaniel Wood
>pick up a grenade to throw it back >get your hand blown off
Fucking hell. There's a link to a video source which has apparently been taken down. Something about a grenade in Bordeaux? Fucking hell. Macron has to go to the guillotine.
Nicholas Wood
just my vape machine cortex. no need to worry.
Robert Perry
>Riots spread over Europe >Civil wars start >Middle East and Africa face refugee crisis from Europe
Connor Cox
They all are, Canadian boomers yelling about Soros.
Michael Bailey
What does friend mean to you? A word so wrongfully abused Are you like me, confused All included but you Alone...
The sounds of silence often soothe Shapes and colors shift with mood Pupils widen and change their hue Rapid brown avoid clear blue
Why's it have to be this way Be this way [5x]
Flowers watched through wide brown eyes bloom A child sings an unclaimed tune Innocence spins cold cocoon Grow to see the pain too soon
Why's it have to be this way Be this way [5x]
"At 7 am on a Tuesday, usual August ... Next week I'll be 28... I'm still young, it'll be me... Off the wall I scrape... you... I can't wake, I gotta wake... To cause this wake, I gotta wake no more... It causes wake, to drown this hate.... To never really stay, never will..... You take your plate... Put me through hell, live, live... Direct your fate... You say I can do it so well... Your expiration date... [2x] Fate, date, expiration date... (this was the last time) Hate... And don't fuck with me again... My own clean slate... Don't fuck with me again... Makes your eyes dilate... Makes you shake... Irate..."
est-ce que tout le monde en France est ANTIFA wtf????
James Ross
I'm sorry I couldn't resist I actually like Canadians and I'm planning on taking a trip up there later
Anthony Perez
>Antifa attacked us
Typical fucking AnCom retards. They're like feral dogs, just going after everyone and everything, no strategy or comprehension of delayed gratification.
Is the video good enough to be put in the OP? I explained the details behind the protests, how they started, what they want, and concessions given. The rest is a speech on the necessity of violence.
>TFW ANTIFA and the Far Right come together to throw the globalists out of power, before going back to trying to kill each other >TFW the above half happens, but then parties realize they agree on plenty of middle-of-the-road nationalist policies and form a coalition >TFW France is actually home to three groups, ANTIFAGS, Alt Righters, and Muslims, who all shared one thing in common >TFW Jews leaving France at record levels Sheeetttt
Jonathan Ortiz
wow. It's fucked hard
Isaiah Hill
>Antifa attacked Gilets Jaunes ANTIFA ARE THE ARMY OF THE EU/JEWS!
>NRK’s Brennpunkt program, known for its investigations over the years, aired lengthy interviews with the former PST informant, Christian Hoibo, who clearly wanted to go public himself about how he’s spent the past 10 years of his life. The time revolved largely around his work for PST, which included not just infiltrating mostly left-wing organizations but also taking a major role in their demonstrations and political activities, allegedly to enhance his credibility as a member of radical groups like Oslo-based Blitz.
Chase Harris
Gg user
Pour une fois que la France s'unit, les Anti-fa gâche tout
>But that's a matter of criminal prosecution. I'm talking about targeting and subverting political movements. Obviously we infiltrate fringe groups for the sake of building a case. But that's not what the other guy was claiming.
Im not sure. They were infiltrated so much that they couldnt prove that illegal activities were not ordered by state agents themselves. Cops in antifa are also normal. Its not unlikely they have people in other movements.
William Wilson
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother
Wyatt Lee
Not much during the day, as there were just rumors floating around. I guess people are somewhat aware now, but it's just Twitter outrage.
No idea, austrianon, I left Paris by ~8pm because I'm from the countryside, but it must be pretty calm because the cops were really effective and pretty ruthless today.
No, they were out for blood today.
Easton Scott
I like the speaker's corner character about this demonstration.
Rumors are circulating around that media in the UK and others have been given order NOT to show any of this or portray the yellowjackets in a positive light. That they fear a genuine european uprising
i think they are using there intel on arab nations (oil)and then israel's presence, matching the protestors who point out or target the red or green tagged police and this is designed to fracture the protestors, this is the tactic of the corrupt french intelligence service