So im 16 and i was dating this guy for about 2 years...

So im 16 and i was dating this guy for about 2 years. I went to a party and got really drunk and threw up 9 times (for the first time) and ended up cheating on him and dumping over the phone (i know im an awful person). Thing is, i barely remember doing either and i didnt actually want to cheat on him, or for our relationship to end because i'm in love with him? I don't know what i'm supposed to do now because it doesn't feel like im the one who did this, it feels like someone else screwed around with my life because i can't remeber what happened properly and I have no idea why i would have broken up with him. Now he won't speak to me or look at me (naturally) and i have no idea how to fix this or deal with all the pain that has come with losing him even though i didn't want to lose him. i'm in way over my head and i can't tell any adults because it'll get back to my mum and i just have no clue how to deal with this mess i've made

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also ignore the photo, i just attached a random one, idk how this site works

First off, you need to be 18. Secondly, tell him you talked to a friend at the party who said they saw you get slipped something and claim you were drugged.

just tell him the truth, he already knows the worst part. but you don't get to make this decision. HE gets to make this decision. and he has every right to want to break it off.
IMO if you actually broke up with him drunk, deep down you wanted to


Gonna give you a hot tip, getting drunk is not an excuse. If you were onboard with it, even if you were drunk, part of you is OK with cheating on your boyfriend. That doesn't mean you don't like him, it doesn't even necessarily mean you don't care about him, you just don't care enough to be in a monogamous relationship with him. If that's what either of you really wants, you'll probably be better off finding it with other people. You're young. You don't even know what you really want yet.

Two wisdoms
>in wine there is truth
And the modern counterpart
>sober thoughts become drunk actions

I advise your bf to cut his losses and go full no contact with you. There are so many great women out there it makes me feel sad that he’s wasting his time on you.

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>I don't know what i'm supposed to do
I know what I would do if I knew parents let their 16 yo get drunk and fuck a lot of guys, I'd call child protective services on them. Your parents are absolutely shit


i made a gdm mistake and i am well aware that i did a shitty thing, shitty people have feelings too

>I didn't want to cheat.

Yeah, no. You did.

Otherwise you wouldn't have cheated, or put yourself into a situation where it could happen. Back to Insta with you, roastie trash.

my mother would put me in a psych ward if she knew i did either of those things, my parents are not awful, i am. And i cheated on him with a girl so

i just wanted to get drunk at a party like everyone else, i had no idea this was going to happen desu

sober thoughts become drunk actions.

Stop pretending, you wanted to fuck around, or you wouldn't have thought about it or done it.

hurts my feelings a tad, but i appreciate the honesty

Go be with some other shithead then. Dont fuck up his life too.

Your feeling do not trump others feelings.

hurts, but fair call

i actually feel really bad for the guy here,user here is right, you wanted to fuck around sure you were drunk so its a bit different,but you were the one who wanted to get drunk and you knew the risks, i feel emphaty for the guy and i think he is in the right so....just accept it and go on

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sounds like maybe you should lay off the alcohol for a bit, and maybe off the relationship stuff too until you can forge a real bond like pic related

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stop posting, lurk more
also kys whore