Another week with no changes

>another week with no changes
>go home and either lift or sit in front of my computer
>it's summer and everyone else is doing something with friends
>tfw no friends or social skills
>tfw make average income and live with parents
>tfw 32 year old khv

all I'm doing this weekend is studying for the cfa, level 1. Even though I think it's too late for me, there are people a 5-10 years younger with the certification and with my career goals

What do Jow Forums? How do I make it?

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>tfw so many girls wearing clothes that are tighter and wearing dresses
>they are all out having fun
>tfw if any of them accidentally makes eye contact with me, they roll their eyes and show their disgust

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shottey to facey lmao xd

>What do Jow Forums?
stop whining
>How do I make it?
you won't

Wow this is whinier than what I used to sound like. Great job


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t-this summer it'll be different. I will finally change.

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be yourself

O swear you've posted threads like this in the past. I remember you posting similar pictures

24 here. Work in coro dev. Doing cfa level 2 in june. Where do you live?

who am i

>What do Jow Forums? How do I make it?
its over for you.
your life has no purpose or meaning, and that will never change now. you already missed the boat long ago.

your only way forward now is killing yourself, or taking revenge against those who wronged you.


I feel like it doesn't even matter, the people that get jobs in banking don't have a cfa to enter, they get their jobs because of who they know

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No *one*, just like everyone else. Regarding advice, I say disregard all perceived obligations besides those which sustain you "materially" like food and water and shelter. After that, understand your intellectual heritage. Start with the Greeks. You can find it all online. Your anxiety and grief is entirely baseless, as this reality is too miraculous to assume you have any idea what is going on.

Yes and no. I live in toronto and work in downtown finance. Tell me yout situation and i can give you some feedback

Big4 accounting, downtown toronto. I have near zero social skills or network, which is holding me back a lot. I'm one of the best at audit among my peers, but not being promoted to a manager because I can't lead well and haven't shown I can handle clients on my own. It's true though, I can't go to a client lunch in a professional setting and not be awkward

Of my coworkers, 2 went to IB. Neither had even taken cfa level 1
I have heard of a couple of guys go into corporate banking and equity research, they had passed a few of the cfa exams though

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uhhh in English?

What don't you understand? I'm telling you to re-imagine your priorities and stop this negative momentum which has been building throughout your life before you sink even further.

Yeah big 4 is pretty bad and audit is really mind numbing, I'd off myself. My understanding is staff accountants start at 45k ish, Year 1, which is a joke wage. I work in a corp development/banking type role, but I don't work 100 hours, more like 40-50, which is nice and this is my first year and I'm making like 70-80 all in.Different jobs require CFA. Buy side CFA is a must and ER sell side its a must too, but almost everywhere else like banking - literally no one cares about it. No one starting in banking has time to write their CFA either. Also fun fact, Toronto has the higher per capita CFA's so it becomes like a minimal qualifier for some jobs because everyone has their L1. Keep posting the girls!

But just to add, I see you're 32 (was on phone previously so scrolled through your deets) and that's pretty old and I can see how that can be very depressive. Social interactions are probably the most important thing there is, you just have to hustle and take initiative, think big picture, think value add. It's tough to be well spoken and outgoing if you don't go out and interact with people.

Best advice, compare yourself to yourself yesterday and if you need to change, well then do it.

>tfw 28 year old khv
>tfw even if a girl my age only had one sexual partner a year (conservative estimate), if they started at 16 they've slept with at least ten guys
>tfw terrified of being exposed as a virgin so never attempt sex
>tfw a really good girl is interested in me now but I'm too onions to get over the fact that she has a past and thinking about it makes me sick

I'm so fucked. Should I see a counselor?

What are you worried about with women who have slept around? I'm not saying there aren't any negatives, but I want your personal reason.


I'm about 5-6 years behind my peers in age, which sucks

Switching majors and not having social skills for networking events in school, or social skills for interviews delayed the start of my career

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I will never be you. I will never be that loser who has a girl practically tell him he's interested on the last day of high school saying "It sucks that I won't see you again, user" and me just say back "haha, yeah, see you later". FUCK this shit man. I will never have these shitty regrets again.

I just call that disgust, my man.

A literal prince of England just married a 36yo divorcee
Arguably the most eligible man in the world does not give a shit about his wife's previous sexual partners. So why do you?

That they have happy memories with other men, not just of sex, which is the worst, but also of small things from dinner dates, to vacations. That the past men may or may not have been better than me, and they will constantly think or be reminded of the times they had with them when we are together, and that I don't have the same type of memories to share. That she will always have ghosts from the past in her mind, preventing her from forming a pure connection with me full of love and trust.

So, counselor it is I guess.

You guys are pretty fucking normie. I guess its okay to settle down with cock carousel whores. What's wrong with that?, just dont forget to pay the alimoney? The reality is if you're an incel, you are just a huge fucking loser anyway and you didn't have a good role model in life, so you got to do things the hard way yourself and correct your issues.

Im not settling for a roastie, but its okay if you go through the mental gymnastics to convince yourself to do so.

A counselor can help guide you through the long process, but it can be done alone. First, Her memories are her memories. If you love her, you ought to be happy that she has happy memories. Memories are not ghosts from the past, they are moments in her life which formed the person you fell in love with. Be grateful for them. Lastly, stop being so possessive. You are not the only person she interacts with, so expecting such an exclusive and intimate relationship is foolish. Don't expect anything from a relationship besides the time and experiences you spent together.

Thanks, very good post.

It bothers you that much just think of it as a job and go through the motions to get experience

Everyone in a girl's past is a clown compared to me. The idea that she has some sacred memories with another dude that top the memories people have with me is laughable.

>Memories are not ghosts from the past, they are moments in her life which formed the person you fell in love with. Be grateful for them.

Lol. Most men don't give a shit about the actual "person" that a woman has become. They constantly overlook glaring personality and intelligence flaws to have some steady pussy and emotional intimacy.

same except my hair is falling out

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I hope the first part of your post is ironic. I can't imagine someone so delusional.

It's not. I just value myself appropriately and am not a self hating basement dwelling subhuman.

>am not a self hating basement dwelling subhuman.

>28 year old khv fit poster

>I value myself appropriately
>The memories made with me are better than any other person could possibly achieve
Yeah very "appropriate". Unless you are fucking Tom Cruise, then you ought to have some humility. Otherwise you are simply delusional.

Must be true, right? Everybody is a loser just like you.

You really think fucking Tom Cruise would be able to memory mog me? Have you ever heard him speak? He's an unoriginal retard. I have a freshness, an original mind, artistic talent, coupled with good looks and aggression. I'm not somebody who gets memory mogged.

Tom Cruise would literally mog you into another realm u retard. He also has secret Scientology technology, though he doesn't even need it. One look into his gaze would send you crying to your mommy as you piss your pants. You are literally an ant next to Tom Cruise and I am being nice saying just that.

>It's not. I just value myself appropriately and am not a self hating basement dwelling subhuman.
>spends his nights posting on Jow Forums, debating others and calling them losers


when they make eye contact with me they smile but it doesn't matter because im too much of a sperglord to do anything about it

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Tom pls go

Never compare yourself to others. There is always better or worse. Instead increase your own value and judge yourself and your progress.

also iv meet 17y olds that were hired in banks and they were making the same as the 25-30y olds. It is based on contacts but you can make it without any too. I was hired by a bank by applying at one and I had no contact.

Exactly this guys.

I always projected hate to other women because I didn't have the nice memories that everyone else had. I didn't have the falling madly in love, the nice vacations, the interesting dates. I had none of that. So to me I envied those that did to the point of hating them. Which obviously is a vicious incel cycle. After a lot of working on myself, unironically getting Jow Forums. I realized that I too could have these memories if I change and start making them. After some counseling I started going on dates and started just being happy that for that single moment in time I could be one of her/his/it, happy memory. My gf has had the same number of sexual partners as me but has had 2 relationships which were more twice as long as we've been together. But right now I focus on me being part of her happy memory and her being a part of mine.

There's light at the end of the tunnel boys. But you can't see until you tear down the walls you have built up

You are a retard for thinking I am Tom Cruise. There is no way he would spend his time on this site, he is more likely having sex with his super hot wife or any other women of his choice.

I'm glad it worked out for you. Love is how you make it.