Hey bros I need life advice

Hey bros I need life advice

>Be me
>18, 6'2, 190lb Aryan kid
>Right wing and super conservative
>Lost virginity a while back and regret it, have since gone nofap and ultra traditional with relationships
>Last day of High School
>Celebrate by going paintballing for the first time with a few friends
>Having the time of our lives
>Start chatting with another group
>I'm pretty fit, but this black dude was shredded and extremely charismatic. Had to have been in his 20's.
>We're all laughing having a good time
>Drops the bomb on us
>"Yo we're about to go hit up this club you guys down to go?"
>Smile and say, "Nah man that's not my style, I'm a straight shooter bro. Goody goody you know?"
>"Ah come on man it's just a hookah lounge you good"
>Inner Jow Forums kicks in
>"No really bro I don't do that shit, I'm leaving for the Air Force here in a few months and I'm not trying to jeopardize that, but thanks though!"
>"Alright you guys have a good night then!"
>4 of my 6 friends proceed to go to the club they mentioned
>I go home

As for what I told the guy it was all true. I am heading into the Air Force to kickstart my career here in 2 months, eventually I want to be a cop. But to get more to the point, is this really all people do for fun nowadays is clubs and partying? I want fulfillment out of my life, that's why I am going down the path I am. I want a family with kids and parents who are proud of what I accomplished. I'm scared and somewhat hopeless heading into life right now. I don't want people in my life who act like degenerates for a lack of a better term. My high school was filled with druggies and drinkers and it's drained me of my hope for the future. I know girls and guys who have a body count of double digits. It scares me going forward and I don't know how to handle it. What do I do?

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You arent missing out on anything. Youre on the right path, stick to it.

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a bunch of faggots here will cut you down for not wanting to be a manwhore, don't listen to them. it sounds like you are making the right moves in life. don't let the movement of the pack make you question your own judgement.

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you sound like a loser

>shitposting on Jow Forums on a friday night
>calling other people losers

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If you're seeing that often its just the area you live in. Not everyone is like that. I would say its the opposite. Pretty much everyone is different and enjoys different things, so just go meet new people

You should kill yourself.
Not even joking just do it.

Yeah thats it what people do who have no hobbies aka normal people
They will tell you youre a low lifer because you "dont livin' the life" and your hobbies arent meeting friends, watching tv or party.
Degenerates, the world is full of degenerates, but dont care about it, also
>join army
>expect there arent 90%drinkers and 10% roid abusers

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post a pic of your face

Honestly, don't rule anything out. You can still have a good time even if you don't drink or do drugs (or only do them a little). Sometime sjust being with people, even if you don't partake, is fun. If you're really that much in need of a "traditional" relationship, you could always go to church. Churches are often just as much about connecting with people as they are about God and religion (assuming you're not religious) you could even join a youth group. A good number of young people with your values will go to church too.

Also, don't judge people about their habits so much. There's a reason many of these things you call "degenerate" have been around for millennia, it's because they're enjoyable, or at least better than sitting around and doing nothing.


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Next time you're approached with a situation you're uncomfortable with and haven't experienced, consider it honestly.

It's okay to not drink and not do drugs, but you won't ever have the perspective of your peers if you don't experience it. Know you don't want it firsthand, don't just live a prohibitive lifestyle because someone told you to. You'll survive one night out, it's the rest of your life that matters.

>losing gainz is better than recover properly
And thats why you dont gonna make it!

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>18, 6'2, 190lb Aryan kid

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>eventually I want to be a cop
nigga you can go and get fucked, I hope you die before you ever get a badge or a gun.

You made the right call in that scenario. You're already far ahead of your peers, and most of them will probably be dead before their accidental offspring hit middle school.Having friends is extremely important for health, and as long as your maintaining some meaningful friendships, you're good. Just allow yourself some wiggle room in your activities. Drinking with friends is ok once in a while, but it shouldn't leak into the real shit you wanna do.

You've probably considered it already, but try uplifting your peers a bit. Get a few of the ones who have potential and invite them to do some good shit, like the gym or a quality bands concert. Be a positive influence and you could make some good people, but that may not work at all. Some people are degenerates because they don't know what else they can do with their time. You're doing good work though user, you sound like you're gonna make it

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>I want fulfillment out of my life
>I am heading into the Air Force to kickstart my career here in 2 months, eventually I want to be a cop
Sorry user-friend, but what you say is contradictory.
One can not be a Order-Follower (military, police) and also execute one's conscience (meaning knowing the objective different between good and bad, and acting accordingly) - which is a requirement for fulfillment. You'd simply be a slave to the Parasite-Dominator-Globalists, sad.
If you are judging others for their poor decisions, you are yet to understand yourself fully. One must discern, yes, but do some with compassion.

Why did the OP strike such a nerve with you people?

You did good, but I don’t see the harm in socializing at a hookah lounge. Hell, networking is an important tool, and sometimes it involves a little drinking and stepping outside of your comfort zone. I had a friend who worked for a casino and got paid to hang out with celebrities and drink with them if it meant getting them to keep coming back to the casino to perform, or just to show face.

>another 18 year old high school autistic faggot

no one cares op. you're autistic as fuck desu.

I hope you're not calling ME "you people".
I'm white!

Go hunting and do redneck things. Way more fun than going to a club and up front losing $20 you'll never see again.

If you’re joining the Air Force you’re definitely gonna meet people like that obviously but like you don’t have to smoke or drink to be at a bar or club. It’s good you think the way you do but most likely you’ll want to go to those places at one point just for the experience so when you do, it’s important you’re prepared. I’m in the Air Force rn but they’re paying for my college so it’s a lil different but basically, I’m not a huge club person, don’t do drugs, only drink a little, but I wish I had someone there to explain I didn’t need to get blacked out drunk to get the “full experience”. Sometimes it’s just about the music and the people rather than substances.

Also you’ll definitely find likeminded people around you but I would definitely befriend someone experienced in these matters just in case. Always helps to have an older brother/sister type figure.

>Be me
Who else would you be you fucking retard?

MIND YOU BUSINESS THAT'S HOW...Seriously if you want to be a "straight shooter" to make others "proud" you'll be miserable the rest of your life kid. Hell ur only 18 and ur already a nosy judgemental lil prick. If people fuck up their lives thats their problem. Do things because they bring you joy not a false sense of accomplishment because in the end there's 7 billion people on this planet & none of them give a shit what you do with your life and all that matters really is enjoying life. PS hookas use tobacco champ.

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>Right wing and super conservative
>Hasn't listened to The War Room, in which they all talk about fucking brown women and killing hajis and sing about day of the rope

Not right wing enough brah

Because he sounds like a pious little bitch...Bet you he'd call the cops if his neighbor lit up a fatty, like a lil pussy

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I'd call the cops too, don't want pot smoking faggots living next door to me.

You'll have to wait and see a decade or ao until you realize that youve wasted the most beautiful and organically emotional time of your life thats meant to be spent doing bomb ass shit with your friends and having casual sex with your friends

>Nah man that's not my style, I'm a straight shooter bro. Goody goody you know?"

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Calls cops on someone using a substance less harmful that coffee....Yep pussy faggot confirmed...Mind your buissness faggot or your no different than pink haired facist libtard

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Evola wrote that you shouldn't retreat from the world of decadence, you simply shouldn't let it corrupt you. He literally said that the man of tradition can feel home even at the night club. How? In your case, go, but don't partake in alcohol and drugs. You can just chat with your friends and dance with girls. But know where to draw the line and stick to it.

>is this really all people do for fun nowadays

Well no, apparently they also go paintballing. But you got to understand that being sober makes part of a very small minority and you will just have to live with that. There has probably never been a culture where people didn't get wasted somehow. This is something you will simply have to contend with. If you are ambitious about your athletic goals, it's also worth it though.

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If he doesn't want to do it, he wont.
>Have the perspective of your peers by experiencing it.
No, I understand that a drug addict's perspective is its next hit, I don't need to experience it to understand this.
You give shit advice.

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They're kikes/niggers.

This, potheads are degenerates and need to fuck off.

Hey Schlomo, want to use my new shower :3?
>Drops some pennies.
Come on its free.


Why the fuck would a hookah lounge jeopardize your chances? Its tabaco, and youre going into the cuckforce, they dont give a shit.

As if reading your OP post wasn't enough, reading through the thread and your other posts it's very clear that you are a fucking idiot. I sincerely hope you die in some sort of accident while you're in the army. And if you unfortunately don't, that you grow out of this retarded "I'm better than everyone else because I don't have fun" bullshit. It pisses people off and you're just missing out on life. In 5 years you're gonna be posting threads about how you're uninteresting and how you got no friends.

Drugs are fun
Drinking is fun
Having fun is fun
You won't die or become an addict if you go out every once in a while and do something out of the ordinary. Grow the fuck up you stupid millennial baby.


yea bro, do a little meth or heroine, it'll be fun dude

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>career goal is a cop

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>Jow Forums

Might as well fucking neck youself

>Going to a club to maybe dance and meet other people equals becoming a heroin addict

Seriously OP have fun becoming depressed and throwing yourself off a bridge in 3 years

>Drugs are fun does not mean Heroine is fun
Nobody plans on becoming an addict. Its easier to get drugs at a party then out inna woods with a couple friends. If the OP prefers doing shit like that over going to a club then thats the kind of shit he likes, not every activity is going to be universally fun

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Hey kiddo, lemme tell you smth. YOu said you're "I'm scared and somewhat hopeless heading into life right now". Guess what, I'd say 80% of the world's population feel like this, no matter the age. Everybody is winging it to some degree

I did MDMA, shrooms, all sorts of pills, cocaine, speed and I've had some of the best times of my life doing all that with my group of 8 friends. I personally stopped smoking weed 2 years ago because I realized it's dogshit and I stopped enjoying it and I drink from time to time. I'm also in my 4th year of college, soon to graduate, I go to the gym, I'm healthy and I know what I'll do with my life after I graduate. My other 7 friends are all in college and are doing well and none of us is a fucking bum and we all do drugs together recreationally. I also got a bunch of interesting stories to tell and people tend enjoy my company, despite me being a dick most the time.
OP spends the next few years following orders to please the jews that run his country (which is hilarious given that he claims he's such a well educated "Jow Forumsack XDDDD"). He's gonna come out of the army and plans too find a wife and the only thing he'll be able to talk about is the us crime statistics and conspiracy theories.

Have fun wasting the remaining best and most careless years of your life being a fucking cuck OP. But hey don't blame yourself, you're a stupid brainwashed kid after all :)

>I want to be a cop
Have fun with that.

ofc the pol nazi wants to become a cop

>18, 6'2, 190lb Aryan kid
Is your penis 6.5"?

>Getting your worldview from echochamber weeb autists on a Mongolian cave painting forum
Get out of here while you still can. Pic related

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Why do you care what other people do? Reading between the lines of your post it seems that you want reassurance that you were right to not partake in something as fucking minor as going to a hookah bar and socializing with people...
It is possible to work your ass off, achieve your goals, have productive hobbies AND go to bars/clubs every once in a while and blow some steam off.

You sound like a terrible person. I honestly don't give a shit what you do with your life so long as it doesn't involve being a police officer. You have no business being responsible for the safety and well being of others.

You sound like a kid on the right path so I’d stick to, besides I understand how you feel I don’t like to party or drink myself to death to just feel good the party scene isn’t my style either but hey different strokes for different folks I guess what’s fun to you might not seem fun to them and you have to respect that.

>this is an actual post

honestly kill yourself
no really op
just do it

You sound completely full of yourself. Not what you did, but how you typed it. None of that description at the start was necessary. Why should we care that you're aryan and 6'2? Why did we have to know that you're fit but the black guy was buffer than you?

>Drops the bomb on us
going clubbing isn't "dropping the bomb", get over yourself

>"Nah man that's not my style, I'm a straight shooter bro. Goody goody you know?"
Just because you're joining the airforce doesn't mean you have to talk like a fucking top gun character

Do things you enjoy, you're not some fucking hero. You won't get fulfilment by not doing things. Be honest with yourself, don't just react against things. Talk to people more and think about other people than yourself. Your narcissism is wafting out the screen

oh and
This is a load of bullshit. You're either supposed to masturbate or have sex, we're supposed to have a release. What affect has this actually had on you?

I hope this is just a really subtle troll. Get off of pol, get off of your cringey subreddits

Also, study the bible or whatever if you're really about that life. Don't just watch conservative youtubers all day, read a fucking book. Practice what you preach if you're really gonna be that full of yourself

Ignore degenerates. Fuck them. And fuck anyone who's saying negative things about what you did. Drugs are trashy, for niggers and white trash alike. Casual sex is the devils plaything.

You sound like an utter faggot. What are you even asking for advice on here?

>live for joy not for success
Your image of joy is getting lung cancer and hanging out with old faggots in a smokin lounge.
You sound like a bitter faggot

Yeah, you’re a coping faggot