

Attached: Sans titre.png (1944x980, 2.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 84B586DD-69E6-4BA8-8197-B8A426503074.jpg (1231x1623, 208K)

Attached: 1544307014-bavure-acte3.jpg (1506x784, 549K)

How did that guy lose his hand?



Attached: 1538929042222.jpg (1069x1081, 291K)

Attached: [MUFFLED HON HON HON].jpg (1024x714, 140K)

GLI-F4 grenade

All Macron's fault. He needs to suffer this and thousand times more

Attached: 1543528505160.jpg (1024x839, 123K)

If Macron's severed head isn't falling into a bin under a guillotine within a month the French are officially cucked beyond repair.

There was more in the streams.

Attached: (2).jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

10 hour live stream only shows the last 2 hours, pretty lame by youtube.

We might face full blown civil war / revolution as France now offically has highest tax brackest in Western World and standard of living is getting lowered each year. They need full tax reform / migrants need to be deported by millions to ease the burden on social security otherwise face prolonged collapse of nation

Attached: 1522408000637.jpg (500x375, 74K)

how are they doing this?

gonna need a link to a news source for every fag in that collage.
afterwards I will laugh because I don't care about a bunch of consumerist hipster getting fucked by the system's goons.

Attached: f101--z.jpg (1280x726, 111K)

The shells from the projectiles, rubber bullets or whatever they're actually using are the most common.

hd hand blown

Attached: 48064327_751718055161118_2698228030215553024_n.jpg (466x960, 57K)

fucking jews

Attached: 7565675674.png (711x485, 517K)

maybe they will finnaly get redpillet and stop voting for leftist cucks who want take even more freedom from them

leftists want more government

here is more government

Macron must go.

the collages need a label so people know what they are looking at and who did it

the less text, the better, but enough to give context

Fucking hell. Fuck the EU. Fuck the globalists. Fuck the Republic. Fuck the enemy.

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Attached: 1544312510-1039228028.jpg (1000x541, 161K)