Men don't step up to the plate anymore, making it pointless to either date or have sex with them.
Men don't step up to the plate anymore, making it pointless to either date or have sex with them
What kind of advice you want cuz
>Do nothing but tell my GF I intend to marry her since about 6 months in
>Preparing her for my proposal
>2 Years In Finally Do
>Rejects Me because I dont have a house
This u OP? You slag?
Just feeling sad and wishing I could have a life partner, but scared of being used.
that's sad. I'm sorry :
Offer something worthwhile then you entitled prick.
>be woman
>blame man
like clockwork
I think the point trying to be made is we do step up to the plate yall thots just want the entire world on your plate. We are men, not Man. We can only do so much.
How about not dating promiscuous degenerates and actually put forth some value that would promote a desire to marry you?
Women are flakey, men are at a supreme legal disadvantage in marriage and modern women are far too whimsical, self centered, impulsive, entitled, delusional and immature to risk it. There are exceptions but I doubt you're one of them based on this OP.
>men demand easy pussy
>men demand virgin wife.
Pick both. Every time.yup
That's true. Let's never have sex or talk to one another. It makes everyone so much happier./sarcasm
Go to tumblr then, cause Jow Forums is not your personal blog.
And you are wrong, and I guess I can see why you think so, as I have no luck with men either (26 and khv), but my friend got engaged recently and her fiancé is a very decent man who had no issues with "stepping up". So I'm afraid sister, the fault is in us. Although I can concede that more and more men wants to pursue casual sex instead of settling down and having a family. But then the same can be said about women, so it must be a sign of our times.
>Where have all the good men gone!
Answer is simple honey, dating better women than you.
I mean, you can't have it both ways. If you want the man to be the one who takes the risk, who buys the ring, who treats you right then he should have some advantages in exchange for having to put in more effort.
If what you want is equality, then all that shit makes no sense because you're treating somebody else differently solely on basis of sex.
Personally I think chivalry is pointless and we're better off this way. We're depressed and lonely because social media is ironically disintegrating society, but chivalry was a stupid fucking concept and getting rid of it is better for women.
TL;DR find a man and buy the ring yourself
Meanwhile you tonight
>Oh no me fucking you doesnt mean we are anything teehee
I never said I won't give women a chance that they're the exception. Of course I'm always open to that. But it's kind of hard in tbe current legal and societal culture to put the blame on men for having a whole lot of concerns about committing. A man has to willingly give a woman the power over them to ruin their life to get married. Divorce rates are fucked. Risk vs. Reward. You have to be really something special for that kind of risk. Try to understand a male point of view. There's a reason middle aged men have the highest suicide rates. There is a ton of pressure on them to make their marriages work and when it fails, which statistically it probably will, they're left in financial ruin and total heartbreak.
I’ve lost the courage to step up to the plate anymore. Last few times I thought I had something going with someone, I was flaked on and no effort was put forth from her side. Turns out she was talking to a party feen alchoholic at the same time I thought she was feeling me. Oh, and my most recent ex got engaged to an abusive alchoholic and they called it off the day of the wedding. I’ve given up hope for women, idk. *shrug*
but current society shames men for being sexually forward and wanting to have sex
it also shames women for the same
we're literally reverting to puritanism, we're already one of the generations that have the least sex
I guess what I'm saying is maybe you should try something different OP. Make your man the reason you look your best instead of looking better on a girls night out than you ever do for a date with your man. Don't have a gaggle of orbiters around that obviously want to fuck you and tell your man "they're just friends don't be so jealous." Remember that you should make your man feel special on holidays and special occasions instead of just waiting for him to make you feel like a princess. Initiate sex and intimacy instead of making him always initiate and rejecting him half the time. Make him feel like your super hero, make him feel like the only man you can imagine being with.
Do that and you'll get a ring, I promise.
You know what? Young people always had sex, irresponsible, ill advised sex. Even back in the beloved morally superior 50s.
The only difference was that when a man knocked up a 19 year old, he would marry her. People pump and dump like crazy now. Men like to "try out" sex with a bunch of women and never commit till they are 40 years old and balding, then they whine and bitch about thots.and say things like:"where all the gud wimon at?" and "muh traditional marriage." you had your chance at that.
Women are trained early on to obey men, and give them sex. This is good, right? Men just aren't keeping up their side of the deal anymore. Do you see the contradiction? Do I need to underline it in red?
The fall of traditional families/relationships is 100% men's fault.
See OP, told you women were delusional.
Men wish for a partner less experienced than them that will open up to them and them alone. It's not a contradiction, it's just somewhat hard to find somebody to love to that extent.
Fuck this generation of men.