Canker sores

Every few weeks I get 10-30 canker scores in my mouth. My tongue gets swollen too. Then it goes away for a few weeks. The only oddity my doctor can find is my alt liver is around 70 which was 20 over the limit. I don’t drink, and I have no STDs.

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Goddamn Dude my condolences, never seen one that bad.

I get lots of them too. Not on my tongue though.
Sometimes it gets so painful that I can barely eat or drink, in worst cases even talk.
I just wait until it passes. Bumping the thread to maybe see some solutions to that problem if anyone has any.

try eating habanero and lime at the same time

Yeah. It’s so weird that it happens every few weeks. It’s been like this for over a year.

I've had it like that since I was a little child. Really hate it. Usually forget about it but when it appears I just beg God for mercy, it's really painful

how is your mouth hygiene?
flossing and brushing regularly?
Do you eat something out of order at that time?
Do you unintentionally bite the inside of your mouth?

My mouth hygiene is good. Floss after every meal and brush twice daily.

Well this happens quite regularly, every few weeks. I tried eliminating foods from my diet. I probably didn’t do this as best as I could have. I don’t really eat a huge variety of food, and really it’s the kind of food I’ve been eating my whole life.

I do bite the inside of my mouth at night. My dentist comments on that... there’s always marks on the inside of my cheek.

can be herpes. get some natural lysin rich food and see what happens

I get them too once every few months but they go away after a week or two. They suck. Wonder where they come from

Do you really have no STDs? That shit looks nasty.

It’s not stds man lol

Also putting salt on them everyday for about a minute helps, burns like a bitch but helps them go away quicker. But I do want to know the cause, can’t seem to find anything online. Probably food and hygiene I guess

Yes. I’ve been going to a doctor who ran tests. He also checked for Sjögrens, an autoimmune disorder that causes dry mouth and eyes, but it was normal.

>tfw I've performed oral on prostitutes and I don't have any issues

It's stomatitis why docs don't tell you how to cure it ?

I don’t know. He’s a new doctor and I told him the problem has been going on for a year, but he said to just monitor it for a while.

*new to me

I did give a BJ to a hobo in a Starbucks bathroom. Just doing my part to make the world a better place.

How's your sugar intake?

Also, try using mouthwash every day. Not that nancy "no-burn" nonsense either. When I have a canker sore I do that a couple times and they shrink right away. Burns like a bitch but that's how you know it's working

find a better doctor, your GP has no business shrugging his shoulders and telling you to live with it
go to specialists
causes can be extremely variable and hard to detect, ranging from allergy to autoimmune

I'd get cancer sores regularly (not as bad as yours, though) until I switched to a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate.
Helped for me, now I only get one when I bite myself. In that case, I rinse with vodka several times a day to prevent the worst.

I don’t really eat much sugar, and don’t drink anything with sugar. I have high glucose, but my doctor thinks it’s just genetic. It’s usually around 100 and has been there for ten years. I exercise daily.

I used the Thera breath stuff,which probably isn’t as strong. It seemed like I was getting more with a regular mouth wash, but maybe that was just in my head.

I think I’ll do that

I actually tried that. I think it was Toms toothpaste. It didn’t help.

Toms toothpaste, so far as I know, has SLS in it, even though it touts itself as being a "natural" paste otherwise. Trying another brand might still be a good option.

I used to have canker sores a lot all throughout my youth, but gradually went away as I started to try to eat fewer processed foods (more variety is probably a good idea) on average and after cutting out carbonated drinks entirely. Diet's not perfect still but instances of them have been much fewer and farther between, so if that serves as any kind of suggestion then I hope it helps.

Oh god that one looks terrible. I have a genetic predisposition for them (all the women in my extended family have them). I usually use benzocaine creams and salt to numb them and just fight through. There's also things called canker covers or canker bandages that are these little menthol things that turn into gel overnight and protect the sore so it can heal.

mouth ulcers are the most common symptom in behcets disease, if you are of mediterranean or northeast asian descent this could be a cause of your mouth ulcers, i have it to the doctors offered to give medications to reduce swelling that made it hard to eat, im sure if you get it that often they would have to give you a medication.

Thanks. I haven’t heard of these.

Ask your dentist for lyderm gel. I used to get these things all the time and they suggested it and it actually worked pretty well. Its best applied as soon as you feel them starting.

Are you tired a lot?

Frequent mouth sores and being tired is a result of being too low in folic acid.

Yeah. I’m fatigued most days, even if I get descent sleep.

Do you have soft and/or frequent shits?
Because having miserable stuff like that all the time was the first sign I had there was something seriously wrong with me.
>crohn's disease
It all started with a few mouth "ulcers".

Deficiency in folate is another sign.

Get healthier.

Eat better and exercise regularly etc etc etc

Drink more water and leas salty food.

100oz a day.

I find that staying hydrated helps. Canker sores only pop up when I accidentally bite my lip

I noticed I got them when I ate "sharp" things, like hard candies. Jolly ranchers mostly, the sugar dissolves and the candy gets sharp and cuts up my mouth (not enough to hurt, this is just a theory I have due to correlation, I only get these when I eat this candy) which turns into a cancer sore. What kind of stuff do you eat regularly?
Could be the chewing your cheeks in your sleep, that's a common cause. You get a mouth guard from a pharmacist for that.

Is your water fluoridated? You might be allergic to fluoride.

Could you potentially get a mouth or bite guard? Perhaps that could help. I know when I had braces, I had painful sores in my inner lip. I know places like CVS have these gel things that can help alleviate the symptoms..