Where do I find girlfriend?

Where do I find girlfriend?

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try grindr


I'm not gay

I go outside everyday but only to drive to work

>I'm not gay
your op suggests otherwise :^)

Grindr sucks, try your local gay bar. No bots. Unless you want to see their dick first, then you go for Grindr.

Don't bully me

I said I wasn't gay.

Also sorry for long delay, I was playing Overwatch

Girlfriends are found in the deep caves of the Netherlands. Slay a yeti, and then you can take her home.

Listen to this user I met my bf when I joined university choir. Prior to that tried dating apps but just got bombarded with dick pics and messages from elderly creepy.

You go out and meet an interesting girl. Alternatively, you indulge in some outside hobbies and meet a girl that way. The goal is to focus on yourself. A gf won't fall in your lap

This is the first good advice in the thread. I'm not manly enough to slay a yeti but thanks for the info


But I want a gf to fall into my lap

How old are you and what culture do you live in? I'm assuming that you're 18 and Canadian, but could just as well be a middle aged member of the taliban.

Watch anime

I'm 23 and in the US

I already do and that hasn't helped me find a gf

The odds are stacked so heavily against you at this point that I don't even know what to suggest. Either you have an epiphany and suddenly become charming & charismatic, or your day to day life continues exactly as it has.

Give us an update if you manage to turn things around.

Okay will do, thanks for your help friends ;_;

I think that you need to know yourself first. So eventually a girl will approach you.

God, I'm horrible giving advice

I actually think I know myself better than most people, I've never had a girlfriend tho.

And don't worry about giving advice pal, any advice is good advice

Within yourself

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Tfw no gf to build brown bricks with minecrap with

tinder with patience

Where did you leave her?

I don't have an iphone

I never had one in the first place

im the exact same thing as OP, except im 22

i never cared about relationships at all but last year really hit me hard with tfw no gf feels


im actually looking for new hobbies, what would you suggest?

This is MY thread to find gf

Make ur own

Remember to report anyone suspicious of being an incel.

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Darn okay fine, we can share.

And to answer your question about hobbies maybe you should try riding your bike or running. I know it sounds juvenile but one of my closest friends I met in college enjoys riding her bike a lot for exercise, so I join her. I'm probably gonna ask her out soon, I just never saw myself ending up with her.

>playing overwatch
>not gay
You can only choose one.

tinder web is a thing