If women actually like men, why do they never stop talking badly about them?

If women actually like men, why do they never stop talking badly about them?

I haven't heard something positive about males in my environment in years.

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because they think they're justified in doing so because of mainstream feminist politics

>my environment

men do the same thing.
People in close quarters tend to complain. Most men I know have got nothing good to say about the women in their life in the few moments that they do talk about them. But they never leave

people like to bitch

Women like men they're attracted to and are uninterested in men they arent attracted to. Not all women are like this but I have met both men and women who either flat out say with words or actions that they only care about people they find attractive. Of course attraction doesn't just mean looks; but we live in a very looks obsessed society.

It’s just rambling about their current emotional state

Think nothing of it

Women just babble like little kids about nothing

They’re just more articulate with it


Both races can be bitches, some people just wont acknowledge it.

They were sold the idea that getting married and having children will bring them happiness. Their bitching is them processing their dissatisfaction with said path even though they make no attempts to find a different path.

The same reason mgtow and incels talk badly about women.

They need them in their lives to feel.validated, and rejection from them or males not acting *exactly* how they want makes the bitter bitches so they moan and whine about it until the damn cows come home.

They hold them to a much higher standard because they like them sommuch when they turn out to be human just like anyone else it hurts them harder. Makes them a lot less forgiving.


If English is your second language. Man those are different things that's cool though.

If it isn't.. you have got to be some kind of retarded..

Mate have you ever read a single positive thing about women on this website? And supposedly men like women. In my particular case I'm attracted to how they look but they ALL act like pieces of shit

Nah, incels talk badly about women because they want them but no women will let them have them


It's the same on both sides in everyday life. But we happen to be in a cultural moment where everyone is made critically aware of the patriarchy, and women are automatically granted victim status. So female resentment is sanctioned and amplified.

Exactly. Kind of included in what I said no? They need them for validation, they want them in their lives, so when they reject, they turn into bitter faggots about it.

It's because they like them so damn much in the first place. I really feel that was my whole point mang.

Same post but genders reversed. Can't live with em, can't kill em.
We want you for sex but you're annoying otherwise

Women complain because they can. Men complain because they feel hurt and frustrated.

What are you talking about? Theres only two races man.

Why are you hurt and frustrated? You can't get your dick wet enough?
Doesn't sound like a noble thing to cry about man..

Nyaright I see your game now have a good night.

Oh but those women aren't hurt or frustrated, it's only men's feelings that count. Moron

I’m not hurt and frustrated. But I can understand their POV. When everything you want in life seems out of your reach despite being so freely available to others who aren’t much worse off than you. To feel like you’re defective and worthless, and as if you were placed on earth to suffer. I’ve seen many with that kind of hopelessness. Of course crying is never manly, I acknowledge that some men aren’t as strong as myself and deserve pity.

Eh, I care about women’s feelings. But only about 33% as much as I care about another man’s feelings. Women will get over anything much more quickly than a man will. Their emotions are more fluid. A girl won’t sit in the darkness for too long.

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Nothing in life is going to make sense if you think your anecdotal experiences are an objective representation of the entire world. Also, google "the red car phenomenon". People get this silly idea that because they see something a lot that it happens a lot when in truth we see something a lot because we're purposefully looking for it. Its basically just a different kind of confirmation bias.

Again, a great example of misconstruing things you see a lot for things that happen a lot. No one ever makes memes or publishes news articles or facebook posts about perfectly reasonable feminists who just want to have constructive dialogues about gender issues. The only people that get any news coverage are the easy targets; the pink haired feminist banshees with bright green armpit hair who basically serve as ready-made strawmen for dudes like this to easily tip over and feel like they've won an argument. We exist in a specific part of the internet that purposefully seeks out unreasonable, unpleasant and intellectually vapid women and exalts them as the poster children of this generation's iteration of feminism while the millions and millions of women who don't fit this laughable archetype we've constructed go unnoticed. I really suggest trying to approach the world with a bit more of a logical mindset and stop using echo chamber propaganda as a litmus test for real life.

>Women will get over anything much more quickly than a man will.
Silliest statement of the thread goes to you, bud.

I’m right though. Sure women are much more LOUD about their problems, but they’ll be feeling another emotion very quickly.

>I acknowledge that some men aren’t as strong as myself and deserve pity.
There's nothing pitiable about about someone who responds to failure by refusing to improve

>I’m right though
No one who presents their anecdotal observations as objective fact has ever been right, user. This is basic logic here.


Ever? There has to be something commonly observable that is actually common in reality.

If you had a working concept of basic logic you wouldn't be asking this question. There's nothing abnormal or inherently dysfunctional about developing opinions about the world based on your personal experiences but to pretend that seeing a few things and then hanging out in a community on the internet that is infamous for believing the same things you believe is even a moderately logical basis for making sweeping generalizations about a group as massive as "women" then you need to sit the fuck down and go back to school, young blood. You also need to be aware of your wording. Saying that "I am right in saying that all women behave this one way" is not the same as saying "In my experience, I've found this behavior to be common". You gotta use your head, user. You're using childishly oversimplified metrics to try to make sweeping generalizations about a massive populations. You gotta be objective about shit, regardless of how it makes you feel.

I'm afraid you are wrong they do find another path...however said path leads them to gender studies...not a better choice tough....

you all should listen to this guy

because they're cunts but want sex more than you do

Men and women hate each other, they only like the things they can offer. Men want a pussy to fuck and someone to take care of things and the kids while they worked, women also want sex, and also resources to live with and someone to make decisions for them since women hate being in charge of themselves. So they put up with each other despite hating everything else about how the other acts.

Because overwhelmingly, men are pieces of shit. I like certain individual men, but men as a group are a pain in the ass to deal with.

so im a college boy and my neighbors are girls and through the walls i hear them talk about dudes every single night


I dislike such threads because it's always man vs women, but if you want to hear my opinion you can read it. I grew up as a girl with brothers only, back then I had no real female role model so I naturally thought men were better because the only women I knew were fake and gossip all day long, they didn't show any productivity. But as I got older I saw nothing is really one-sided, started realizing how many shitty men exist, I thought they were incapable to love at some point. But it all really comes down to maturity of the individual, I have found a less toxic circle of people to hang around with and a great partner and it changed my perspective how gender really means nothing. You just have to avoid people that want to start a flame inside you.

Because it's easy to generalize a group you're not a part of.

Not wasting your time on shitty people is one of the best things you can do.
>started realizing how many shitty men exist
I actually make a distinction between men and guys/males based on what the men in my family taught me. Lots of guys in the world, not many men. Weird maybe but it was a really good filter back when I needed it.

>No one who presents their anecdotal observations as objective fact has ever been right
You mean like you just did?

What's a woman ever got to be hurt or frustrated about?
Womans dating problem
>The 19th guy to ask me out this month was only 5:"11 and took me to a 4 star restaurant. You hear me? FOUR STAR. When there are 5 star ones on the other side of town! God, I'll never find a good man
Mens dating problems
>A woman has literally never liked me in my life. The last one I tried talking to laughed in my face just for saying hello. Nobody in the world cares about my existence, and if I dare complain to anyone I get called a loser and told to kill myself

>why do women say this
>b-but men do it too!

Kek, women are pathetic creatures.

More like
Woman's dating problem:
>What if this guy can't take rejection and decides to physically hurt me/rape me/harass me?

Man's dating problem:
>What if this chick rejects me and my fee-fees hurt for a nanosecond?

Men are so incredibly emotional for creatures who claim to be ruled by logic.

Kill yourself, dumb cunt.

Kek. Struck a nerve? You know I'm right, user, and your silly insults won't change anything.

That is not a dating problem for the vast, vast majority of men.

I find it is because the majority of people are quite bored, boring and don't think very critically about the world around them. We know inequality is a thing and we seek to correct it even though we are basically powerless to address the real causes of inequality (capitalism, debt slavery, the money system) so gender theories abound right now misconstruing science and statistics with opinion in order to get read and make people feel like they are doing something.

Most liberals don't want to give up the world they have. They go for soft targets because it lets them feel progressive, powerful and interesting. Everybody wants to 'make a difference'.

I just stay out of that noise these days. Unfortunately it means that my opinions might get a little closed off, but it is like .. I don't need to accept that itch into my life in order to feel the drive to scratch it, especially when it isn't the correct way to address these issues. I've not the skills to unite people behind a common cause which would deal with these issues in a constructive way and I can see those who thrive on exploiting division and weakness for fun or profit.

So I just keep on keeping on doing my thing. A lot of women do view men as a problem, just like men view women as a problem to be solved. How many men actually love and support women as opposed to seeing them as a resource sink which must be dealt with in order to access sex and reproduction?

There's usually a good reason for it if a man is spurned by literally all women in his life :^) Maybe try not being literal garbage.

Nah, you're just a moron who projects her own view onto men.

the amount of people who complain about their wife is pretty low.
A lot of incels complain about women as a group but usually puts individual women on a pedestal.

How do I project my views on anyone? The post I quoted admitted that hurt feelz were the main problem of men. I just put it into perspective and said that your little feelings really don't matter as much as you seem to think. If you're talking about the women's problems section of my post, then that's not projection either: that's observable reality. It's not my fault that men sometimes behave like animals (and crime statistics prove it). Do you even know what projection is or are you just throwing around buzzwords?

I mean, men are potentially still a problem in our society. If society fell how safe would it be to be a woman? Maybe from the perspective of women men are always going to be a problem and instead of attempting to modify men women should be the ones to change, instilling a warrior culture for themselves.

Why are men potentially a problem? I guess that law and order developed alongside society to keep a certain amount of it in check and with a society as large and developed as ours you can't just suddenly whip away the controls and expect it to default back to pleasant villages. Sexual practice has always been pretty predatory, males compete, females select.

Babygirl, calm down. I love you, okay? :)

You really don't have to. Unlike you, I have a loving partner to return to :^)

By women's standards half of all men are "literal garbage".

>Talking about 3.5 billion people like they're a hive mind
You guys are so dumb. Contemplate the possibility that your constant struggle with male and female behavior is that you're so retarded you genuinely think your anecdotal observations are representative of the entire world.

And a man has to worry that a woman could report him to the police and wind up in prison under false harassment or rape claims just for trying to talk to her. That's probably just as common as men murdering women over rejecting them.

So men and women both have physical threats to worry about, but women never have to deal with any emotional ones ever while men are pressured and oppressed their entire lives.

Oh yeah? See if he's still a loving partner once you refuse to let him fuck your holes. Can't believe what mental gymnastics you women have to go through to convince yourselves that you're not just cumrags for men and that your bf loves you for your amazing "personality". :)

>And a man has to worry that a woman could report him to the police and wind up in prison under false harassment or rape claims just for trying to talk to her. That's probably just as common as men murdering women over rejecting them.

>just for trying to talk to her.

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>Can't believe what mental gymnastics you women have to go through to convince yourselves that you're not just cumrags for men
Take your simple ass over to
We have containment boards for a reason. I also heard Jow Forumsincels is poppin' off pretty hot too.

You didn't answer the question. Tell your "loving" boyfriend that you never want to have sex with him again and see what happens.

I'd be pretty unhappy if my bf said he never want to have sex again.

That's not even what was asked. Continuing to dodge the question only proves your mental gymnastics right.

If you told your boyfriend that he'd just have to masturbate for the rest of his life to stay with you because you're never having sex again, but he can still enjoy having your personality around, would he or would he not stay with you. If you dodge the question and refuse to say "yes" or "no", we all know that even you realize he wouldn't but are just refusing to admit it.

I didn't answer the question because I'm not the person you were talking to, dumbass. Its also important to mention that you're not talking to a woman and was being trolled that whole time but you red-pilled fuckheads are so easily baited that all someone has to do is hint at being a woman and you'll go from 0 to rage sperg in 6 seconds flat. Besides all of that I'm merely here to direct you to the place designated for basement dwelling circle jerks. I've included the link for easy access.

That's a "no" then. Glad we settled that then, for however great your "personality" is no guy would stay with you if you never had any sexual relations with him.

Guess we know what truly matters between the 2.

>If you told your boyfriend that he'd just have to masturbate for the rest of his life to stay with you because you're never having sex again, but he can still enjoy having your personality around, would he or would he not stay with you.
You're retarded. Sex is a requirement for relationships, you idiot. An overwhelming percentage of people are not asexual therefore would not willingly remain in a relationship with an asexual. It doesn't really have anything to do with personality. The question you're asking doesn't have any basis in reality.

Are you seriously so stupid that you don't realize you're not even talking to the same person even after that have specifically said so? Are you fucking brain damaged?

women like men, just not white men

The exact opposite of this is true

>blames the man
typical woman tactics

Yes, holding people personally responsible for their own failures is a total "woman tactic".

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>blames the woman
typical man tactics

This ×9000

I already explained what would happen if you dodged the question. You're admitting he'd leave you. If another woman came along and offered to have sex with him while you were refusing it, he'd leave you for her regardless of her personality. You're a warm hole first and everything else second.

Yeah it sure is a "personal failure" for all those men who aren't in the tallest, handsomest, richest percentiles of all men. They really should be put to death for intentionally choosing all of those things and offending women with their existence.

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Holy shit, dude. I'm a completely different poster. I'm not a woman. I'm a man. I'm not the person you were talking to. Do you know how to read? I don't know how to make this any clearer. Regardless of that, any person who is not an asexual would not be in a relationship with someone who is asexual. Your logic doesn't make any sense.

And men are a sperm stick and nothing else, by your logic. There's a relationship where you just enjoy someone's personality without any sex, and it's called friendship. Romantic relationships should ideally be a combination of enjoyment of each other's company and sexual enjoyment. If one of these elements is missing, the relationship will be unhappym

oh but dont worry, once theyre used up and the wall is approaching like a freight train, these women need to settle, and fast. those betas will get their time them, remember, once she needs a "real man"
fair as fuck dating market. women are going to break society once the average blue collar worker realized his slavery to them.
but its mens fault :^)

>Yeah it sure is a "personal failure" for all those men who aren't in the tallest, handsomest, richest percentiles of all men.
Stick your head outside sometime and you'll see ugly dudes, short dudes, fat dudes, skinny dudes, bald dudes and all other type of dude under the sun in relationships with women. Your excuse is bullshit. Try again.

>They really should be put to death for intentionally choosing all of those things and offending women with their existence.
Kek. Quit being such a fucking baby, jesus christ.

You're a real special boy, you know that?

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wonder how one-sided those relationships are.
wonder what the woman brings other than "you get to spend money on me, take my yelling and maybe fuck me once a blue moon".
wonder if the woman always has an escape plan, because she can, while the man is stuck to her like a waterlogged corpse is to a cinder block

How are these non-advice questions allowed and when I start a general thread it get's deleted?

this board is a completet dumpster fire

Actually no, false rape accusations are exceedingly uncommon while women are harassed/raped/killed by men daily. Just read newspaper once in a while. But try and deny reality to look like a victim, that's so very male.

Rates of men being unmarried, single, and even virgins are rising.

You could look at this and derive 2 possible conclusions. Either men are all becoming losers, or womens standards are rising.

No doubt you would choose the first option, as you've demonstrated your immense bias towards women and against men in every post thus far. But which gender was it that's been having a gung-ho "sexual revolution" for the past few decades? Which one, when surveyed, rates 80% of presented samples of the opposite sex and below average? You should hopefully at least be able to answer these things, and from there be able to tell if the rising rates of unwanted men is because of their own fault, or of the women no longer wanting them.

>Waaah, stop noticing trends!
You're the retard here if you think I'm talking about all men and not general tendecies. Are statistics oppressing you?

>thinking all men are literal garbage such as yourself
Kek, this is exactly why you don't get any and my bf does :^)

there are more women than men on welfare.
women have much more student loans than men.
yes, men are walking sperm sticks. but they also have a fucking job, and many of them are somehow still willing to put a ring on it and cover for her until death or divorce does them apart. hell, even after that.
women are just a hole, a black hole for money, money provided by men :^)

>Are statistics oppressing you?
Provide the statistics then.

>You could look at this and derive 2 possible conclusions. Either men are all becoming losers, or womens standards are rising.
You're honestly the biggest dumdum on planet shit-for-brains if you think there are only two possible explanations for a drop in marriage rates. I don't know about "men" becoming losers but you sure are one. Poorly socialized, raised by the internet, angry, disenfranchised, unconfident, low self-esteem, entitled, autistic, out of touch with reality. Sounds like a pretty good recipe for a sexless existence to me.

>ur a bitter virgin lol u dont get sex
you closed your holes to him! great work!
walking stereotype of a woman, jesus christ.

I think its about time a mod came in and put this dumpster fire out.

>unwanted men
You spelled "unbearable" wrong.

I never complained about my bf. Only when he leaves the toilet seat up and when he is being menninist.

Uhh... OP, it isn't like men and women hate each other. We were just raised differently and some things that are obvious for one then to not be seen by the other.

I like all my male friends and I CAN nitpick and generalize. They can do the same with women.

Grow up and stop with the victim mentality already. If you hate women then become gay It isn't that hard I promise

The real answer is that men have always been overwhelmingly losers, but women could not afford to stay single because of economic inequality, various oppressive laws etc. etc. Now that women actually can stay comfortably single, they often do. Women don't actually need men: they're a burden in most cases. They are raised to believe that women should be their personal maids/sex slaves/incubators and instead of being thankful, they have the nerve to feel superior. No, thanks. It makes sense that women now have high standards and look for men who are so worthy that they will sacrifice a lot for them or good men who aren't entitled. Clearly you are neither :^)

>80% of all men are unbearable to be with

Come on. You know you're completely wrong.

>exceedingly uncommon
50% of rape accusations are false, it's just exceedingly uncommon for women to face consequences.

I didn't deny my holes to him, I merely correctly identified the source of his palpable rage in order to hurt him. The reason why women mock incels for this is because they're too simple-minded to care about anything else. It makes me happy knowing that pathetic losers like him will die without the one thing they desire so much: a wet, willing pussy.

Surprised no one replied to this one, that should've ended the thread right away.

But everybody likes to bitch instead. I guess that's what it all comes down to, in the end.