What's your political trajectory?

What's your political trajectory?
For me:
>edgy anarchist phase
>libertarian transhumanist
I've kinda flipped my opinion on technology completely.

Attached: 1541827773693.jpg (1024x1018, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>moderate conservative
>about a decade of increasingly conservative
>unironic fascist.

Attached: Fascism.png (886x1322, 125K)

now after the end cult

>basic bitch democrat
>weird psuedo communist
>basic bitch libertarian
>classic liberal
>constitutionalist conservative

For me,"do whatever you want but don't bother me" ideology.

>basic bitch conservative because my parents were right-wingish
>slowly turned into a fox news type neocon, was into glen beck
>white nationalist (who called himself a "nazi")
>National Socialist
>National Socialist

From the get-go I know that author doesn't fucking get it.

Confused Lolbert
H'white nat
Nazi without much knowledge
Fully fledged nazi/fascist

Also this pic should define what fascism is. There's a reason the fascio was chosen for the big symbol by the Italians when they finally came around and realized one of its modern manifestations.

Attached: 1.png (1000x1500, 1.05M)

Fuck I meant to say the def outright
It's a worldview

>>National Socialist
>>National Socialist
How tf did that happen? Glad you're back man

>Liberal (1-13)
>Slightly Conservative (14-15)
>Conservative (16-17)
>Alt-Right (18)
>Unironic Facist (19-20)
>Unironic Nazi (21-Current)

Read this kiddo

Pure capitalist violent monarchy.
I also want to own slaves.
I want to rule an entire planet and everything will be like Borderlands or Fallout: New Vegas.

Attached: BL2.jpg (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Borderlands sucks donkey balls

I believe hardcover tribal violence is the purest form of humanity.

>classical liberal
>finds Jow Forums
>libertarian with fascist sympathies

And you are a double nigger

>uninformed liberal
2016 election
>alt right
>messiah complex

Attached: 1531096896319.jpg (1515x952, 124K)

>Leftist liberal
>Christian conservative

You read this as well:
Bruh you got to knock that shit out of your head, even Krishna and Hitler merely saw themselves as tools of fate as we are all.
We perform actions of no personal consequence my friend, destroy your attachment.

>Christian conservative
That's a bruh from me do you even understand what nazism is in the first place?
If you did you wouldn't have become a Christian "conservative"


lol I dont accept reality anymore, shits too crazy. if you can manifest your won surroundings im gonna go all out schizo mode and meme myself into an avatar to be used by god

I was exposed to a lot of Traditionalist and Reactionary literature. Spengler, Guenon, Evola, etc. (Kaczynski added to the black-pilling that typically comes with this) I started to think that the world was hopelessly lost. When people switch from Fascism/NatSoc to these black-pilled Traditionalist ideologies it usually coincides with feeling that things are unchangeable. That you just need to "ride the tiger" and wait for some cosmic cycle to end. A lot of them would still be NatSoc if they genuinely thought a government could be installed in the next 15 years.

This isn't a good way to think about things. You should always fight for what you believe in. I began to adopt a sort of active pessimism. It seemed worth it to fight, even if things seemed hopeless. It seemed worth it to fight for the future, instead of hiding in the past. Ultimately, a warrior fights not because he wants something, but because war is an intrinsic aspect in his soul. "Hinduism" touches on this concept a bit with its Dharma and renunciation towards the fruit of one's labor.

Doesn't sound very fun to me desu


>centrist normie
>hoppean libertarian
>tfw desperately trying to resist the call of natsoc

Only a nigger would enjoy borderlands.


The Nazis were national socialist, but not all national socialists are Nazis. Doesn't matter anyway, I've grown out of socialism regardless.

>Spengler, Evola, and Uncle Ted

>and wait for some cosmic cycle to end.
Yeah they don't realize it's humans that change the human world.

Also amen, if you can you should try to reach out to any other gentlemen that got blackpilled if possible and help them along too.
Godspeed out there brother.

>ron paul libertarian
>nuke africa

Attached: wp9IUd6.png (620x349, 481K)

Jeffersonian Democracy

Attached: 1200px-An_Appeal_to_Heaven_Flag.svg.png (1200x800, 50K)

I wish to serve a purely fascist ruler
>Emotions suppressed
>religion of the Gun
>be high level cleric
Check 'em

Attached: equilibrium_still.jpg (468x320, 107K)

Read this:
>but not all national socialists are Nazis
I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not a fucking retard.
Define national socialism.
The word you use is going to tell me whether or not you know jack shit.

Hail the Murder Kube

>Edgy fascist as a teenager
>Eh, kinda libertarian from the ages of like 16+
If you flip so radically and regularly you are probably a fucking retard

Calm down, user. It honestly doesn't matter, because I don't follow it any more.

> Totalitarian
> Typical Conservashit
> Libertarian
> Minarchist
> Alt Right
> Mosleyite
> NatSoc
> NRx Monarchist
> Libertarian Socialist (with ethnic nationalist features)

Attached: ryuuko_matoi_by_anarchy_bizzle-d7yv9z2.png (1024x573, 228K)

>Democrat? Idk
>~Democratic Socialist/Social Democrat
>Anti-Illegal Immigration Left-leaning populist
>Right-Leaning Populist
>National Conservative
>American Paleo-Conservative
I've shifted on what my general views are but I still have a lot of sympathy and inclinations towards what I used to support.

Man I wish that was real.
And here I am unsure if I can even buy a gas-mask without it getting possessed in transit

>apolitical kiddie
>liberal (only because everyone else was)
>retarded natsoc
>ascended ancap (the only stage that required reading and thinking)

Attached: 1485099798900.png (1000x500, 282K)

>Liberal (Because My Parents Are)
>Liberal-Leaning Centrist
>Centrist (again)
I've come a long way, boys.

Yeah it does matter because you never even had a proper foundation to begin with.
You're also probably also a white dude who isn't a lemming so I care a lot about this.

Define it.


Read this shit:
>National Conservative
What the absolute fuck

>social Democrat
>transhumanist social Democrat
>race realist transhumanist social Democrat
Jow Forums helped me with the last step, so thanks for that I guess.

>concious Libtard
>Facist (most cucked)
>and finally Radical Sectorate Centrist

Attached: duardo.gif (90x90, 9K)

>ascended ancap
What's ascended about basing your politics on (((economics)))?

>social democrat

Read this scribd.com/document/392641851/Ironmarch-Squires-Trial-pdf
It might help you along to the next step :^)

Ancap is baste you get to nuke people for violating the NAP

Didn't care -> Libertarian -> White Nationalist

Nothing matters but demographics

Attached: download.png (244x206, 8K)

now im just some kind of egoist/transhumanist

fuck me right?

Imagine being a materialist/egoist

Oh that's too bad, I guess. You may care a lot about it, but I don't at all, and I don't have to defend something that no longer is relevant; or define or defend something that I no longer believe.

My most strong stance is being full anti-gay and anti-communist and I will sacrifice everything just to hold these beliefs.


>National Conservative
Is it really that odd?
I basically went from being NatSoc to believing that economic freedom is fime among white people. Then I started to question if a democratic or bureaucratic system could avoid being lobbied or persuaded to sell out economic freedom for the elite's interests and I came to believe a monarch was the best system of avoiding political bribery and foreign tampering.

>race realist libertarian
>white nationalist
>national socialist

Attached: 1527123974409.jpg (750x926, 231K)

It's not defense the idea is you tell me what you thought you were, then I say no here's what it really is.
The whole point is to improve your understanding, and either help you along your path insofar as you come back around and this time as an actual nazi or you go on to be some irrelevant sack of shit somewhere.

Attached: NazivsConservative.jpg (1242x1132, 430K)


Yeah it is werid.

>NatSoc to believing that economic freedom is fime among white people.
Well here's one of your mistakes
You think national socialism is economic policies.
You also think the logical organic economics of the authoritative stage of any given organic state/society are even that restrictive/controlling.

>democratic or bureaucratic system could avoid being lobbied or persuaded to sell out economic freedom for the elite's interests

>monarchism is the loophole
Monarchism just puts it in the hands of people who will half the time be competent or completely inept. They end up forming large bureaucracy systems to handle things they can't micromanage constantly and through that it would degenerate if the other flaws didn't get it first.


>Authoritarian Capitalist For a long time (Ethno Nationalism and Pan-Celtism included)
>National Distributist
>Monarchist Distributist Ethno-Nationalist Pan Celtic Catholic Jingoist.
My Political Journey has been hard but It seems I've found my place.

>Born literally Hitler, judging race in a hierarchy, reaching the natural conclusion that is eugenics immediately after learning about artificial selection.
>Liberal retard
>Classical Liberal with natsoc sympathies.
Should I go full Hitler? I'm really good at communication, and had a college age vocab in kindergarten. I could probs be next Hitler if I tried, but I feel like it's too much work just to be killed off like him.

leftist but with a big distate of comunism and islam
christian fondamentalist
nationalist liberal

I already told you. And you don't need to 'improve' my understanding and I won't 'come back around'. National Socialism is incompatible with Christianity, and I would rather follow GOD than a man-made philosophy built on sand.

You're critiquing ideologies I don't follow anymore so I don't really care, I thought my logic was sound at the time but I came to find problems with it. Hence I became a Paleo-Conservative, seeing that limited suffrage democracy our founders set up was the most ideal form of government man could devise. NatSoc would have failed right after Hitler, no one could replace him, essentially it was just Hitlerism.

"Monarchist Distributist Ethno-Nationalist Pan Celtic Catholic Jingoist."

hahahaha what is jingoist ?


The Belief that War is a natural state to be in and it is unavoidable, Overall war is good for Humanity.

Certainly helps people focus on what is important.

1. No affiliation, democracy-leaning, anticommunism.
2. Utilitarian nationalist.

I’m pretty set as a fascist on social issues and quite libertarian on fiscal issues. I haven’t changed on that in a while.

>I could probs be next Hitler if I tried
Okay stop telling yourself that and try.
Just do it.
Not for your weird confused worldview, sort yourself out first.
You might benefit from reading the PDF I posted
Have at it, it's the first of a series of PDFs but noone's asked me for another yet so I'll just start here.

>And you don't need to 'improve' my understanding

I need to improve my understanding. There's a lot I don't know, and I'm willing to listen to others when they allege they have insight that I don't.
I have insight on the national socialist Weltanschauung where you don't and I would rather not see gentlemen like yourself be led astray by falsehoods of comfort like conservatism.

>and I would rather follow GOD than a man-made philosophy built on sand.

We follow God and adhere to what God created and try to understand what we are meant to understand and do what we are meant to do.
Maybe it's your faith that's the blockage. Not enough Christ and too much church.

If anything that was a critique of your flaky understanding of it.

>I came to find problems with it
You found problems with worldly systems and ideas that aren't the worldview itself. You found problems with implementation and with natural truths such as the inevitability of any system you could implement, even systems based off of the NS Worldview deteriorating.
The problem is you ditched something that had nothing wrong with it, though I guess you still think it's platform or that it's policy or a system; paleo-conservatism is flawed af. Like you downgraded man.
And onto your misunderstanding of the whole thing again:
Have you ever read Mein Kampf?

>limited suffrage democracy our founders set up was the most ideal form of government man could devise.


Pragmatic with core "liberal" values (EU sense)

>conservative but pro-choice
>conservative but pro-choice depending on race/parent's political ideology
>same as above but also Physical Removal
Buy fucking guns and stay out of my country.

I made this back in 2016. Still pretty accurate.

Attached: old chart.png (878x878, 71K)

>never thought much about it
>Jow Forums
>adolf hitler the 1488th

You don't 'need' to do anything, user. I appreciate your concern, but I have already made my mind up. We can best understand and adhere to God's will by reading the Bible and engaging in Christian life, and engaging in fellowship and receiving the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ Jesus.

Spectrum is bullshit.

By jingo!


You know why it worked at first?
Because it started out adhering to natural law and people were still willing to fight for their rights. Rights are not given to you. God isn't a welfare provider. Worldly liberty and freedom are things you have to secure within the world through struggle.
They knew this, and they did it correctly. They even successfully formulated less destructive means for people to challenge each other or the state over these matters for the most part.

The unfortunate reality is this system wasn't built to last. The experiments in revolutionary law and governance worked as proofs-of-concept but after enough time the USA became unnatural and chaotic. It is still this way.

Nothing you can do in a paleoconservative outlook can revert this system to what it was in the late 1700s. The only choice is to adapt.

>NatSoc would have failed right after Hitler,
Again, it's not a system nor a set of policies.

>essentially it was just Hitlerism.
Same, and we had Rockwell after Hitler (Rockwell was assassinated though since the system was threatened by his peaceful extreme climb in popularity)

Fascism isn't some fucking platform shit like le authoritarianism.
Read book: scribd.com/document/392641851/Ironmarch-Squires-Trial-pdf

>Eco fascist

Redundant fascism is already eco, or at least implies. Anyone who claims to be a fascist who thinks we should go fucking up the environment or whatever can off himself.

>Liberal Democrat
>Social Democrat

Attached: ACSszfF8xFJUHbTvhctyr5D7hpsslTs9CAOt27G77ws900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.png (900x900, 619K)

I know, I just used it as a visual representation because it's easier than explaining my various shifts over the years.

Gay af
Also gay af

Reed book

>socially liberal/fiscally conservative
>(((True conservative)))
>right-wing nationalist

Authoritarianism is absolutely retarded bro. National unity should be supported from a natural system of collectivism, not state-enforced ethnic circle jerking

Attached: AnonWat3.png (433x564, 231K)

I wanna ____ that cat
Jk it's based off a tranny leftypol mod
Dude's ugly af too

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-11-23 01-38-18.png (279x153, 10K)

Attached: This.png (357x298, 19K)

Read the book and you'll stop saying retarded shit like this
>not state-enforced ethnic circle jerking
Read the book and you'll stop saying retarded shit like this

Like niggas tryna make me have an aneurysm

Attached: Racial Alchemy.png (1127x346, 75K)

Stop spamming you faggot, go start your own thread if you want to discuss your book.

Nah I'll keep posting it. I'm recommending literature to people who need it.

moderate, left-leaning socially, right leaning fiscally
transhumanist, but violently opposed to direct cybernetics and pro-genetic engineering
american imperialist

>creating and following your own political ideology is the true trajectory

Attached: Varenism.png (650x1063, 537K)

Yes I've read Mein Kampf and To My Legionaries.
>The problem is you ditched something that had nothing wrong with it, though I guess you still think it's platform or that it's policy or a system; paleo-conservatism is flawed af. Like you downgraded man.
NatSoc is too loosely defined of an ideology to really have meaning, it would better be called Hitlerism because it was just whatever Hitler wanted at one time or another. It's basically sold as an ideology that preserves your race, but the Republic the Founders set up had strict laws with regard to the immigration of specific races and they were all white supremacists in many affects. Nothing I value about NatSoc can't be found in a return to the principles of my ancestors in this Republic.
>Nothing you can do in a paleoconservative outlook can revert this system to what it was in the late 1700s. The only choice is to adapt.
I agree, and there are ways to do this and stay true to my values. I think Trump and his platform a the perfect base to move from towards the PaleoCon ideal. Shutting down illegal immigration and demanding only high quality immigrants will lead to an almost exclusive influx of white people. On top of that, getting rid of birthright citizenship is on the minds of Americans because of him, and so I believe we can revert back to the status pro-quo ante.

>interested in fascist movements

What kind of socialist?

>14-16 - Cuckservative (Catholic)
>16-19 - Lolbertarian (Atheist)
>19-21 - Mosleyite Fascist (Atheist)
>21-22 - Ecofascist (Orthodox)

Same leafbro. Same.

Why not summarize the book in your own words rather than directing us to read it?

I'll read it only if you can repeat what it preaches

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