Jow Forums, how do I overcome the shame of being a shitskin/third-worlder and undo Jow Forums brainwashing...

Jow Forums, how do I overcome the shame of being a shitskin/third-worlder and undo Jow Forums brainwashing. I read want to believe that all people are brothers and everyone should be given a chance, and no one should be termed as inherently inferior.
This is not a joke by the way. I know I sound like a whiny impressionable bitch, regardless, I have been seeing a shrink for a while now. But the trouble is I only get to see her for ten to fifteen minutes, and they only discuss how I should take the medication and how I should distract myself from these thoughts, rather than trying to actively debunk those ideas.
See, I've never met a White person before, and I have no way to know what they are actually like, but the impression I get from the time I spend on the internet (not just Jow Forums), is that some massive cultural revolution like the punk movement or anti-war movements etc. is taking place among young people in the West and in the near future all these race-realism/alt-right concepts will become accepted and recognised by the governments of various countries. How to overcome this fear/anxiety?

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What are you?

If you think you’re a loser then nothing can help you. At the end of the day you are you, nobody else.

And I wouldn’t put much stake in whatever those eternally butthurt incels over there have to say. They’d be the first against the wall according to their own ideology.

The problem is that all your conceptions of white people are from the internet (presumably Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general) it isn't a real fear at all. in reality, while there is a stronger gap dividing people, the west is actively becoming more left-leaning. If anything there is a stronger incentive in governments to criticize alt-right supporters, despite what the 'trump-era' may have you think. It's probably the best time to be a shitskin in the west out of any other time, as white people will bow before you, thinking that they've wronged your ancestors or something.

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What race are you?

OP, I'm white and I've been on Jow Forums since 2009, but I can never fall for Jow Forums's bullshit because of experience, education, and the people I've connected with.

After college I went to volunteer in Cambodia, which is an awful country. Violent culture that's still devastated by the genocide from 40 years ago. But I met a lot of wonderful Chinese people, some of whom I connected with very deeply. Then I joined the Peace Corps. I specifically didn't want to go to Africa. They sent me to Africa. I agreed, because with my shit GPA I might not have gotten another offer. It was life-changing, living in an African village. I met some amazing people, and you wouldn't believe how industrious villagers can be, repairing everything from electronics to cars with the most basic materials.
Then I went to grad school, and got sent to Sri Lanka for thesis research. I met a lot of incredibly sincere, thoughtful people, and briefly fell in love with a beautiful Indian girl on vacation there.

I'm not socially graceful. I'm a skinny, introverted white kid. One of my roommates is a belligerent, stupid guy who happens to be black, and if I hadn't had the experiences I just described, frankly Jow Forums's bullshit rhetoric would sound pretty fucking good for me when dealing with him. But it wouldn't be facing reality. That type of hate, and archaic ideology, is a shield from the world for people who are too weak to actually face it. Don't take refuge in hate. Go out and engage with the world. It has a lot more to offer than the fearful rage of Jow Forums.

Not OP but I am part-Black. If Africans are so resourceful, why do they live in failure?

The people on Jow Forums don't travel (and wont accept that most people do). That's either because they are in the US and get less than 20 days paid leave or because they have no skills in their home country. Normal people are generally fine with everyone. If you just get a relationship and a place to live you'll be more successful than most of Jow Forums and Jow Forums.

Part of it is external - lack of investment. There was way more investment in regions like East Asia and Latin America. Part of it is internal - a lot of people never developed effective investment and spending habits, and corruption is endemic with many African governments.
That said, different countries are moving forward at different paces. Ghana is moving forward very quickly.

I was in Senegal, which isn't doing great despite long-lasting peace. But I had a very good time and met a lot of amazing people in the years I was there. I recommend going and seeing for yourself.

Africa's... just africa.
Black people can be successful, but many just arent since they've been given awful names at birth that prevent them from getting a job.

Why does anyone? There’s lots of black folks who’ve been successful, and many who haven’t. I’d still rather live in Ghana than Albania any day.

Jow Forums is an echo-chamber for individuals who would be shunned if they openly expressed their beliefs. That’s why they use Jow Forums: the anonimity.

Not sure what race you are or what country you’re from, but if it’s “the West” you’re worried about, don’t be. White supremacy is frowned upon. Smart, hard-working people are cherished, regardless of their background.

If you’re a healthy human capable of being smart and hard working, it’s your responsibility to be that way. As much as pol wants you to believe that race effects this, it doesn’t. Maybe culture, but not race.

>If Africans are so resourceful, why do they live in failure?
Go to the library and study the history of Africa and the role it played in 16th-18th century transatlantic slave/trade routes. The question you're asking has a roughly 800 year answer. People get this funny idea that because the period we live in is the most recent iteration of history that we're at some kind of conclusion of history when in reality we're existing in the blink of an eye. Power trades hands at an incredibly rapid rate if you look at the entire breadth of history and not just the past few centuries. Because "Africans are dumb and lazy" or "Europeans are just the best at technology and progress" isn't an answer that has any basis in pragmatic, objective history I suggest you do some research. The reasons some civilizations progress quicker than others is an extremely nuanced topic. I would suggest starting with some research on the significance of trade route accessibility. Essentially, the countries that were hardest to sail in and out of got fucked in the technology boom of the 17th-19th centuries. I'm oversimplifying it to a great degree but, seriously, get off of this cesspool of racist shitbags and acquire some actual knowledge.

I have studied Africa and after seeing Liberia, I devised have a solution.

I administrate a board on 8ch where I talk about it.

I'm sorry, I'd rather not say, but it's pretty low in the ladder, not just Mexican or Arab or Slav or whatever.
I don't associate any of this with the Republican government of the USA, I don't think Trump is racist. I'm saying, it seems to be a silent movement that operates on the internet and indoctrinates millions of young people who will later become the decision-makers in the future (possibly due to the panic of low fertility rates in the West and high fertility rates in the developing world).
>and you wouldn't believe how industrious villagers can be, repairing everything from electronics to cars with the most basic materials.
Yeah, I also find it hard to believe that the (working class majority) people I interact with everyday are actually retarded braindead people with sub-70 IQs. I mean they can't read and write and all, but they seem like reasonable normal human beings. How do they count money with an IQ of 60? But then I also see how barbaric and filthy they can be, and I feel bad.

>I have been seeing a shrink for a while now. But the trouble is I only get to see her for ten to fifteen minutes, and they only discuss how I should take the medication and how I should distract myself from these thoughts, rather than trying to actively debunk those ideas.
I'm always shocked at how brazenly you idiots will spout the most blatantly false horsehit

Forgot to quote you to this

...okay, but I'm a little apprehensive to see it. Liberia had one of the most hellish civil wars in modern history. People I know who've visited said some good things, but forming an opinion of Africa on Liberia is a little like basing your opinion of Asia on the Khmer Rouge.

You think so? Why is that so hard to believe? Should I show a picture of the drug prescription?


>forming an opinion of Africa on Liberia is a little like basing your opinion of Asia on the Khmer Rouge.

The whole point of being a student of history is completely defeated if your only goal is to focus on the bit of history that confirms a narrative you want and ignore the rest of it.

A lot of the people I interacted with at that village were multilingual, speaking French and local languages like Wolof, Fulani, and Mandingo. Most can write very well with the latin alphabet and with the Arabic one. Calling them retarded is ridiculous. Interacting with people at the villages is like interacting with any everyday, normal people. I've interacted with retarded people with disabilities like Down Syndrome, and the comparison is absurd.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize how far down the rabbit hole you were. Jeeze.

Tbh as an African I don’t bother getting into it with Jow Forumsfags anymore for the simple reason that it’s an exercise in futility. They’re already violently hostile and have their minds made up, so forget it.

Why do Africans still live in huts? Why is there no National Socialism movement in Africa?

As a hybrid similar to the people who founded Liberia, I saw what the natives did to Liberia and how they defiled it.

Not only have I been disgusted with how the far-right Republican Party Of Liberia was overthrown by cowards with no vision, but, I am also disgusted in how even the traitors of the True Whig Party were overthrown, after 140 years of rule.

>forming an opinion of Africa on Liberia is a little like basing your opinion of Asia on the Khmer Rouge.
Not sure how we can communicate this point any simpler.
Are you genuinely asking why some areas of Africa are still highly underdeveloped and impoverished or are you just trolling? "Africans" is a hugely generalized term. Africa is gigantic continent with 1.2 billion people living on it. There is no national socialist movement in Africa because Africa isn't a country you fuckwit. There's 57 countries in Africa. Which "Africans" are you talking about? Which countries are you talking about? We can discuss the individual histories of each country if you want but in order to receive an intelligent answer you need to ask an intelligent question.

There should be a Pan-African empire, built on NatSoc, leading the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa to glory.

Ever since Gaddafi was assassinated and Libya destabilized by the U.S., Arabic slave markets, full of African people, have opened in full force. I do not see why these people are so disorganized and passive they let this happen to them again, yet, they can go terrorize and cannibalize each other. I am so sick of it.

Liberia was successful, South Africa was successful. Now, they are born war-torn. It's not one opinion of one example. It's fact of every example in history. I have African DNA and I see it. The race and respective tribes are universally hated and seen as inferior, globally, and no one wants to change this except me.

Everything hates Africa. Historically, Africans and people of the African diaspora have been public enemy #1 and prime targets for almost 1,000 years. How many attacks and atrocities will the African people allow?

How long must I sit through historically rooted disrespect, bias and prejudgment in America, because cowards sold their own and let themselves be subjugated?

lol this is demented

All those faggots on Jow Forums are 300lb incels but they can take comfort in not being actively genocided by the government or disgruntled locals who do not like how slave descendants are now citizens. Or, in knowing how members from their racial collective are not killing each other in record numbers. How many more actually innocent, non-thug Jeremy Lakes will be killed? How many more racial attacks and fake 911 calls must I see on the news? How many White nationalists must I hear shriek in pain as they attack my kind and then cry "White Genocide?"

If I was White, I wouldn't have had my arm broken by some KKK faggot or been pressured by the principal to leave a private school I wanted to attend and graduate from, all my life, due to being bullied and being harassed daily by rich White kids. I would have never been sexually assaulted at 14 in a classroom by some fat White slut who thought we all like White women. None of it would have happened if I was White or if the progenitor race to my kind was not so weak.

And you, , are demented. I can not believe I used to come here for years, bought a Jow Forums pass and can not even go to /b/, /gif/ or /ck/, without faggots from Stormfront impersonating Blacks and then race-baiting, pushing incels to post lynching photos or Bell Curve pseudoscience bullshit. I'm tired of the constant fucking attacks.

No other race would allow themselves to be enslaved.

Africans are responsible for all of this.

you lost me

I don't care. If African people weren't so pathetic and weak, they wouldn't be in the position they are in today and viewed in global contempt by some faggots on Jow Forums who jack off to Overwatch hentai.

I highly doubt this map's accuracy.

This is way too polarized and if taken seriously, the people who made it come out on top.

You're mentally ill.

Hey, this user is right on. Traveling is hands down the best way to "disprove" the shit that you've learned in here.

I was lucky enough to visit/work in China and Southeast Asia and it really put everything in perspective for me. That being said, I can only handle reading the invective for so long before it either makes me too angry or feel gross.

I feel bad for those who lap it up.

Hmm I think you're the one doing the impersonation.

Have this, free of charge. Can't wait to bleach my bloodline.

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Very as most hybrids are.

This Is Jow Forums.

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>what are bell curves
Dumb faggot just because a bunch of your race are retarded noglets doesn't mean you have to be

Why are people so racist on Jow Forums and assume false bullshit? I'm on /gif/, talking to some stupid fuck who says he's a systems engineer, trash-talking me for the thread I made. I reported him but the mods do nothing. It's like Jow Forums runs this whole site. That's all I want to know, OP.

Software engineer*

This is astonishing.

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>Why are people so racist on Jow Forums and assume false bullshit?
They come here for the echo chamber. They already believe some iteration of the bullshit they spew but they come here because its a platform full of people that are only going to agree with them and not challenge their ideology or look at the world from different perspectives. Nazis go to stormfront, fat people in sweatpants go to Walmart, shitty basement dwelling nationalists go to Jow Forums. Its the way of the world.

I know, but seriously, what the hell. It's like an omnipotent, malevolent force exists here.

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>literally getting so mad that someone was racist on the chan that you screenshot his posts and brag about reporting him to the mods
Holy shit I think reddit might be better off for you

>Jow Forums is an echo chamber
Please, you're here. Jow Forums is one of the last places these "nazis" can go and voice their opinion without getting banned. Sucks to be you that you have to hear opinions different than yours without them getting banned, but it's hardly an echo chamber.

Shit, I couldn't even talk about the way I sit on the toilet and take a shit without seven people arguing with me and calling me a faggot for the way I wipe.

>echo chamber
Get the fuck out of here lol