"Entitled ‘Keeping My Faith’, the advert shows a soldier kneeling in prayer by a mountain stream during a combat patrol. The other members of his squad sit waiting on the hillside and turn down a crackling radio so he is not disturbed. "

Attached: British-Army-Muslim-420x315.png (420x315, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fUCK how does one embed videos???



We lost. That's all there is to it.

this fucking guy.

Attached: 1542699539974.jpg (526x614, 33K)

we lost a battle, the war is far from over

Attached: together.jpg (507x640, 680K)

kek fucking nufag

Attached: fuckingkeklad.jpg (502x442, 29K)

Is that official?

>"He died like a Muslim. On his knees unaware he was in the middle of a fucking battlefield because it was prayer time. We can confirm he died facing east towards Mecca and his ass facing west."

Attached: download.jpg (299x168, 10K)

>Comments are disabled



So does the UK army abandon firearms in exchange for suicide bombers now

Not only is this fucking disgusting because Muslims are enemies who need to be killed, but no fucking army would let you take a break to wash yourself and pray in the middle of a fucking open field in a combat zone.
He also took off his helmet and is wearing a stupid white hat.

Attached: 1495644133730.jpg (480x473, 55K)

Funny that he is doing a "combat patrol" in what looks like the Scottish highlands and not in Afghanistan or some desert shithole.

And it would be funny, but it's so heavy it turns my stomach. The centuries of tradition, and culture being erased. LET ALONE just being able to reproduce and have a race of our own. (Never mind being the RACE THAT BUILT WESTERN CIVILIZATION) Yeah fuck it, give it to em. We colonized, they deserve it all.

Attached: ezgif.com-video-to-gif (3).gif (600x338, 4M)

The campaign cost a total of £1.6 million and features a series of radio, television and animated adverts, all voiced by serving soldiers, with questions being asked such as "What if I get emotional?" and "Can I be gay in the army?".

>UK conquered Asia
>Asia conquers the UK


Nearly a year old video that was posted and discussed here when it was released; There was a whole campaign with a homo one released as well.
but my question is just how new are you? please lurk for at least 2 years before posting and embarrassing yourself like this.

Anons, by their very (anonymous) nature, don't get embarrassed, faggot.


I do hope you're right. But let me tell you, I have relatives all over Europe, young and old. And when they come to visit, they are the DEFINITION, of white guilt. Dark skin loving, history hating, childless. I don't think there are enough to carry on the fight. And I know that is defeatist talk, but in my heart of hearts, I think its true.

Attached: Fallschirmjäger.gif (365x205, 3.99M)

this is a soviet tankist

You fucking stupid faggot.

No way? I made it from a "Wehrmacht in action" youtube video. Can you describe how you can tell? I'm not being sarcastic.

Attached: ezgif.com-resize (3).gif (421x237, 3.99M)

There's still hope for the US, we have the last truly uncucked white population. Even though 30% of us are brainwashed beyond repair, there is a good 200 million whites here, and the majority of them don't buy into cucked ideas despite being targeted with brainwashing for 2 generations. Keep in mind it's so extensive that an entire generation of brainwashed drones are perpetuating the programming and it still isn't really working.

Start taking whitepills bro, all of the majority white northern states are still 85%-95% and they are mostly reproducing at replacement levels.

It's not showing a faithful Chrsitian at prayer. Think about how few there really appear to be in Britain, anymore. Have there been any recent portrayals of openly-pious Christians in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland? Is that allowed in public, anymore?

Reminder that they've resorted to hiring people from the commonwealth who've never lived in this country since no man who could be passionate enough to defend this country thinks this country is worth defending.
The Tommy Robinson Photo drama was the last straw, it's just another social justice club now.

Thanks, dude. I do appreciate it. I do have an extremely dim outlook on the future. DESU my only whitepill is that God will set things right, not for white people, but for all people to live on earth peacefully the way they were meant.

WHy the fuck does this site change the things I write. I didn't write D-e-s-u, i wrote T-B-H.

I cannot fucking believe this is real

It is utterly regrettable how much Islamic migration there has been to Britain, and European nations in general. Islam is a cult which has no true spiritual basis from within Judaism or Christianity, even though it calls itself the successor to both. It is incompatible with the previously mentioned religions, not fitting in with either side's notions of orthodoxy. Mohammedanism is simply the far-too-successful cult of a bloodthirsty conqueror of the Arabian lands, who wished to extend his rule worldwide.


i'd have shot him to stop his dumb ass from blowing our cover

Attached: 1532416972412.jpg (512x479, 95K)

Brits BTFO. How could they possibly recover from that? lmao get rekt fags.

Because the mods are absolute retards. You can’t say sõy anymore either or cucc

>weaponizing the terrorists to serve your interests
based and redpilled
angloland know how its done

Attached: Dkz6Dd4XcAE75OM.jpg (600x600, 71K)

I just look at the facts and go by my own experience. I have cucked relatives and friends also, but in my experience more people are at minimum aware something isn't right even if they don't grasp what it is yet. Everywhere I go people understand that we shouldn't be paying property and income taxes. They can smell the stink of all the corruption. I see an awakening happening. Even a ton of smarter non whites realise their whole formula for success is basically copy white people. Whenever I see a latin girl with her hair dyed blonde I smile and realize all this.

Just be aware of the effort being made to demoralize you. Once you realize it's a conscious program you'll understand there is no logical basis for feeling hopeless and that you'd just be doing what (((they))) want.

Attached: meandmyson.png (700x632, 522K)


This is exactly the campaign they should have run 8 years ago, but now they should be doing the opposite and making the army seem like a bunch of tough lads with disciple.

This is definitely going in my newfag collexion
>allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture

More Muslims living in Europe go and fight for terrorists than they do fight against them. Funny, now we don't hear about all those ISIS terrorists coming back now..

>turn off comms
>make yourself combat ineffective
>halt your mission to arbitrarily serve one cog's mental masturbation
Good thing they disabled the comments or even a normie might've realized how fucking stupid this is

all is good mait

Attached: 1543206794112.jpg (623x702, 177K)

Minus all lower case
You know what to do Jenkins

Attached: smug afghan pepe.png (500x768, 64K)

that's just the paki squaddies , what was do with them is ingenious , we just keep marching them at the enemy untill they have ran out of bullets then the rest of us move in and mop them up


Attached: jew army.jpg (433x415, 20K)