billionaires need more free tax cuts

> billionaires need more free tax cuts

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all individuals need a 100% tax cut

class envy is the most NPC braindead stance ever.

Yup, They aren't going to invest their money in your country when their profits from overseas will be taxed so high and they can dump it in an offshore tax haven.

>when ever anyone ever talks about taxes it is only earned income taxes


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Hey fellow pede are you enjoying your $3 tax break

facilitation of the exploitation of oneself is infinitely more NPC

Taxation is theft, brother. The kikes at the top aren’t telling you that strong central government is no longer necessary as technology gets better. The more efficient we become as a society the less we need the feds boot.

What about when corporations outsource or flood our country with immigrants to drive down wages? Most rich should have their throats cut to be honest.

You assume people have no agency. People willingly enter contracts with employers. If they wanted they could be slamming dope on the streets like antifa fags but they strive to better themselves.

what about class hatred?

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using your collective bargaining power to enforce higher taxation on the rich is using your agency, brainlet

You seem to think you’re entitled to other people’s productivity.

Who's programming people to say this? I've never seen any mainstream voice say this shit, it's always "taxes are always good (and that's a good thing)"
Liberals don't seem to understand how to use any meme.
Come on guys, get your shit together I'm rooting for you. I want to be liberal again.

you seem to think that other people are entitled to yours

i bet you cheered as the yellow vest smashed those ATM's and burned those Mercedes's in another tread ...

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>we're going to give the biggest tax cut ever and create lots of high-paying jobs
>GM is closing their plants? now I must say something bad about them on twitter
>anyway, we're planning to make another tax cut, just you wait

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the rich dont produce shit, dummy

>4D chess
>trust the plan

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Then who is paying them, and why?

no one is paying them they're the boss's

Why should they get to keep their money when your Democrat heroes can spend it on feeding and educating Mexicans and paying for your college education in women's studies, right OP?

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The boss of what?

a factory, lets say

You seem to think people other than you will be paying

I know I would want more of my money back

And what does the factory do?

Ok, let's say a factory that makes nail clippers that wind up on the shelf for a buck a piece. You're saying nobody pays the owner?

can't hate em without envy

CEOs that push "we need lower taxes" are the same people that fund open immigration,progressives etc. Their loyalty is not to race or country but share holders.
First two things Trump did
>Let a Jew out of prison
>Lowerest taxes which in the long run benefit the richest
>Lowered taxes for Business yet they're still off shoring,raising prices because not putting Share Holders(profit) first is illegal

taxing fiat currency of arbitrary value LELOLUL

the factory exploits cheap immigrant labor which lowers the cost of labor.

the factory does nothing.

There should be an absolute maximum dollar value figure for the maximum amount of tax a single individual should have to contribute. e.g $50,000. Why should one person have to contribute millions and another person pays nothing?

Billionaires have companies that employ thousands of people- for every employee they have they should get a tax rebate, but instead the government slugs them extra "payroll tax" per employee. A tax on employees- ridiculous.

>thinking the "rich" are john tax payer running a factory and not the people running the banks and FED
You have to be 18 to post here.

Hi user, looks like you're new to Jow Forums. NPC's can only be leftists because they have no internal monologue. Hope I cleared this up for you. Much puddies

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im saying the workers made the nail clippers

everything else is merely an abstraction

sure you can. do you hate antifa?

*sips energy drink*

ah, Trump promising corporate tax cuts back in 2015. Those were the days.

Because the boss is taxed too high, so to save money he hires the illegal immigrants the liberals keep bringing in the country that want to work for scraps.
Wtf, I'm right wing now.

Then how does it sustain itself?

>magic bicycle

>Da Cost Of Doing Business In A Country


All of the actual manufacturing is done by a machine that the worker has zero liability for and zero risk to burden himself with. Do you honestly believe 100% of the productive output of the worker all just goes into the owners pocket?

you mean how the machine get repaired in the even of a break down? some workers come and fix them.

or did you mean who provides the raw martial for the clippers? some workers mine the metal to ship it.

Billion dollar corporations should not pay taxes while the middle class subsidizes niggers, spics, and single moms

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When America was "Great" the Tax Bracket was 90%....Its now 37% for the top.
If immigrants plus globalization why do the Richest people in the world support bringing them in
>Muh liberals are doing it

People should be forced to buy products from mega-corporations.

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>Tax cut for billionaires. It's normal to earn $50,000 per hour
>fuck less than min wage illegal workers, they're destroying these united states

This might be difficult for you to grasp but a business owner is a worker too.

But the factory does nothing, so all that is just a waste of money.

the machine that produced the clippers was engineered, assembled and transported by workers

>Do you honestly believe 100% of the productive output of the worker all just goes into the owners pocket?

obviously not, the capitalist would not allow his workers to starve otherwise he will loose them and the production processes will come to a halt and he will not be a capitalist anymore.

no plantation owner starved his slaves. slaves are valuable

no. a business owners consist of exploiting the workers, keeping them in line. i do agree that this can be a tedious practice but by no means he ever actually make anything or helps those that do.

>comparing the marginal income tax rate of the 50's with the effective tax rate of now

>by no means he ever actually make anything or helps those that do
Then why does he exist?
Why don't all the employees just leave him, get together and start their own business?

>and he will not be a capitalist anymore

Literally anyone who gardens and owns the land they're using to do it is a capitalist. Someone with a 3d printer who builds a drone in his garage is a capitalist. A fisherman using his own pole and tackle is a capitalist. Someone using a compost toilet is a capitalist.

So much of natural human activity that occurs when you leave people alone counts as capitalism that you have to be completely anti-human to argue against it.

Taxes need to be flat across the board.

That way, everyone pays their fair share.

50s was the best time to be America
>Sole Super power
>Jobs everywhere
>One income was needed to raise a family,holiday,buy a house
Yea but im being dishonest because its the 50s..

>I must reply to every single bait

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Also what about someone who owns a business but has no employees? You know a sole proprietor? Like say a photographer who self employs by picking up say, contracts to shoot weddings or other such events. Who is he exploiting when there is no one involved in the business but himself?

Even old Bernie knows.
They also support Bernie claims with their money.

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>I hate the librul elite, but I will give ny life so they wont be taxed! MAGA!!!

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he exist becouse the workers continuously fail to kill him.

>Why don't all the employees just leave him, get together and start their own business?

usually becouse the money that the capitalist allows them to have is only good for providing the most immediate needs.

Fun Fact: Most of The Tax Cuts went Into Stock Buybacks. LMAO at you republicucks come out of the two party system you faggots.

You're being dishonest because people didn’t pay the top federal income tax rate, people pay an effective rate not the marginal rate
The top marginal income tax rate was over 90%, but the average effective tax burden for the top 1% in the 1950’s was 42%, which is what they paid.
Your 90% vs 37% is dishonest, the real argument would be 42% to 37%


>Literally anyone who gardens and owns the land they're using to do it is a capitalist. Someone with a 3d printer who builds a drone in his garage is a capitalist. A fisherman using his own pole and tackle is a capitalist. Someone using a compost toilet is a capitalist.

no, the owners of the factories that made those objects are the capitalist, the owners of those commodities are worker who's purchasing power is sufficient enough to be able to acquire those commodities from the capitalist. all those objects were made by other workers - with the execpstion of garden land

>Lets never try to close loopholes! It would be annuda shoah

>workers continuously fail to kill him
So they're completely useless and incapable of getting shit done? They don't deserve more money.
>the money that the capitalist allows them to have
Good lord, you really don't understand how capitalism works.

There is two types of spending, consumption, which can some what perpetuate, and capital which grows things. Poor do not spend capital. Long term Governments waste both, because you can spend your money best. Spending someone else money that you know is 2nd most wisely spend. Spending random peoples money is the most wasted. If you think the government can spend better that companies, why not ban all private employment collect taxes from all the companies that dont exist anymore, or move to Zimbabwe, North Korea, Venezuela.

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>the owners of the factories that made those objects are the capitalist

So god is a capitalist? A factory owner didn't invent seeds or the nitrogen cycle.

>I’m a lazy faggot looking for free gibs

Tell me why pathetic alt-right NPC low watt failures worship shabbos goy Tucker. Muh Overton window, muh protesters chanted outside of his new 4 million dollar mansion in his lefty elite D.C. neighbourhood full of his swamp parasite friends. Trust-fund Tucker is /ourguy/ and dog whistles from 8-9 PM EST on News Corp’s Fox News. Mr. Carlson please use your boarding school education and 15 million dollar annual salary from a global mass media conglomerate to explain to us how "elites" are ruining America lol

Look, I know Tucker. Frankly, it's flat out hilarious that he, of all the filthy rich cosmopolitan news actors on tv, accuses anyone of upper class elitism. He is the son of a US Ambassador and heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune. Raised in the most exclusive bubbles in California, then a New England boarding school which cost 51000$ per year, onto blueblood slacker Trinity College where he studied Russian and was groomed by the CIA to be a spy. He is a classic old money Good Shepherd spook and a total arrogant snob who knows how to stir up anger in you flyover state maga losers because he looks down his nose at you all more than anyone

Tuck was born with the silverest of silver spoons, has to credit everything he has to his rich and connected parents, and sends his kids to posh boarding schools, including the oh-so-exclusive Winter ski term in Switzerland costing more than 65000$ for 3 months on top of 51000$ annual tuition, to avoid you peasant commoners. No one is less a man of the people or gives less than a flying fuck about “crazy lefties” or Third World trash taking your shitty jobs and ruining your backwater nobody towns. He’s nothing but an opportunist dandy showman feeding you narrow-minded simpletons dopamine hits as you waste your life away on the sidelines

>guaranteed (You)s the thread

itss not easy to kill all boss's at the same time, there are sporadic successful attempts

but no, workers historically fail to do it. but i suspect that the story is not finished yet

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Close the Southern border.
Deport illegals and their children.
Jail anyone who hires them.

Are you being genuine now?
>42% on Average for the %1 EARNERS many of those %1 fell into the Top Tax bracket?

what? can you rephrase that?

>i'm a complacent little drone working for massa

>how many of the 1% fell into the 1%

Not everyone is a broke degenerate leftist

If I go gather up blackberry seeds and use them to grow and sell more berries, who is the capitalist that made the seeds? Is it god? Is the plant species that produces the berries capitalist? Assuming I gathered the seeds myself and didn't buy them.

Why would I want the state to have money to work their evil? You can tax billionaires after ending gibs

Your lack of self awareness is why this is the best meme, you truly do not understand it at all.

No god gave freewill to us to do what we want with his creation

I have food, water, and a roof over my head. Everything else is just gravy.

>Many households in the top 1 percent in the 1950s probably did not fall into the 91 percent bracket to begin with..
quite simply really.

>thinks hes a billionaire

good goy

>confiscate millionaires/billionaires wealth and redistribute it evenly
Thanks for the $20

Right, and since a garden is a means of production, anybody who gardens and owns the land it's on is a capitalist. You can't get rid of capitalism without getting rid of food production. This is why everyone here makes fun of communists for having no food, because they seize the means of production and then production stops happening. Then all the zoo animals are eaten and no one has toilet paper.

Wealthy People
Normal People




in that case you are a free person - but mind you to to grew blackberries you need land which is a commodity in capitalist societies and commodities require money to be purchased, to have money you must go to work for a capitalist

also any cunt making BILLIONS from the Military Industrial Complex should be taxed 99%

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lower taxes for multi millionaires
lower taxes for millionaires
lower taxes for the middle class


>in that case you are a free person

Correct, and because I wish to keep it that way I and anyone with a working brain will violently resist communism if it ever knocks on the door.