What's happening?

What the hell are they talking about here and why is it a big deal?
Inb4 are you retarded?

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>What the hell are they talking about

Civil War 2.0

The media is chomping out after Mueller investigation turns out to be a big nothing burger.
Mueller flipped in Trump's direction.

That's just our awesome news media trying to drum up page clicks. Actually only a small chance congress will impeach here.





the stormy daniels payments

it's not a big deal

Mueller is draining the swamp.

Jow Forums is right again.

Fuck (((Q)))

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This guy literally repeats the same stuff every month. In early Nov. he was saying the exact same thing with the exact same headlines.

It has nothing to do with Russia.

Trump did actually violate campaign finance laws by using campaign money to pay off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet.

He is going to be impeached 100% but the senate won’t convinct him.

They couldn't find any Russian connection so instead of just come out and say it they started to push the campaign financing issue

I mean if the dems want to commit suicide that would be a good option for them. If they try to impeach Trump over something so incredibly stupid, and fail, theres ZERO CHANCE that dems take 2020.

They don’t have an option - they’ve worked their base into such a rabid frenzy they NEED to impeach him for any tiny thing they can.

It wasn't campaign money, it was Trump's money in a retainer fee to Cohen. The argument is that that money should be construed as a campaign contribution and therefore is an unreported campaign donation. Not going to go anywhere in court because Trump obviously had the interest of protecting his personal life as well, so it's easily argued as not a specific payment for his campaign. This is yet another nothing burger thrown out for the media to create a tsunami of headlines, in fact this was all known months ago.

>campaign finance violations
Obama paid a huge fine for campaign finance violations and no one gave a shit

Just another coordinated fake news by the NYT which everyone else parrots.
Vid related

And colluded with Russia

I agree he really didn’t do anything worthy of impeachment at all.

I’m just saying I think the Democrats will almost certainly act like it’s the most treasonous thing in the world and vote to impeach him.

Go ahead and keep trying to parrot this. No one believes it. I'm just laughing at how far this is going now. 2019 is going to be fun as fuck

You are a literal retard and should kys. you faggot nigger. Muller is a fucking ENEMY. You kike shill.

The enemy of (((you)))

I just want Trump to bring it all down. Expose EVERYONE. They will get him on something, even if it is jaywalking. I just hope there is a dead man switch or something that brings it all down.

Let just be served, though the heavens fall.

Nigger, I have never followed Q or read anything on Q or went out of my way to read Q posts. I am using a faculty in my brain called critical thinking, which is something your pea brain clearly does not have. Im surprised your walnut sized brain is capable of mashing the keys to make a sentence.

You post the same shit over and over and over. You are wrong. Or a shill.

They already did... do you really think the republicans are gonna play nice the next time the dems get someone in the whitehouse? No, they set a precedent with the Mueller bullshit and we'll never have another president again, just people being investigated trying to run the country.

>keep your businesses, which receive money from Saudi Arabia and had discussions with Russians about future building projects (which certainly will never ever happen after leaving office, no siree)
>expect to make it through your first term without at least one corruption charge

Maybe he can keep Hillary company in Cell Block 4B.

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The elite apparently are tired of living. They want us to shoot them I guess. Why else would they do this? We’ve warned them not to

that's not illegal, no matter how much you wish it was, not a crime, never was. The Clinton Foundation was actual pay for play and there's piles of papers proving it. Trump builds skyscrapers, its not insane he might talk to someone about building a skyscraper.

Are you retarded? The lefty media posts echo chamber bullshit every day.

Mueller "is" the swamp.
The proof? Why did no one investigation giving 20% of American uranium to Russians - while donations flowed into the Clinton Foundation.

>Trump did actually violate campaign finance laws by using campaign money to pay off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet.

Fucking idiot, the hypothetical charges not being laid against him are not:
>He used campaign money for personal matters
>He used personal money for campaign matters

The fact that you too agree that the Stormy Daniels non-disclosure agreement can easily be considered to be a personal matter rather than a campaign donation clearly shows how weak the prosecutors case it.
(which is why it will never see the inside of a courtroom, yet they'll use the excuse "you can't indite a sitting President")

What law did Trump break?

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The media hyping up nothing burgers.

Moscow Donnie is done. Even the Tuck is shitting on him now. Sad!

First they pushed the "obstruction of justice" angle - as if a President is not allowed to fire someone in the justice department (Comey)....

They get talking points that they create stories around, that's how they constantly release the same bullshit propaganda around the same time. to create a false sense of interest so they can say there's a conversation except they fucking started the "conversation" so they could pretend it was worth talking about in the first place.

I guess conducting international business is now illegal...?? Who knew??

End your life.

Can we watch your head explode when Mueller concludes nothing was found?

Oh wow it's literally nothing

Hey Heebie Kikeburger, you forgot to check them digits

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They want to build up public pressure. Make it seem obvious, automatic, choiceless, already decided upon that everyone agrees that a certain thing - impeachment - will now have to happen. They don't want people, in particular rep senators, to question this.

Yeah you know Jimmy, did you get the memo, it's already decided, now you go along...


If they get rid of trump the streets will run with the blood of the lugenpress and elitists. Don’t think we don’t have your addresses.

Don't know, don't care.
Some Amerimutt, shart-in-mart orange-man-bad bullshit that subhumans who believe in judeo-christian zio-conservative oligarchical theocrats and their lesser of type two diabetical evils. I only watch news on other countries and I do not even identify with this country at all. I tried typing "Russia" to get happening updates but all this Americunt bullshit showed up so I just typed "Ukraine Kerch Strait" instead.

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It's infuriating to see such open corruption happening in the media.

evils supports and shills for**

The left always heats up when the right is uncovering deep state operatives.

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Really, what is all this Americunt bullshit? I didn't care enough about this until it shit up my web searches on Russian updates.

The (((left))) always heats up when the (((right))) is uncovering "deep state" (((operatives.)))

Cohen, who has already been charged with lying once, made a claim that he committed campaign finance violations under direction of President Trump.
There's been no proof of this released or even mentioned so far, but the media is getting desperate.
So they're calling for impeachment proceedings based on unsubstantiated hearsay
Pretty exciting. Shit will probably go down regardless of which way this goes.

This is the Clinton blowjob scandal 2.0

Tht's what this is all about??! Why is this even in the news? It's like a bunch of faggots snapping and popping like bacon and scrambled eggs while saying "oooooohhh gurl" while in an argument with biological females over a conversation about who has better taste in lipgloss. This is frivolous lugenpresse-tier news. Like really, who the fuck even are these people?

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This investigation has been going on for almost 3 years and nothing has happened,

When are the nukes flying already? Fuck this American "ooooohhhhh guurrrl he getting impeached, he collluded with russssiaa ya'll, would you like a big mac?" bullshit.

There's a criminal investigation on the President?

Can this man just tell these faggots what they want to hear already and put a gag order on them so I can stop seeing this shit when ever I google Russia?

Yes, that is what all the impeachment talk is about.
Trump is causing both the media and the Democrat party to destroy themselves.

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Funeral Cards

>2019 is going to ve fun as fuck
No matter what

>blue wave happens
>its a disaster for the democrats! we're winning!

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>Blue wave
Winning less than polls projected in the house, and actually losing seats in the senate isn't what I'd call a blue wave.
But don't worry, you got Donald Drumpf for sure this time!

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Absolute retard

Its a shill

this. they are assuming Trump said to Cohen, "find an illegal way to pay them off and do that. make sure you dont do it legally."

imagine having that family tree, the mutt meme is true

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Wrong Canuck.

They have the demographics in Texas and Florida by now, we barely scraped by in the midterms.

Also obvious voter fraud in Broward county with NO PENALTYS.

Trump is the last chance to change things peacefully.

trump is guilty as fuck, have you not been paying attention? his personal lawyer is going down. his ex-campaign manager is going down. there are so many strings


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We've been saying this for two years m8y its not ever shaking out that way. We know now the only way out of this mess is from the grassroots and that the ruling class cuckbois, their media trumpets, and their banking doms need to all be removed, permanently.

... Says increasingly nervous man for the 1,394th time since 2016.

Blah blah pol will just bitch. Far right are cowards.

>He is going to be impeached 100%

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DOTR coming in is what's happening