What do I say next?

What do I say next?

Attached: Screenshot_20180527-101247.png (1080x1920, 128K)

ask her how many guys she's slept with

Move to getting her number ASAP

"Haha i'm just kidding you're disgusting. Wanna fuck?"

you already have her dw about it just say come over now

Find out if she likes bread

>complementing some random thot on hookup site

why do people do this

100% she's into you, mate
Well done

I have a question for you...

Move to get her Snapchat boi

>are you an archaeologist
>pls respond

The chad english poet
The virgin jap translator

Should it not be your beauty

if thoust desire mine ample phallus, thou needs only give thou desire fair maiden

You've already lost

"And the sun takes the time out of its day to make sure I get laid."

Ask her for feet pics

U want 2 3sum bby ?

Neck beard I swear

Any of these. You can tell from that tiny picture for ants that she's obviously fat so she's gonna fuck any guy who gives her attention. You can't screw this up. Just push forward and you will get some fat girl fucking.

>What do I say next?
mom and dad, im sorry i disappointed you

>ask her how many guys she's slept with
tell her with how many guys you slept with