If this was America it would be a fucking bloodbath by now without any different outcome.

Attached: paris.jpg (1279x853, 668K)

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4 people died yesterday in protests

3-4 people died tho

lolol you silly europeon

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and one guy had his hand blown off. they should make it a blood bath, maybe then Macron would listen. 100 cops go down in blood and then something might happen.

Nonsense. Recent events like the Baltimore riots over dindu-nuffins or Los Angeles back in the day illustrate how much restraint Americans cops have. Although I wouldn't have opposed mowing down the darkies because they weren't being good bois, the American riot police handle situations pretty well.

two points to make 1
1. there have not been zero deaths. some people have died.
2. injuries are still important and can be life ruining, so you cant just act like injuries dont matter

why would the ruling class report the deaths and injuries caused by their footsoldiers?

extra kek because you gave us that shit