I wish there was a way to get pay back on journalist like this guy. This guys is such a faggot hopefully a pack of wild nigs rapes him.
This journalist is doxxing
>He regularly refers to black patients as “dindus,” a deeply racist slur common among the alt-right
user 100%
Now he know exactly who to knife if his life goes to shit
that's not a journalist, that's a professional tattle.
If EMTs aren't allowed to compare dindus to animals there aren't going to be any EMTs left.
>oh no I'm actually having to be responsible for my beliefs now!
Maybe if you had balls you would actually say what you mean instead of being a coward
We need to start using liberal tactics against them, call everything they do sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. This will mind fuck them to the core and will start censoring themselves and attack each other.
Found the boomer
Maybe we could say democrats are the real racists!
It's already happened. They are cowards, which is why they embrace the progressive position in the first place. They are terrified of not being seen as woke enough, and being expelled from their group. The scorn of their peers will only make them double down on being seen as progressive. See: #CancelColbert for an example. Find the Gulag Archipelago on youtube or in a bookstore to see what the woke witch hunt devolves into under unfettered Marxism.