Am I dating a literal psychopath?

She's on her period but this is just ridiculous.

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ghost her for like 4 days then see her reaction. you should be able to go from there assuming you're not 100% autistic

seema like you're both over reacting here

Texting is a bad form of communication, news at 11. You ?? in reply to her 'ok' and I have no idea why, you seem like a idiot here, maybe post more texts.

No, you're acting crazy. Maybe if you communicated like a normal person, you'd get more normal responses.

This guy sounds like a sociopath, though.

>she's on her period
How long have you been with her? I have a feeling it'll get worse as time passes. Is she paranoid, possessive a/o jealous?

if he is then ghosting will be good either way. take a minute to think about it.

what the fuck did you mean by ??
i'd be annoyed at you too, you seem annoying as fuck

She’s just on her period
That’s why we used to send em into the woods for a few days when their red moon came

You texting ?? to her probably came across as "what the fuck are you even saying?" to her. She texted "what?" to try to clarify what you meant by that, and your reply of "ok" - repeating what she said - came across as annoyingly passive aggressive. Female craziness + period enabled and amplified it.

source: grew up watching autist dad habitually piss off my sister and mom and thus learned how to tiptoe around irritable women

A break from talking to her would definitely be good.

I don't know if I'd call this ghosting. Kids these days are really into that word. Eventually it'll be overused to the point it means nothing, like the phrase 'low key'.

>when OP's menstrual cycle syncs with his girlfriend
disastrous consequences

but yeah you do sound obnoxious over text.

Yeah it was a bad night I think for both of us, we started talking about the future of us and it became pretty hostile.

We've been together for a couple months so not that long. She's incredibly fucking jealous over everything I do. She saw my phone and saw that I was texting a coworker about work and shit and she thought I was cheating on her, could be from her past relationships though.

I was clarifying what she meant by "ok" I also get really pissed when that's all I get for a reply.

sorry I'm a lazy autist and use it as a catch all I won't do it again Papa user.

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it's okay i love you


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You both need to grow up honestly

>She's incredibly fucking jealous
Leave the relationhip

There's only one defender who deserves an lmg and you know it.

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commie scum

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I'll have you know that our Lord fights gloriously on behalf of NATO in the battle against international terrorism.

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a likely story pal, now open up and eat this American made lead

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that's just women in general lmao. no but seriously, she's crazy. my first "girlfriend" was like that, she was crazy. but then again, all women are crazy.

>human talk
Is it you, Mark?

No u

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[asking for affirmation]
[no affirmation given]
[querying why no affirmation was given]
[doesn't realize you were asking for affirmation]
[passive aggressive response due to no affirmation]
[confused by what's going on and trying to end it nicely, but lays a landmine as well]
[you don't realize she was trying to leave and left a landmine behind]
[she gets mad that you didn't understand and set off the landmine]
[you are even more confused and it's interpreted as passive aggression]
[she forcibly ends the conversation]

TL;DR: lol misunderstandings and hurt feelings

Lmao that text convo is hilarious

This 100%
OP, if you really think there was nothing wrong with how you handled this situation, you might be the one with problems. If you don't like it when someone says just "ok" then acting passive aggressive isn't going to solve that issue.

>from her past relationships
Which isn't this one
Bitch, my ex fooled around with my best friend, don't mean I'm gonna glare daggers at every girl who talks to him
If you're too crazy to keep your shit in a box, then don't fucking bring it around to other relationships. Shit
Enough crazy niggas out here without bitches adding to the pile

need context, what are you giving a shot?

I was just talking about normal shit like how I need to get in shape because I feel unhealthy and gross.

I will never understand them. I feel like anything I say has the possibility of her freaking out.

And what kind of response did you want?

My wife gets cold and irrational as hell the day before the blood starts to flow.

Luckily I know it and so does she and the best advice I can give is to let what happens roll off your back. Track her days. You will know when it is coming and you can prepare for it better.

She's mad about something else, obviously. Impossible to know what because we're not mind readers.

Also why did you reply "ok" to what? It seems like you were also mad before. Communicate people

Even if she's on her period, this kind of behavior is a major, major red flag.

My two cents are to drop her immediately, she is probably mentally ill

Anything but a one word response really lol

This same sort of thing happened the last time she was on her period. I should probably be more careful of what I say.

What you say won't matter, user.

Learn that now. She will be ready to get angry at purely irrational stuff. You made dinner? You didn't cook it right. You cleaned the house? You did a bad job and don't clean right. Say she looks cute? You are a lying cunt.

It is purely irrational and she is grasping at straws to be angry at something to justify her emotional imbalance.

Just recognize it as her mind being fucked due to a temporary hormone imbalance. Get a quite hobby to give her space, which will also piss her off, but tell her about it during her calm times. Just say straight up, you love her, and don't want to upset her during a hard time, so you will give her space during it but she can reach you anytime, however you won't argue with her.

If she gets mad at that outside her period, then you should probably drop her because now she is indeed insane. Most women know they are twisted during their periods and understand you taking steps to make that time more peaceful.

>also get really pissed when that's all I get for a reply
You both seem to have some issues with passive aggressiveness.

>don't text me back lol
>texts her back
You fell for the bait, op.

A tad bit dramatic and sporadic I'd say. Usually a characteristic of someone who is bipolar. Get out of the relationship before it's too late.

Christ. I'm glad I don't date anyone. Who the fuck wants to settle with this shit? Just talk normally

This just all sounds like you two have an unpleasant relationship.

Yeah, I'd say run and get the fuck out as soon as possible ma dood