Why can't we admit it's fucking embarrassing having a president that can't act with any decorum or maturity whatsoever...

Why can't we admit it's fucking embarrassing having a president that can't act with any decorum or maturity whatsoever? The fact people are praising him for his "good behavior" at the funeral says it all; we are actually SURPRISED when he doesn't make a total ass of himself and actually acts like a normal, polite human being.

Attached: President-Donald-J.-Trump-and-First-Lady-Melania-Trump-attend-the-state-funeral-service-of-former-Pr (700x522, 55K)

hi sharia blue!

Hopefully he's gone soon and you can have a proper and non-retarded president again

He's a bit clumsy sometimes but the one thing he's doing well is shitposting and I dont want that to change, people need to feel free to say stupid shit

Literally why he is loved by his base.
Why would anyone not understand this at this point in the game?

He's trolling the libs and controlling the media narrative. Everything is planned.

show me one right winger or major media outlet praising him for his behavior
it seems you just made that up so you could be offended at trump doing LITERALLY nothing

Founding Fathers had potty mouths

From the clintons to Obama, personal character became a shitshow. All we now have to vote for, is their agenda.

Lol you’re a huge bitch. Just off yourself.