Share wisdom/experiences that were life changing to you anons.
Got dumped after sharing nudes, taught me to focus on the relationship instead of trying to brag to friends.
How many times are you fully experiencing something?
For example, say you're sitting in class. Your mind is probably wondering off somewhere. When was the last time you sat through a class without your mind going elsewhere?
You should be focusing more often. You'll enjoy things a lot more.
I learned that FAFSA pell grants can pay for instate community college tuition rates almost entirely. After that, as a transfer student, i didn't have to live on campus for my first year at the University. those two semesters of room and board would've cost me over 20,000 dollars. the 2 years at community college only cost a little over 15,000 dollars. Even if i had paid for it out of pocket, it would've paid for itself in savings my first year going for my bachelors degree. If you're still thinking about what you want to do in life, get an associates degree in trade school to figure out how a lot of infrastructure in the blue collar world works and use the time to figure out what you want to do for a career. I wish someone had told me this information earlier, I had to learn it the hard way.
I got a B for the first time in college. I never expected it because I always get perfect scores and the depression from it lasted months. To this day I still haven't told anyone in my family I have a B, I just tell everyone I am "all A's" even though deep in my record the lies show.
This experience taught me that no one is perfect and you should never be unprepared for a situation because you think it is beneath you.
Start investing monthly in a well balanced portfolio.
"just be yourself" is normally bad advice for most men. Most men are comfortable. They're ok with who they are.
Better advice is to "be the best version of yourself." Don't lie or pretend, but if you know you're being lazy in some area that you can be good at, get good. Put your best foot forward.
Dont bother dating if you have 'tism.
While this is military survival, the psychology lessons, particularly dealing with stress, have become somewhat foundational in my life.
>It takes much more than the knowledge and skills to build shelters, get food, make fires, and travel without the aid of standard navigational devices to live successfully through a survival situation. Some people with little or no survival training have managed to survive life- threatening circumstances. Some people with survival training have not used their skills and died. A key ingredient in any survival situation is the mental attitude of the individual involved. Having survival skills is important; having the will to survive is essential. Without a desire to survive, acquired skills serve little purpose and invaluable knowledge goes to waste.
>There is a psychology to survival. You will face many stressors in a survival environment that ultimately will affect your mind. These stressors can produce thoughts and emotions that, if poorly understood, can transform a confident, well-trained person into an indecisive, ineffective individual with questionable ability to survive. Thus, you must be aware of and be able to recognize those stressors commonly associated with survival. It is also imperative that you be aware of your reactions to the wide variety of stressors associated with survival. This chapter identifies and explains the nature of stress, the stressors of survival, and those internal reactions that you will naturally experience when faced with the stressors of a real-world survival situation. The knowledge you gain from this chapter and the remainder of this manual, will prepare you to come through the toughest times alive.
>Before we can understand our psychological reactions in a survival setting, it is helpful to first know a little bit about stress and its effects. Stress is not a disease that you cure and eliminate. Instead, it is a condition we all experience. Stress can be described as our reaction to pressure. It is the name given to the experience we have as we physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually respond to life’s tensions.
>We need stress because it has many positive benefits. Stress provides us with challenges; it gives us chances to learn about our values and strengths. Stress can show our ability to handle pressure without breaking. It tests our adaptability and flexibility, and can stimulate us to do our best. Because we usually do not consider unimportant events stressful, stress can also be an excellent indicator of the significance we attach to an event—in other words, it highlights what is important to us.
>We need to have some stress in our lives, but too much of anything can be bad. The goal is to have stress, but not an excess of it. Too much stress can take its toll on people and organizations. Too much stress leads to distress. Distress causes an uncomfortable tension that we try to escape or, preferably, avoid.
>As you can see, stress can be constructive or destructive. It can encourage or discourage, move us along or stop us dead in our tracks, and make life meaningful or seemingly meaningless. Stress can inspire you to operate successfully and perform at your maximum efficiency in a survival situation. It can also cause you to panic and forget all your training. Your key to survival is your ability to manage the inevitable stresses you will encounter. The person that survives is one who works with his stresses instead of letting his stresses work on him.
Community colleges are the best invention to education society has ever made next to technical colleges. I highly recommend them. Telling everyone to go to four year/university when they don't know what to do, what they what to be and if they can realistically afford it is setting them up for disaster. They are starting to turn into ideological daycares, no better than compulsory public school nowadays.
The Love that you withhold is the Pain that you carry.
I didn't mean that at all. To clarify, I meant that community college is where students should go to get a better idea of how real world infrastructure works before making a decision to go or not to go to a university. I've seen a lot of students that have spent a year as an undeclared student at a university (starting right out of high school) and still haven't made a decision about a major. that's at least 20 grand in tuition and another 20 in room/board for an entire year that they have to pay back no matter what. The whole point of my post was to avoid students making that kind of mistake.
t. Adderall salesman
Pain is just weakness leaving your body.
There's no "me", "mine". "I" is a stream of events that shapes a person like flowing water shapes a whirlpool.
Stress is the tension between your current situation and your imaginary ideal situation. Letting go of your imagination reduces the stress.
Nobody but insecure assholes care about your social failures. Fail as much as you'd like and don't listen to assholes.
>got put in juvie for getting beaten to the point of literal concussion by step parent then running away when still child
>i got punished for being victimized
>social services and local authorities refuse to act because "friends of friends" and under the table shit whenever help is sought
It was then that I knew there is no justice in this world except what you exact yourself.
>Stress is the tension between your current situation and your imaginary ideal situation. Letting go of your imagination reduces the stress.
man, this is some good shit
Don't worry about if women think you're creepy. The difference between romantic behavior and being creepy is if the girl already wants to fuck you. You have no control over that. Don't worry about that.
BUT, do ask your guy friends if what you're about to do is creepy. They have a better gauge on if some shit is creepy. Better yet, get a gay male friend as they have no investment in your straight shit. They can give you a completely unbiased opinion on if your shit is creepy.
But don't worry about what the object of your attraction thinks. She will find anything that makes her uncomfortable, creepy.
I treated women great and they left me every time. I bent over backwards to make them happy and they still left.
I started telling women 'no' to their requests for stuff and attention and they left much faster but my wealth grew and I enjoyed life more.
Met one who is fine with taking no for an answer and we have been together for a couple of years and happy.
My biggest advice that I wish someone would have told me when I was younger is this...
Tell women 'no' to requests for pricier things. If they bail you saved yourself a lot of time because they would leave anyway if times ever got even a little difficult. If they are into you and not your gifts, dinners, and such they will take 'no' for an answer fine.
There is no such thing as just being born with bad social skills. Being able to hold a conversation is something you learn as you talk to people more and more. The adults who told you "Oh you are just shy and some people just are like that" did you a big disservice because they made you think you're just some victim of faith and you have no power over it, but you really do. Learn to get out of your comfort zone more often and don't bitch about how hard it is. The power to change your life for the better is in your hands, and your hands only.
People are flawed never trust a human. Trust yourself or a higher being with authority, because they are above humans.
The best thing I have learned so far is that nobody cares on average. As long as your not forcing someone to be involved with your bullshit, they don't care. They might get a moment of thinking about whatever you doing but they will quickly forget. Knowing nobody cares has gotten me over a lot of shyness in my life.
>don't bitch about how hard it is. The power to change your life for the better is in your hands, and your hands only.
I think its ok to bitch, as long as the bitching is for venting and not an excuse to quit. Sometimes it is ok for the steam locamative to huff as it goes up the long as it makes it to the top.
Your comment reminds me of something I was going to say.
Fault doesn't really matter. Regardless of what we're talking about, women, work, family, etc, even if you find the person at fault, that might not make anything better. They might be unwilling or unable to make things better.
Ultimately it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own happiness and success and do what we can to ensure it.
Making things better is not about finding fault, it is about responsibility.
And similarly, most of the time we're the only thing that we can personally change. Its a gamble if you can talk anyone into changing. And they have to want to and they have to make those changes. But for most things, we only have control over ourselves and can only change ourselves.
I have some primary for minors, but also young adults.
If you parents are cunts, you can't change them. But make sure to note their behavior and analyze if you've picked up any of it subconsciously.
Don't fight them, but work towards breaking away from their influence.
For me that subconscious influence had a horrible effect on my love life.
Nothing,good or bad, lasts forever.
Nothing - absolutely nothing - matters ll that much
Everything is your fault. Perhaps you didn't cause it but only you are responsible for fixing it. You have no right to complain. You have no right to cower.
Only you have the power to change the course of your life. If you fail, its all on you. So quit complaining and get to it.
Dated girl for ~1.5y. When we broke up she accused me of domestic abuse & rape. Lost almost all of my friends. Learnt that there's not much you can count on in life when it comes to people. Learnt not to trust. Learnt not to put too much importance on friendships or relationships.
The key to a healthy relationship is just genuine and sincere honesty. Just always express exactly how you feel and never lie to your partner. It might hurt like a bitch sometimes, but being able to trust that person fully overrides everything. Also makes breakups a lot easier to handle, if you're both playing with open cards the whole time.
I almost died a few times and it made more aware of how little I generally give a shit that I started to give a tad bit more of a shit and took the world on my shoulders only to make something phenomenol and have the world spit at my feet for trying to make it on their terms. It taught me to work towards things for myself and just make sure that you know how to spot the right ones and understand how to keep them if you have to. Otherwise let go and never turn back.
Learnt the hard way: never read the TV tropes page of an anime before you've completed it.
Love makes you see things sharply
Hatred Makes you see them sharper still
But jealousy makes you see things the sharpest of all because it is love and hate combined
I would actually attribute this to depression. If you're in a situation much different from where you want to be, you get depressed. It's largely subconscious.
Nobody cares about anything you do except you.
Nobody cares if you hit on a girl.
Nobody cares if you like your job or don't.
Nobody cares if you hate spiders.
Nobody cares if you want to study maths or economics or if you just want to work.
So just fucking do it, others opinions should never stop you.
So I would say, if you're ever depressed and don't know why, just consider a couple things
-What would you rather be doing
-Where would you rather be
-WHO would you rather be
-How are these different from your current situation
Then the constructive thing to do would be to figure out what steps to take to close that gap
>Everything is your fault. Perhaps you didn't cause it but only you are responsible for fixing it. You have no right to complain. You have no right to cower.
>Only you have the power to change the course of your life. If you fail, its all on you. So quit complaining and get to it.
this is a very toxic and stupid version of Fault and responsibility aren't really connected. Your own happiness is your responsibility, though the things making you unhappy might not be your fault.
I realized I basically enjoy nothing, very few things in life bring me real joy... so after realizing that I started doing more of the things that I consider "good" for my life. If I'm not gonna enjoy it then I might as well get a benefit from it.
Expectations and want are the source of all unhappiness.
Conflict is inherently human and humans are in-group focused. However, not all humans can assert physical conflict due to short comings to do with biology or social context. In the end, on a resource constraint planet or society this will lead to a zero sum game. Thus, it is either them or us.
You can not live or be friends with your enemy.
trying to do anything that doesn't benefit you directly is spooked and you should take advantage of the lowest means you are willing always to do what you want
That doesn't make any sense.
Emotions are just different tints that we perceive the world through that often just serve to selectively obfuscate reality.
Don't chase two rabbits. Gadammit.
Yeah buddy elementary school is tough :(
The advice of "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" is inherently flawed.
Take however many shots you can take as long as you can laugh about it ten years later. But if there will be a ball you know will come back to haunt you, no matter what's on the line, don't throw it. Better to lose a game then accidentally murder someone with the ball.
'tis better to have never loved than to have loved and lost
At least you will be an autistic sperg as opposed to a depressed sperg.