Why radical sex-positivity is bad for society?
Why radical sex-positivity is bad for society?
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Women the destroyer of worlds will obliterate our societies. Nothing else too add.
Because access to sex (and therefore the ability to make children) was a major driving force in getting men to participate in building and supporting society.
How does society work when droves of people start opting out?
that's a dude
>How does society work when droves of people start opting out?
It doesn't. You just have a fuckload of angry, bitter young men and that's how wars get started. Huge numbers of young men with nothing to lose go out and start ripping shit up.
It would be awesome if someone not as retardedly puritanical as Americans answered. Or if americans tried to actually reflect why they think like that
>"sex positivity" is just codeword for being a slur
>being a slut = less children (birth control) and if children then those children grow up in single family homes
>less kids and less kids brought up right = bad for sustaining a society
I'd like to make a point that sex positivity isn't a bad thing, but it should be made clear that it should be only within the confines of marriage.
this is why I kinda laugh at guys being afraid to talk to "pretty girls" when the girls look like this underneath 5 layers of makeup. Because even if she was to reject you, you can literally crush her soul by telling her that under that 5 layers of makeup is an ugly cunt