How do I stop viewing humans as dumb sacks of flesh?
They are little more than monkeys with delusions of superiority. How can I stop viewing humanity this way in general?
How do I stop viewing humans as dumb sacks of flesh?
They are little more than monkeys with delusions of superiority. How can I stop viewing humanity this way in general?
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You don't, this is natural as it is true. I prefer to treat them like I would a dog — I don't expect anything more of them than I would a dog, and when actual problems arise I deal with them as needed. At best you can train some of them to be good pets but they're always going to be animals that are too stupid to realize they're animals. I would suggest you read Ride the Tiger by Evola and learn to cope while you're on Earth.
Proceed to live an experience that'll humble you.
Such as?
Anything that involves a lot of suffering.
Such as?
How old are you, op?
earning an associates degree in a trade might be a good option (welding, HVAC, carpentry, plumbing, automotive mechanics, machining, etc.) Community colleges are usually pretty low cost and learning how a skilled trade is done professionally and the infrastructure behind it could be a good start. They are usually pretty good at showing you how much you have yet to learn but in a polite way. There are usually a lot of grants or financial aid programs that can help you get started.
>How do I stop viewing humans as dumb sacks of flesh?
A. You're a human.
B. Stupid is a relative term.
C. "Sack of flesh" is not specific enough to accurately describe a human.
>They are little more than monkeys with delusions of superiority.
A. You're a human.
B. It seems like you might have a delusion of superiority.
C. Humans are primates, not monkeys.
>How can I stop viewing humanity this way in general?
Exit your delusional mode of thinking.
I don't know what makes you suffer OP.
Mechanical engineering is an interesting form of tool manipulation, but hardly changes my opinion on humanity in general.
It's mathematical application and form and function coupled with years of passed down research and experimentation, which is a neat feat but doesn't negate that humanity is filled with apes trying to pass on their genetic code, using typical animal mating rituals although more complex, and being able to read how the bulk of them will react in most situations has drastically reduced my opinion of them.
I'm fully aware that I am among the number of humans on the planet. I am aware there is nothing unique about me as well.
>Mechanical engineering is an interesting...
Does it really interest you, or are you just saying so to posture yourself as more intelligent?
FYI a monkey is a primate...
But humans have a common ancestor with chimpanzees, we are not very evolutionarily close to monkeys, in spite of some black people trending to look monkeyish.
That will happen naturally once you finish high school
No, it is interesting. For example something like a mechanical pocket watch is artful and precise and serves a proper function.
Are you willing to "stop viewing humanity this way in general"? If so, you can come down from space and empathize with people again. What's preventing you?
You're being Doctor Manhattan at this point.
train your mind towards empathy and compassion
daily metta meditation will help
They are too predictable, easy to manipulate, make the same mistakes all the time, don't recognize patterns, and continue to sabotage themselves in so many ways it is mind boggling and I can't relate to them because I can't seem to think like them. I have been described as cold, robotic, smart, ruthless, and scary or intimidating by most.
I want to relate to them more because I think it would improve my quality of life given that humans are social creatures, but I can't relate no matter how hard I try.
> They are little more than monkeys with delusions of superiority
Says the monkey with delusions of superiority
Get real faggot, you are probably a NEET fucktard that cannot get laid and think knowing a bunch of random facts and being bright is the same as being an introspective genious
Already stated, I am a regular human with no special qualities, user.
Are you willing to be more specific about how fellow humans have frustrated and, presumably, hurt you?
Humans have not hurt me.
Humans don't frustrate me either. It is pointless to get frustrated at them. It is in their nature to behave the way they do.
I've never in my life heard anyone make such a claim. Everyone is hurt by another person eventually, and everyone experiences frustration. You are special, but don't confuse yourself with Doctor Manhattan. If you want to connect with humanity as a whole, you will have to connect with yourself.
I have to get ready for bed. Goodnight, man.
Goodnight, user.