Why are asians the superior race, and why do inbred white trash nazis keep claiming to be number one race when it is obviously asians?
Why are asians the superior race...
CHINKS OWN YOU now kill yourself alt right loser
I don't think Jow Forums thinks that asians are the superior race, I think it's their women that it's the best. Traditional,cutesy and in most cases intelligent.
If they were Master race, they would have HUGE boobs.
stop breathing as soon as possible kike
make me western swine
What the fuck is that?
Huge boobs are garbage. Their best aesthetic is their loli features.
Most asians are trash too.
But I agree on looks. The best asians have the better features - neotenous, creaseless eyes, etc
No, no, I mean some real HONKERS.
a prime set of BADONKERS.
>this is the best leftwing retards can come up with
No wonder you losers are always crying like faggots
Ehh how are they superior?
>calling asians left wing
hahahaha we asians are so SUPERIOR to you western faggots we created a new wing
its a 10/10 gook apparently
the owner of Jow Forums is a chink how does it feel to know that you are the property of asia and you belong to us american slave
Allowing them to add beef to their diet was our biggest mistake. Soon the insects will grow larger and more aggressive. China needs another Lmao to cull their numbers and give whitey a fighting chance.
asians are the ultimate we-wuzzers
>WE WUZ SMART N SHIT (lived in mud huts until 20th century)
>WE WUZ TRAD N SHIT (worst racemixing sluts in history of the earth)
>WE WUZ CULTURED N SHIT (dress in western clothes, all buildings are glass/stone box architecture)
china owns your country dont be butthurt about it yankee pig
think about it. if they're so superior why do they spend so much time shilling and screaming about it on Jow Forums?
I’ve been to S.korea, China, Japan, Laos, Thailand and Taiwan and the Philippines, Asians are fucking gross and have no concern for human life, cause there’s a million of them who look very replaceable with their next door neighbor, so there’s no sense of originality, the only way for them to stick out is with a stupid haircut and a Lamborghini.... LoL master race? Visit the “hutongs” in Beijing and say that again you communist fagot!
African's are better. The women are more beautiful too
Why do Asians fart so much?
sage, you deserve 30 years at the Gulag for rule violation
because we ate your fucking dog
The superior race has not been created yet.
selective breeding (Eutelegenesis) hasn't been tried yet.
Most people here haven't been to South Korea to see where all their money went that was supposed to be spent on US infrastructure went.
Traditional Asians maybe, westernized Asian women are extremely mercenary when it comes to shit like money or fucking over people that wrong them.
J chan is pretty fucking based disowning his dyke daughter.
Maybe if they could get a handle on their women to the point where they have a shred more loyalty.
What about what you did to nigs?
Gross, not enough European features.
When people post attractive negresses they are normally heavily bleached unlike real african women who look like pic related.
Chose a more attractive example but the main point is the very wide set nose and other facial features which are unattractive.
Here's a Ghanaian woman
asians are mutts that cannot create but only copy
>but m-muh gunpowder
who the fuck made it? some chinese guy that no one remembers the name of because everyone else stole credit immediately after
y'all are good for being robots
doing repetitive tasks quickly and doing basic math
every important theorem in mathematics is named after some white dude
the arabs were able to invent 0 thanks to being in the desert and having jack shit, so props to them
fuck off slant eye
Fillers, butt injections, hair by Haribo. Im ghana pass.
you really like the lumpy face?
u mad cuz ur slant eyed cunt got arrested in faggotland up north
the face looks like out of a propaganda caricature