Do people actually like each other?

I feel like I'm having a hard time grasping why people like to be around each other? I always see people trying to get together but I feel like I haven't met anyone like that. Is it all make believe fantasies or do I just doubt everyone too much, maybe a bit of both? When I imagine who I want to be around, I don't really think of anyone. Is that weird? I feel like there should be someone I like being around. Whats your experience? Do people like you? Do you like other people?

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Most relationships aren't 100%. But some of them are true. Once you find someone who you can connect with and love their personality and general person despite their flaws, its an amazing feeling. I believe that everyone can find that person, you just need to never give up on bettering yourself.

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I love being around my wife.

We are both sickeningly affectionate with each other.

How did you meet?

> why people like to be around each other

life is tough, social grooming like talking and doing silly things together helps

having a reliable partner and friends give a feeling of security, your own tribe

Online dating site.

Wow, really? Which one? Didn't know those sites actually worked, thought they were a waste of time.

I can tell you, but there are some things to know about it.

1. It is international and there is a lot of scam artists on it so be careful
2. It is full of women looking for marriage and serious relationships
3. It also has some of those same women looking for a green card or some financial help. They might try to shake you down too. So again, be fucking careful.
4. It is almost exclusively Asian women looking for foreign men, so the cost for getting into such a relationship can be pretty high.

If you are still interested, it is called asiandating dot com

Ah, that is not for me, but thank you for sharing!

Yeah, it isn't for everyone, but I have shared it with 7 others IRL who all got married and are happy.

I guess? Its not like I don't get lonely, but then when I seek people it rarely seems to go favorably. I just don't bother much anymore unless someone else is interested enough in me.

I dislike most people because we just aren't on the same wavelength and it's difficult for me to hold a conversation with them. I adore the hell out of my boyfriend, though, because he is thoughtful, kind, and funny. That feeling when you have someone who understands you, who knows you extremely well and still loves you/accepts you is incredibly fulfilling. Plus, you get to have sex. No wonder that people don't wish to be alone.

I can relate. I just want to be alone people are uninteresting with their bs.

I always see these stories about someone liking another person and trying to win their affection, are these things that actually happen?

>their bs
Yea, whenever people want to talk about celebs or pop culture shit I just turn off. I'd much prefer you talk about your hobbies or things you did or want to do.

probably you are unintentionally sending some wrong signals and they get scared off

ask somebody, maybe even hire to criticize your social appearance/behavior

Definitely depends on my mood, but most of the time I think "I don't particularly want to talk to anyone" so I assume that is the same with others. However that doesn't usually seem to be the case (except with girls who can be weird about when/who they will talk).

I love being with my friends, we away have a laugh. I love my fiance too. I kind of get you though, I don't enjoy being with 95% of people. I have a small but very good group of friends

I dunno if this makes me weird or not, but i just want to be around people I want to stick my dick in and that will let me stick my dick in them. Then after I'm done sticking my dick in them I want to go back to doing "my thing" and sometimes i want someone else to join me but mostly i just want to be left alone to do my own thing until i want to stick my dick in something

Have you always lived in the same place? Did you grow up with these people? I moved around a few times so I've never had any set of friends for more than a few years.

I lived in the same place until I was 20. I'm 26 now and I've lived in two other places. Three of my friends still live in the home town, two of them live in other towns. So we don't meet up much anymore sadly, but when we do it's good fun.

I only have 1 friend I like being around, so Yea I don't think it's make believe bs

I was 22 and already had one 3 month relationship and one 3 year relationship before I met someone who I thought "Wow, we are perfectly compatible. I really do love this person." I never felt that way with my exes. I felt respect, compassion, and concern for my exes, but never the excitement and enjoyment I felt here.
I didn't relate in highschool and college when everyone wanted to date someone. Especially the people who could cycle through girlfriends/boyfriends every couple of weeks. After my failed LTR, I tried my hand at online dating, but nothing went beyond a date or two. But then I met this friend-of-a-friend and within a couple days, I could tell that this was someone special. Now we live together and we're coming up on our second anniversary.