Disclaimer: English is not my language, sorry if I make mistakes

When I was 16 I was a very average girl... I think I'm moderately good looking, I'm cute and I can be very beautiful if I put some effort, but I'm not the most gorgeous girl by far... but somehow I pulled off being very popular in the last years of my high school time.

I lived in a middle-high class suburb on the biggest city in my south american country, and went to a good private christian baptist school.

One of the most exciting part of the school year was a big tournament between all the best and expensive private schools in my country, in this tournament there was a lot of different competitions of all sort, like sports, music, dance, and then there was the "safari" which was an exhausting and demanding competition that lasted for 3 weeks, the first week it was between all the 20 classified schools, then the second week was the second round between the 10 classified schools and finally the last week was the final between the 3 finalists schools. My school never had gotten to the second round until that year. So I was extremely excited.

One of the biggest nights of the tournament was the contest for king and queen. Just being nominated to represent your school already was an incredible accomplishment because you got to parade in front of everyone of every school in the city and you gained instantaneous fame and praise... I obviously didn't became queen of my school because first of all I was very short, second I was EXTREMELY akward in public and I didn't really had fashion style or knew anything about makeup or doing my hair.. so I was just another kinda average cute girl...

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But that night I saw somebody... he was the king of his school, and he ended up winning the contest... and his school was the favorite to win that year... they actually won the entire tournament... but when I saw him I thought to myself... OMG he is so extremely gorgeous and seemed so confident and he was like the alpha male that every girl would die for, I WILL NEVER EVER HAVE A CHANCE THAT HIM EVEN NOTICE MY EXISTENCE... but I kept my crush for him regardless...
Then when I finished high school I started to pursue my career on audiovisual communication, and one day I went to the annual meeting of the entire audiovisual industry in my country, and there I saw him again... he was testing a couple of drones and I though omg what the fuck is he doing here... I would have never guessed that he had some interest in audiovisual because he was a rich kid so probably his parents would make him pursue engineering or something like that... and somebody told me that he was following a carer on cinematography in the only university in my country that has that because as if you didn't already know... we are the third world so cinema in my country is extremely underdeveloped...
So the next year I quitted my Audiovisual career, for some issues with the university, the professors were bad and the overall quality of the university was low... so I transferred to cinematography to the same university that he was in. I knew he was one year above me, but I never saw him... later I got told that he had dropped out. So there went my chances of him noticing my existence.
One day I searched and he was really changed... he grown a beard, and his hair was different... he was covered in tattoos and gained a little bit of weight... he was still extremely beautiful tho... I mean those blue eyes omg

Role-play elsewhere old man

So now I started my third year and to my surprise he returned and became my classmate this year... I was very excited at first, but then I heard that he had something going on with one of my classmates... She is very beautiful as well, she is very thin, tall, blond, tanned, and her dad is one of the biggest artist in my country... I thought I had no chance against her.
I was also told that she had a huge crush on him for a very long time and that they actually had something at one point... I think they even had sex but I'm not sure... but they are close. So every time I had an ence of interaction with him, she would notice and I could feel the tension. She seemed very obsessed with him.. so I stopped trying to talk to him. I didn't wanted to cause any drama, because she is my friend and seemed very "protective"of him, I felt she was a little intimidated by me.
This year I have improved my look a lot, also I'm more confident than ever, I made some big improvements in my life, with my family, my career and everything It's just going very well so I think I'm about to reach my peak of attractiveness.
But lately I started noticing that he would stare at me sometimes, a lot of times... and I just felt this weird attraction between us, all the time we were somewhere close I would feel this huge tension. Like I noticed that he would try to wait for me so that we went out together, I felt like he also really wanted to talk to me.
So a couple of weeks ago he talked to me, and there I was SURE he liked me... It's like we developed this weird connection, everytime I'm with him there was an sexual tension, and I know all my class can feel it.

And yesterday in the birthday of one of my classmates It finally happened... first we had an awkward encounter, and then through the whole party we tried to get together but everytime we got close somebody had to separate us, it was like the whole party didn't want us to be together... but as the night went on It became more and more inevitable... until at 3am finally we got to dance, we danced cumbia first, and I felt the look of all the girls that wanted him and all the boys that wanted me DYING... IT WAS sO FUNNYYYy
First it was a typical partner dance and then we started to get closer and closer to each other, our heads touched, he putted his arms around my hips, I put my arms around his shoulders, we had some intenses eye contact... and then WE KISSED.
Then he offered to drive me home, and we ended up having sex in his car... which was amazing and hot and intense and gentle and soooo fun... we didn't talked much, we just kissed all night, and for me was like just pure enjoyment of fulfilling one of my biggest dreams of my teenage years.... It was amazing...

I wonder what tomorrow would be like... I mean, We were NOT romantic at all but that kinda ended up being romantic... Like we both know that we are not for each other, we are so different, we are like from different planets, we are just really attracted to each other for some reason, but we know for sure that we don't want any relationship... so I hope It turns everything good.

Totally real posts by a totally real teenage girl describing a totally real event that totally really happened

For real. Also earlier it rained, I saw a rainbow, there was a pot of gold at the bottom, and also it was full of iPhones.

It's that supposed to be sarcasm? I'm a real girl... I'm not a teenager anymore tho...

No one cares, yay.

I had a middle school crush who asked me if I was gay. Her cousin and his friends bullied me. She never said shit. One of her friend's sexually assaulted me in a classroom she was in. She never came with me to the principal as a witness.

Then the bitch went off on me one time for going of on the faggot bullying me. Jumped into the situation without context.

Then this bitch told me years later after all this time that she liked me, lying her ass off. Then she told me she was seeing someone.

Can you summarize what you want advice with? Nobody should have to read that whole story to discover whether or not it was worth their time.

This but unironically.

What is the point of this "I love my life" shit.

It doesn't have a point. I just wanted to fucking share somewhere and that's the internet... people share pointless things.. I know nobody cares but I also don't care that nobody cares...

Life can be beautiful sometimes... and my life it's fucking great at the moment so yeah... that's all

What advice do you want from your post? all you did was post some story and frankly no one cares.

>got fucked by random guy in some car
>life is fucking great


A foreign slut with insecurities about her appearance got fucked by some faggot she wanted to notice her in high school in her third year of college.

I'm so proud of you.

Stacey ThunderCunt

The summary is that I can't believe I had sex with my highschool crush...

And maybe the advice part would be like... do you think I have to try to have a serious relationship with him or not? Because the problem his... he is a spoiled rich kid, he is a bad boy that I know I shouldn't be with him... but I don't know If I just have to let things happen... like what if he changes... he gets his shit together and we actually make a great couple... I don't know... I feel like I can get something better...

>spoiled rich kid
>bad boy
>should I start a serious relationship with him?
as someone who cares about the wellbeing of all people, I have to say it's a bad idea

These posts are great, I no longer feel bad about beating my gf.

nice ........ .. ..

Cons: He sleeps all day, and do nothing... he's about to turn 24 and never worked a day in his life.. he plays in a band and that's all... he isn't dedicated to the university... we are very different, he likes rock music and has his body covered in tattoos, he's everything my dad doesn't want in a son in law... also he's very into 70's american culture... and he's following some weird asian religion... I'm a christian... kinda... also he smokes a lot of weed, I don't do drugs... Omg I can go on

Pros: He's beautiful, we would make beautiful children, He has money, he told me he want to start working and he want to gain independence from his parents, I'm honestly bored of being single so a little bit of time in a relationship would be nice... also... SEX


The pros outweigh the cons.

As I said before he likes rock, and indie music... honestly he listen to a lot of weird as music... like trippy stuff, and metal... and some stuff I don't even know what to call... and I like kpop, hip hop, trap, reggaeton, electronic music, etc etc...

I don't know why I feel like he would read this post... So maybe I will delete it in a bit...

Best summary, Thank u!

There was a girl who also is from our university but one year above me, she was previously his classmate also... and she CLEARLY liked him... she was behind him all fucking night, like pursuing him... and when he got close to me she actually came and started dancing IN FRONT of him... so then she didn't let him go for a while, and I looked at him and it was so funny because i KNEW that he wanted me... and it seemed like he literally wanted her to vanish in that second... actually everyone to vanish so that we could dance together... which ended up happening... but I don't know... It was just so amazing... I wish everyone could have that feeling to

Where's the part where you fucked off and died?

I can tell a girl wrote this. It wayy to fantastical. Idk mastubatre to pics of him and maybe all that weird karmic wishing, the whims of chance may string a guy youre looking for.

Is he yakuza?

Im willing to bet this is wish fullfillment, and you really wanted this guy inside you, but somewhere on the road you messed up and now you have no more chances? Maybe you do....idk lol

That applies to all humans.

>I cant believe I didnt fuck my hs crush

Is there a question in there someplace or are you just bragging?

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Aww that's so sweet

Im posting because I was told to

Have you considered that may be he engineered the situations to involve you two that way so he could become like a drug dealer through you and make sure you assume all the common practices in case his kiss dont develop right and he has to make sure theres a woman willing to make the churches stay off him and the children but wont properly suggest that either of you stop being together. Sounds like he likes you but you seem to hold him high up and are more interested in showing him off. Consider managing your time around him to minimize the appearance of the other women so you can more soulfully accomplice his sense of grandeur as something you can use in your daily life. Women with guys like that usually become managers or song writers.
