So, we got this awesome article by AA. Few things to add.
>There is no way you’re going to resurrect traditional marriage without the power of the state behind you.
Although it is true , This is a very communistic idea. Just as a wife needs to be loyal to the husband so the state has to be loyal to God. Then everything will work. The problem is , we got stupid women and stupid religions running/ruining everything. Therefore it is super essential to find the right religion for humanity. Humanity meaning the Western Aryan Race. This can be done by FREE UNCENSORED MAINSTREAM DEBATE ON RELIGION. Let every religion bring their booklets and reps and let’s have a discussion.
>According to Manu-saṁhitā, a woman is never independent. She must remain the property of the father while she is not married, and she must remain the property of the husband until she is elderly and has grown-up children of her own. In old age, when the husband has taken sannyāsa and left home, she remains the property of the sons. A woman is always dependent, either upon the father, husband or elderly sons. That will be exhibited in the life of Devahūti. Devahūti’s father handed over responsibility for her to the husband, Kardama Muni, and in the same way, Kardama Muni also left home, giving the responsibility to his son, Kapiladeva. This narration will describe these events one after another.
Religion is the most essential ingredient to keep men and women in place.
If even a religion is less intelligent than a average man’s logic , how can there be any harmony between man and woman? Or state and God ?
I have no problem with peoples worshiping their little symbols, crosses , cubicles, meteors , walls and all kinds of different assortments of imaginations et etc
Peoples will worship all kinds of different GODDAMN IMAGINATIONS but when you present them with the true form of God they will start ATUSTIC SCREECHING !
When you learn that completely different POLITICS governs DEMIGODS and DEMONS and is beyond human comprehension, then you will be able to grasp a little semblance of TRUTH behind all this mass we leave in.
Anthony Jones
You can not possibly claim this to be a Religion !
the hindu books are a bunch of fairy tales that set up numerous logical fallacies and nonsensical ideas the reason Abrahamism spread is because monotheism is the most logical of all religions
Therefore, Hitler was a Godly Balance between East and West. Or Communism and Capitalism. Both , Left and Right are the two sides of the same SHEKEL.
To understand the TRUTH you need to stay in the middle and have an open mind to not be stupid when the TRUTH PRESENTS ITSELF to not reject out of foolishness
> >There is no way you’re going to resurrect traditional marriage without the power of the state behind you. Absolutely false. Once the police are too busy defending the Elites because the all the "free gibs" ran out, it will quickly become self evident why pledged monogamy is, and will always, be the superior mating strategy.
Yes ma lad. It is super essential to create thousands of saints like Hitler . Then the DEMIGODS will truly take over the administration of this planet.
I was blocked from DS almost 2 years ago. Something like that. I successfully posted one post .
U see. Any ideology devoid of Knowledge of God will crumble in due course and be replaced with something new depending on prevailing sentiment of the times .
The state has surpassed religion, and finance capitalism has surpassed the state.
We control none.
Only when we control all three again will an average man be able to have the expectation of a loving relationship with the average woman.
Tyler Murphy
>The state has surpassed religion, and finance capitalism has surpassed the state.
My vision is that the true uncensored mainstream dialogue between Religions on the Nature of GOD can happen over the internet .
Jow Forums is becoming stronger and stronger. More and more young kids are stopping by. And Jow Forums is going mainstream.
Firstly, The TRUTH has to be established and it has to be repeated every single day. Just like with the mainstream media. The propaganda of KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS has to be established successfully as the CONTRA ANSWER to Kike Consciousness
Yes. This thread is as a little refreshment or a little brake so to say from all the KIKE CONSCIOUSNESS present in other threads.
James Richardson
>Another impediment is prajalpa, unnecessary talking. When we mix with a few friends, we immediately begin unnecessary talking, sounding just like croaking toads. If we must talk, we should talk about the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Those outside of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement are interested in reading heaps of newspapers, magazines and novels, solving crossword puzzles and doing many other nonsensical things. In this fashion people simply waste their valuable time and energy. In the Western countries old men, retired from active life, play cards, fish, watch television and debate about useless socio-political schemes. All these and other frivolous activities are included in the prajalpa category. Intelligent persons interested in Kṛṣṇa consciousness should never take part in such activities.
>Banker: We have had a long history of debate in America over wealth. We have had one group, the fundamentalist Protestants, who argue that... Most of them are poor, and they feel very guilty if they have money. And then you have another group of Protestants, the Gospel of Wealth Protestants, who say that if you are truly holy, then it is better that the money be entrusted to your hands than to a man who is unholy. And then you have still another group that regards money as an end in itself, rather than a means to, committing you to do other things, And this confuses people in America. Your parents will be one thing, you'll be another. In my case, my mother is a Gospel of Poverty person. Blessed are the poor. She thinks you won't get into heaven unless you are poor. And I'm in the Gospel of Wealth category. (laughter) And you just select your own philosophy along the way. Carnegie was in that philosophy. He even wrote a book about it a one hundred years ago. The steel Carnegie, Carnegie steel. Prabhupāda: Yes, Carnegie's name I know. Banker: He was one of the number one advocates of this philosophy, that if you are holy, then the money should be in your hands, because you can use it for better purposes. Prabhupāda: That is a good philosophy.
Austin Lewis
stop posting your godamn blog cocksmoker.
Evan Cooper
>Banker: Therefore, then he started building libraries all over the country and everything else, besides his steel company. But this has been a big fight. It still is a big fight. Today you have the people who support welfare and those who oppose it. Prabhupāda: No. We don't oppose wealth. Banker: Welfare. Payment to people who don't work. Prabhupāda: No, everyone should work. Our Vedic philosophy is that everyone must work. But there must be division of work. Just like in your body there are different parts. The head department, the arms department, the belly department, and the legs department. These are different parts. So all these departments must work for the total benefit of the body. That is our philosophy. Nobody should sit idle. But he must work according to his capacity. Brain must work for giving direction. Hand must work for giving protection. Belly must work for supplying food, energy. And leg must work for carrying the body. So similarly the society must be divided: the brain of the society, the arms of the society, the belly of the society and the legs of the society. That will make perfection. The brain will give direction That is the brāhmaṇas. The arms will give protection. That is the kṣatriya. And the belly will give energy, food, that is vaiśya. And the legs will carry the body. That is śūdra. This is... Whole society should be divided into four divisions, the brāhmaṇas, the kṣatriyas, the vaiśyas and the śūdras. And they should work cooperatively for the total benefit of the body. This is perfect life. Not that everyone should be brain. Then who will carry me?
Ethan Ross
Cut your balls off now
Luis Evans
>Just like in your bank, the manager is the brain. The secretaries and assistants are the hands, clerks. And ordinary worker, they are legs. Anywhere you go, you must find out these four divisions. Therefore the human society must be divided into four divisions. But there is no such plan. Now the plan is that everyone is being educated to learn technology, how to... In your country, especially. How to make economic development. So they have no brain. Therefore there are hippies. There is no brain actually. Now, the President Nixon, he is in the topmost post. He has no brain. Therefore he is being ridiculed. Neither he has honor. He is not resigning the post. He has been ridiculed by the people, but still, he is sticking to his post. So this is the defect. You have got in your country only the vaiśyas, the belly and the legs. I am just giving a crude example. Not only in your country, every country nowadays. There is no brain. Brain is finished. Therefore everywhere you will find chaos and confusion. There is no brain. So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement means we are creating some brain. We are not creating the technological expert, but we are creating brain to know the purpose of human life and work on it under a systematic way. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. It is not such bluff that "In darkness you meditate this, that," no. It is a science. It is a science, how the human society can be happy in all respects. And everything is directed there in the Bhagavad-gītā. Just like to keep up your body fit, you require brain in order, your arms in order, your stomach in order, your legs in order. Everything must be in order. But out of all of them, if there is no brain, then everything is useless. The hand is useless, the stomach is useless, the leg is useless. So at the present moment there is no brain in the society. Lack of brain. All these things, directions, are there in the Bhagavad-gītā.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Nobody will take you seriously here as longs as you keep shilling this poo god. The west can't be anything but christian. Christians have built the west, and christians didn't destroyed it. It's because white people stoped being christians that they are in this state.
Michael Kelly
Son. I’m not here to convince anybody of anything. Im here to convince myself how stupid you are.
Also, Religion is very important for the well being of womenhood . Mare tricks to keep women in line won’t help for two long. They need constant religious engagements of ceremonies and festivals. Otherwise , it will not work.