> ye old trickle down economics trick eyy
ye old trickle down economics trick eyy
That wasn't real Trickle Down Economics.
Real Trickle Down Economics has never been tried before.
It does happen though. America's biggest growth to middle class happened when it was the most capitalistic, freest economic with lowest regulations and least social services ever.
You think socialism gives wealth to everybody, you dumb cunt? It's when people are forced to pursue wealth with no welfare help when you're in the bottom of the barrel.
>Jow Forums is a neocon board
Economic policy is probably third or fourth on the list of what's most important to establish a country. The goal of a nation is not to be an economic engine that views workers as interchangeable and equal cogs, this is what communists and lolbertarians fundamentally fail to understand.
So it can't be that capitalism is structured in such a way that people with wealth get more wealth and people without become debt slaves, capitalists preaching that "if you only work hard enough you can make it to".
Also > monopolies
Socialism does not give wealth to everybody, it offers the necessities needed to create opportunity for people who don't have any by equally distributing resources through out society you twit, while capitalism makes sure all the resources flow to the top and stays there.
Trickle down economics isn't an actual economic theory. What school teaches trickle down economics?
If socialism better provides necessities, why is everyone in Venezuela starving?
I can't believe they got away with using the term "trickle." Do people not understand what that means? I could see them selling this bullshit with a different name and explanation, but telling people that they will get the tiny scraps of what falls away from the large portion and keeping a straight face is incredible.
The Laffer curve was meant to demonstrate a principal, not be taken literally. Even David stockman couldn't believe how Reagan administration officials were taking it literally and believing there was a sliding scale of the relationship between revenue and tax rates.
The only thing worse is TRUMPINOMICS