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Why is Nazi art so full of homoeroticism?
Lucas Adams
Ryan Gomez
penis is bad, gun is good
Isaiah Green
Because you have been conditioned by (((education))) and the (((media))) to perceive a healthy male body and friendship as gay.
Justin Hill
That specific statue might have been a shitty attempt to emulate the classical style of nude sculpture that ended up coming out gay. Or it could have been deliberate subversion.
I know nothing of the thing's origins so I couldn't say.
Levi Stewart
>implying the nazis weren't filled with faggot deviants
Hunter Stewart
Faggots can't admire the male form without getting horny and masturbating though.
Colton White
Implying they weren’t rooted out upon discovery
Grayson Fisher
>implying everyone doesn't know Hitler used Rohm as a blunt instrument then purged him when he was no longer useful.
Benjamin Campbell
These are all correct. The only ones who have an issue with nude men in art are faggots.
Henry Gonzalez
>implying that implying is actually implying