Why is Nazi art so full of homoeroticism?

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penis is bad, gun is good

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Because you have been conditioned by (((education))) and the (((media))) to perceive a healthy male body and friendship as gay.

That specific statue might have been a shitty attempt to emulate the classical style of nude sculpture that ended up coming out gay. Or it could have been deliberate subversion.

I know nothing of the thing's origins so I couldn't say.

>implying the nazis weren't filled with faggot deviants

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Faggots can't admire the male form without getting horny and masturbating though.

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Implying they weren’t rooted out upon discovery

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>implying everyone doesn't know Hitler used Rohm as a blunt instrument then purged him when he was no longer useful.

These are all correct. The only ones who have an issue with nude men in art are faggots.

>implying that implying is actually implying

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