Every White person needs to get fit and get military experience

Fuck your "Die for Israel" meme. Military experience is invaluable. I am speaking from USMC experience, but you can learn martial arts, firearms training, survival skills, learn how to function in a unit and survive in war.

This is invaluable for our situation today. Just do your four years and get out. You are also walking in the footsteps of great men who shaped your nation. Every White man also needs to be fit. If EVERY White person had Military experience, for America they should choose USMC or Army (No chairforce bullshit) so they can learn good skills. USMC will teach you infantry skills no matter what your job.

The fact is boys, speaking for America, it's not looking good for the White population, we are losing the demographic war and you only know it's gonna get worse. Prepare now, raise your sons in the spirit of the Spartans and the Hitler Youth, Teach them how to fight and how to work out.

We have to raise a new man.



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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't be a victim of crimes from our racial enemies

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What if I got no motivation to do anything at all, am stuck at my shit job, masturbate everyday to worse and worse porn, and got no girlfriend or any friends? Any advice for people like me? The fucking (((mods))) started shoving /SIG/s in Jow Forums

Nah, get fucked. I do my training kn fortnite. Deadliest sniper in a 500 yard radius.

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Just start with working out, get a pull up bar and the "perfect push up" push up handles, get a treadmill if you can afford it so you don't have to leave your house, I am telling you get fit and everything will be so much easier, your depression will be wayyy better, you won't feel like beating off all day because you'll be busier. That's where I would start.


>Be a slave to the state

Never change mutts

Oh and you can meet girls anywhere bro. Literally anywhere.

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>Learn invaluable combat skills and discipline that can be used to defend yourself and your family.
>gets you extremely fit
>earn the respect of your countrymen
>follow in the footsteps of honorable warriors over the course of centuries


>learn to be a faggot who obeys
>get raped by homos in the millitary
>get called to war

Oh and
>get shitty crossfit looking physique
Millitary men are skinny, not strong

You inbred Nazi bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, engaging in beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids. #FuckWhitePeople

No that is a good thing.

Hey guys, I found the nigger.

T. someone who has never been in the military

Recently enlisted as a scout in the army, ship out this summer. Any advice for BCT/Military life in general?

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>enlisting in globalist militaries


>Military experience is invaluable

>Fuck your "Die for Israel" meme.
good goy

The military is simple. Do what your told, don't get emotional, don't be a bitch, stay in shape. don't do drugs. Follow all that you will be just fine.

Thats loterally how your average soldier looks, unless youre special forces or sumthin

what you're actually saying
>you can learn bunch of useless skills and be a mindless pawn of the people who are actually in charge. Also you get to have undeserved praise and privileges.

I'd rather fight for myself and be shot as a deserter than be some fuckin mindless weapon serving the politician.

>hey, guys you wanna change the world? Become a knife.

The knowledge from the military is for when you have to defend yourself from violent negroids and other subhuman trash, to defend your family, and whoever else you need to when Whites become a small enough minority and our nations become indistinguishable from Africa.

Most people don't go to combat by the way.

>being fit
>gaining self dependency
>being responsible
>joining the military
trash, only a retard need to join the military to get these skills, not to mention you are a slave to Israel in the highest form
fuck off dad

Strong mind is important too.
Tell the military to install a psyop division for use on new recruits in order to make them mentally awake.

Be in good shape before basic
Don't be a bitch
Do what you are told

Why do you need someone to tell you what to do? Anyone w normal test and iq levels know these virtues

I don't "need" it but that's just how the military works, and it needs to work that way in order to function. The military is basically a dictatorship.

tinfoil hat time.... but wasn't there a game a while released by the US Army that taught you basic combat and marksmanship skills etc? not sure if it was a tinfoil moment but i seem to remember quite a few anons here commenting on how the data could be used to recruit people and that stuck with me.

Are you talking about "America's Army"? I think that was the name of the game.

You will spend more time on PowerPoints and feminist indoctrination training than you will on rifle marksmanship and combatitives. The US military is not the place to learn combat.

I tried but im a diabetic(type1) Military told me to piss off :(
Sucks that I dont get that opportunity. but muh white privilege.

>Even his id colour is brown

Yeah, sounds fucking depressing. Lets throw away a year of our lives in a commie dictatorship

Not Communist at all, more fascist.

I fell off the horse and I'm struggling to catch it

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The boot camp and Infantry training are more than enough for future endeavors

that's the one!

>Get maimed fighting for Jews
>Get diagnosed (((PTSD))) or some other gay psych disorder, get guns taken away

Army teaches you infantry skills too

Considering the kids I knew in high school that joined the marines, I would say your average man with a pugilistic background could kick the shit out of 2/3 or more of them
My friends into guns are also probably better shots
They also haven’t been whipped into learned helplessness by their drill sergeants

Not even the military wants untermensch. You've neglected your body and health and now they won't even let you die for Israel.

>T. failed ASVAB

if you want to learn combat, there are other ways to learn combat, without fuckin going to the military and essentially lending my life to the state.

>Most people don't go to combat by the way.
that doesn't change the point. I would never waste my life serving those people.

Sup Marine bro

Never served, like a lot of oldfags had a shit childhood. No one would take me because I was in outpatient mental health for a few years and took meds for a bit. Disgusting, they'd take some SJW tumblrina over me, I had a shit hand delt to me and had to deal with it on my own so yeah, fuck me. Anyway, just a few thoughts.
White people are fucked for many reasons, one of em is we're just plain shitty to each other. Men have tried for decades in the face of an ever increacing anti-male socio-political enviroment to do right and every damn time they get screwed over. You sound like you have a brain so check out the report the CDC released last week, suicides among white males has gone up 17% since the 2000s and it's mostly due to opiods. The report specifically outlined white males, hispanics and blacks actually do a better job of taking care of their own than we do. Churches have sold us out, no one gives a shit. See, that's the thing, no one cares about us anymore. About the only groups who give a shit are people like the Asatru Folk Alliance. There's a famous pick of the guy who decked moldylocks, he's with Mccnalan (I think thats the guy?) The head of the organization. They go out of their way to help vets and the hero who decked moldy locks was an Iraq War Marine vet.
Anyway, if you're sincere here's my advice. Since you're a marine you know all about mentoring. Best boss I ever had was (is lol) a Marine. I was the only guy under his watch who took the time to learn from him, miss him. That being said, your dealing with a broken population, you can yell at em all you like good luck. People have to want to help themselves, get involved with an organization full of like minded people. Reach out from there. We're going to need to re-educate the white populace with what they had stolen from them, we have to go back to square one and I think removing the degenerate judeo-christian culture is a good start.

Cause our youth needs their butts kicked that’s why
They outta be fightin in a war thats why
They need fucking discipline thats why
Fuck our punk youth thats why

You are glowing.....

We know your enlistment numbers are very low... But I never thought you guys were desperate enough to post on here....

Type 1 is not the kind you get from being fat you fucking retard, it's the auto immune kind

>Fuck your "Die for Israel" meme
You're dying - and KILLING - for a lot less than even that.

Good post man. It is sad the suicide rates for our people. I just want to make our race better and while I am still young, I know the youth are the future.

You’ll get more modern tactical training in fortnite and pubg than the faggot run us military

This post was not supposed to be about the military. This is just about making White men and youth physically and mentally strong. As many as we can.

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Do what you’re told is the only thing in common you said, and you can’t even realize what faggots you are
Enjoy dying for moishe goldberg and his wife ethel

I don’t know what that is and don’t care
“Marine kids” were losers in every single schooling level. In high school the marine kids were about as in shape as the stage crew

>posts on Jow Forums
>we need a make a new man

Fucking cringe. Been here for 5 years now and you fags still go on about National Socialism but never get anywhere.

Tl;dr + blog post = kys

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t. top good goy faggot thread

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The military can fix a lot of that, thing is most of the young people out there are too messed up mentally and physically for it. When you see white men literally turning themselves into girls that's a bad sign. I do chuckle a bit, many times they end up looking like better looking women but that's because so damn many women in this country look like shit. Go to Germany, France and a lot of Eastern Europe, that's how women used to look here before the SJW poison kicked in.
I'll tip my hand a bit, I'm a freemason but I came from a family of em and it used to be different. Most of my family served and most of em did try to contribute. One of my cousins is up there and worked security for every president since Regan and only refused one, Obama. We just lost the Patriarch of the family so now it's all down to him and his ingrate daughter who he spoiled. Will never understand why men here spoil their daughters rotten. Another reason why I'd never have a family here I would not be able to raise my kids properly due to the fucking laws.
That being said, I'd check out something like the Asatru Alliance or better yet, the Irminvolk.
I'll probably get a fuckton of tinfoil comments for the masonic part but hey I was just tossing that out there. I'd be leary of them, in many areas they've deviated from their patriotic roots and let in a fuckton of shit people. My old lodge in WA had people who felt up little girls and just scammed each other. One of em swatted a brother out of spite for having masonic charges filed against him. Anyway here, these guys look good.


Look I seriously agree with what you're saying and it's why I almost tried enlisting. I'm young and I want to be toughened up and learn a sense of discipline, I want to "man up", but honestly I am not willing to die for America's foreign policy. And I don't know what the future holds, if there will be another war in the next 6-7 years, forcing me to go murder a race that is really just responding to the criminal actions of the US and Israel. I will not die for (((them))). And it sucks because I have nothing else going for me right now and I'm not afraid of death, but I want to die for something I believe in.

So instead, I've been lifting 4 times a week and quit playing vidya and even watching mindless TV. I have started reading multiple hours a day to educate myself and that's another reason why I don't want to enlist. I feel a sense of urgency everyday to build myself up because I feel like I can actually do something about this decay, play some role, but if I spend all day doing drills and military work, I fear that I will not have the free time to read and research. What are your thoughts?

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>Any advice
don't forget to suck your kike handler's cock before you ship out goy. coz it may be the last time you'll have this chance.

Define white, though

As I've already stated, you are untermensch. You can mask all symptoms by excercising and eating a low-carbohydrate diet.

I'm not the same guy moron. Why don't you write a miracle cure book for people with type 1 diabetes? Then you can write one about Paleo curing HIV.

The USMC and only select special forces career fields in all other branches will train you how to become responsible fighting men in society.

The rest of the “normal” career fields weight your fitness tests toward cardio. We literally train our military to flee.

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god didn't say white people are physical
great artisans and builders, that's the
nigger hamite birthrite. i'm not a nigger
so shove your physical fitness up your
ass all it does it wear the body down
faster thus cutting life span, fuck you
piece of catholic shit. you want a war

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You get deployed to kuwait or gitmo for 7 months where you drink and workout

>Then you can write one about Paleo curing HIV.
Now look who is being retarded.

you will still have free time to do that stuff


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Lol sure that’s exactly what will happen, after you get court martialed for misgendering some faggot

Its an excuse to kickout fatbodies.

Fatbodies look bad
get rid of the fats

how do?

Fatties removed.


>Fuck your "Die for Israel" meme.
No, fuck you, jewish army man. I will not work and fight for the state, for the people I hate. And no, the state army has nothing to do with fighting for and protecting the countrymen.

You can learn everything the military will teach you in other places without literally selling your body to be a Jews golem.

With that said I agree with everything else in your premise.

Fuck your Schutzstaffel shit!

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There’s a difference between running for a fitness test and it being the main cause for around 90% of fitness test failures. Military should be held to higher strength training standards.

>Learn to be a faggot who obeys pointless orders by shitheads who will get you killed if you are deployed
>Learn how to eat MREs and dig useless holes and mop the rain up outside
>eat crayons
>jack off every day and play xbox and get fat, barely able to complete daily run
>hated by most of your fellow countrymen
>follow in the footsteps of goyim slaves over the course of centuries
>no future for employment since people think veterans are fucked up in the head
also this

>sign up for marines
>get sent to desert to fight for kike agenda
>get shot by a sniper in the chest
>last living thought is well atleast i have military experience

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>t. Army recruiter

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Dame right and here a nice song youtube.com/watch?v=ObmdvfiSOcM

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fleeing is the best strategy for short term survival desu
then you come back and pound the enemy right up the angus

I'm considering doing JAG after law school, maybe I will.

What branch should I join?

I read somewhere on here that after WWII, the Allied forces destroyed all of the Nazi physical fitness manuals. Is this true? Do we have a modern equivalent?

more likely scenario:
>sign up for marines
>get sent to desert to fight for kike agenda
>get shot by a sniper in the chest
>misses vitals but fucks up your spine paralyzing you
>your dick and legs are now useless
>survive, but as a cripple and in constant pain
>well at least i have military experience

the military needs to be turned against the US government and a state for the people needs to be rebuilt.

Or just find any willing white woman and pump out a shit ton of kids.

Because the Jews don't like Greek culture or real fitness. RIP

I'm medically disqualified from serving in the military, they probably wouldn't even draft me. celiac disease

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>people in the military are pro-gun
>people in the military are fit
>people in the military conservative
>people in the military are good leaders
>people in the military learn useful civilian skills
Some of the biggest fucking myths out there. Dont fall for it anons.

The mondern US military are well paid Mercs. Nothing wrong with that at all. They dont deserve any more respect that what you feel comfortable giving to the police.

Not everyone gets into the Military user

Learning how to handle a weapon would be a nice skill.
You can fuck off with your Hitler Youth and whitemanism, every 20 something should think about joining the army but not because of ideological reasons.

>mfw I was thinking about this shit just a few days ago

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theres is basically nothing they teach that can't be learned as a civilian.

Have fun dying for Israel fagget.

T- southerner still pissed off over when you 101st nigger lover division made our kids integrate yet defend Israels right to be a Jewish state.

Literal race traitors

I agree. I did my mandatory one year conscription period, and it really made me get my shit together.
Too bad that they've pozzed the conscription here in Norway now with women, faggots and trannies everywhere. They even got special rules for mudslimes, with halal field rations and prayer breaks. Fuck that shit!

These are exciting alternatives because you have the chance to be the guy who gets to retaliate. More likely:
>sign up for marines
>get trained
>take test, realize you arent a low IQ spic/filipino
>more training
>put in charge of loading up transport aircraft
>your extra training allows you to certify load safety
>load transport aircraft in the US
>do for 3 years
>last 4.5 months do the same in Germany
>go home
>get shitty project management positions because muh respek military
>fake it why you try to learn some skills

Die for Israel meme is intended for morons saying they wanna go and take potshots at muslims for freedumbs. Military experience can be valuable, no one argues that.

>dodge being drafted 5 times

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oops wrong pic.
butnever mind, it's all the same shit

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