Why do blacks destroy EVERYTHING?

Why do blacks destroy EVERYTHING?
>Roseland Chicago was 98% white until the 60s
>it is now 1% white and 97% black

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The problem is not that they destroy everything, it's that they lack the capacity to create anything beautiful or even maintain it
Church isn't falling apart because blacks have been stealing the tiles, it's because none of them bothered repairing it

Watch empire of dust... white men went to africa, created railroads and gave them civilization.... and then they just sat on their asses for the next decades while everything fell apart.

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I don't get it. You just make their yards full of weeds and they will leave?

There are some trees out there with big ass roots... if you plant them near your house they will eventually grow and fuck up your infrastructure, unless you kill them first

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Who let the niggers into Chicago?

so you destroy the houses too? Great thinking buddy, also that tree is over 50 years old easily

Niggers are like slavshits, once they go somewhere, they destroy everything.

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that is a picture on the left..

>The area is noted for one of the worst race riots in Chicago history. In mid August 1947, several black veterans and their families moved into the CHA Fernwood Park Housing Project at 104th and Halsted.
>Area residents viewed this as one of several attempts by the CHA to initiate racial integration into white communities.
>A violent mob action resulted which lasted for three days and mobilized over 1,000 law enforcement officers to control

(((Lincoln))) and jews. Illinois was pretty much nigger free before the Civil War.

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only because its not 100% black

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Read www.heyjackass.com, the cost of niggers is unbelievable to Chicago and Illinois.

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You know what they say: the best time to eradicate the untermensch was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today.

they are of their father satan whom is
an angel of destruction.

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They're remodeling to look closer to their homeland.

Ok help me understand this Jow Forums

>area starts as white, tons of industry and jobs
>industry shuts down
>whites move out because they need JOBS
>so blacks move in
>but there's still no jobs
so what the fuck are the blacks doing?? it seems like theyre the only ones who can live in the ghetto because they dont have jobs (and the ghetto provides none)
FUCK welfare

>Why do blacks destroy EVERYTHING
I would lay this more at the feet of the Democrats than the blacks. That's what happens when you make a subhuman even more lazy and dependent than his nature dictates. Instead of just being lazy, he becomes destructive.

Perhaps if the New Deal never came about we would have changed the nature of the negro. Now though, now it's too late.

Yes it's all the fault of blacks that churches are not as popular anymore as they were 60 years ago. Strawman much?

Any time someone brings up Flint Michigan I can't feel sad. Use Google maps and see the streets there. None of the niggers are capable of even cleaning up their own from lawns. The basic minimum and they want a complex water system installed which they will not maintain at all?

>all those empty lots
even east st louis looks like a war zone

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I don't know how the church is organized in the US, but they still care for their property here, even if there aren't as many churchgoers. They would hold community activities or rent it out before letting it fall apart.

>complex water system
>demanding tap water to not be poisoned, who do those niggers think they are

How fucking stupid are you?

land and buildings are a lot less valuable in the US than in Western Europe. That's why we barely have any ghost towns here, empty buildings are usually demolished here because the land still holds value. America is so vast and communities just die from time to time.

Checked kang

Black government is corrupt and thoroughly incompetent. A large black population inevitably means blacks get elected to office. Blacks who then start giving out jobs and kickbacks to all their friends and family and at that point its too late. Your city is doomed. Soon the taxes go up and even basic services collapse into ruin. Any whites still left leave and the business goes with them. Maybe decades later jews will buy up all the municipal debt and force urban revitalization so that hipsters from jew york and cali might move in all to maximum heeb benefit. So sad! Many such cases.

It’s like Hiroshima vs Detroit. Race matters. Pastor Manning is right, Detroit was destroyed by niggerization. Hiroshima is a beautiful city now.

Have you checked out Africa ? Niggers aren't exactly famous for their IQ.

How the fuck does water get delivered to their homes? Through a system of pipes. Meanwhile these people can't even pick up garbage from their front lawns.

Hahahaha based AF

Detroit also has no money ever since the car industry died. That's not related to whites or blacks.

that's in no way related to each other. Citizens are not required to build or service their water systems.

Those pipes will go to their homes. Their homes where they can't do the bare necessities to maintain it like pick up fucking trash from the floor.

And that is related to pipes how?

What the fuck are you smoking you krautcuck; the majority of our churches have been converted into mosques.

> A...at least our architectural heritage is being preserved amirite?

Because those pipes are in the homes of the niggers who can't even do basic maintenance in their homes. Won't take long before they destroy that and blame whitey again

>Citizens are not required to build or service their water systems.
but city government is. and when its run by niggers you don't get clean water. they arent able to clean water in africa either. too advanced for niggers

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Tientje zegt dat gij een nikkert weest

Because they're unable to build anything, but they also need to feel like they can do something.

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Reminder in Chicago you can buy empty lots for $1 as long as you live on that block. You also have to maintain it so its not full of weeds but seems like a good deal

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They'll just move and make new ghettos. They'll get gibs and new homes, or some faggy church will restore their ghetto. The only solution is death or sterilization. Deportation is pointless if they're not afraid to come back.

Because niggers aren't human

With your changing demographics, you might begin to experience similar declines.

>Niggers are like slavshits
How's the weather in Israel Moshe?

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$1 plus the cost of a bulletproof vest

I'm all for nigger hate but you cant claim to be the superior race is you fall for this shit.

When the economy fails in one city or region industries that previously sustained the city begin leaving. This results in home value prices dropping.

Eventually prices get so cheap that niggers can afford to live there. End result is niggers live in dying decaying city.

What you should learn from this is that if major industries in your city start dying you better have an exit plan, because your town is about to become a shit hole too.

niggers move in
whites move out
its the cycle of life

consider the following. these lots are surronded by TWO train stops, and a park and the university of chicago less than a mile away
If this were any other area you'd have apartments for $1500 or more
instead you have empty lots worth jack shit

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Ironically niggers do go to churches, and are cartoonish stereotypes of the hateful, intolerant christian strawman that leftists like to attack.

I've seen first hand that blacks suck shit at civic duty & maintenance. Nearly every black I've known (a handfull, my town is 98% white) has been a selfish criminal (almost all of them were criminal) neglectful fuck that lives in a fucking pigsty of a house and usually ends up in jail despite living in one of the more affluent towns in the country

strangely the only decent blacks I've known were first generation immigrants straight from Africa, they are actually grateful and hardworking but 2nd generation and beyond turn to shit.

>so what are the blacks doing
Living off white tax money so liberals can pat themselves on the back

fuck off Op...who in the fuck have time to care for a fukken building when you can barely put food on your table

>seems like a good deal

Until you get mugged and shot

Humans, unlike nigs, figured out how to do both at the same time

>t. retarded leaf that never heard about Prussia

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and yet nigs and pathetic white libcucks will drone on about gentrification at the same time. I'm tired of minorities bitching and whining about not having access to white areas and then complaining non-stop when they get to one.

t. Progressive white man sitting in a Discord group spamming D&C on Jow Forums for hours a day

it's a mystery

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The wildlife is a force of nature, it's the progressive whites who need to have their throats cut

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what the soviets did to east Prussia was inexcusable

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checked and keked.

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Isn't Islam responsible for the death classical civilization?

T'was a beautiful thread

I have more pictures

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This is the best article on the urban decay of America. Read the whole thing.


> Before the riots, my grandmother’s well-maintained neighborhood was a neighborhood of rose gardens and neighbors talking over the back fence, of bakeries and a walk to the local church on Sundays, of kids playing baseball in the side streets and the local family dog getting scraps from everyone up and down the block. In less than a year, it no longer looked familiar. There were boarded-up windows and scary guys hanging on corners, trash in the alleys and chained dogs surrounded by piles of excrement in backyards, loud porch parties and screeching children fighting on the front street. My parents watched a young teen take a baseball bat to the uprights on the railing of the front porch across the street, a bat he used to systematically smash each upright until the porch looked like a mouth of broken and twisted teeth. This was not slumlord neglect, but purposeful destruction of a recently beautiful neighborhood.

Cucks had to learn the hard way

>When Austin started to integrate around 1966, many of my in-laws` friends told them to sell out as soon as possible, before the neighborhood went all black. But, as good liberals, my in-laws stood up for integration. And the first blacks moving in were middle class. So, they joined an anti-tipping liberal group of neighborhood home-owners started by fellow musician Father Edward McKenna—a composer who has written a couple of Irish-themed operas with librettos by Father Andrew Greeley. Members swore to each other they wouldn’t sell no matter how black the neighborhood got. Well, the crime rate, which had been non-existent when the neighborhood was all white, started to soar. Housing prices fell, and soon the middle class blacks were selling out because underclass blacks were moving in. The members of the pro-integration group started to break their promises and move out. My in-laws stuck with their vows. But, then in 1968, rioters looted all the stores in the neighborhood after Martin Luther King was murdered. (My future wife called her mother to the window: “Hey, Mom! Look—free TVs! Let`s get some!” Her mother sent her to her room). And their small children, my future wife included, were mugged three times on their street. So, my in-laws finally sold, losing about half of their life savings. They bought a farm 65 miles out of town, where they didn`t have indoor plumbing for their first two years of fixing it up.

White liberals need to have their children raped and murdered in front of them

That is just disgraceful

Those same niggers run the government and water company in their cities, you dumbfuck. Unless you want to admit you expected white people to hold all those positions because you expect niggers are too stupid to be able to.

Pre war photo.
Koenigsberg was flattened by everyone in WWIi

Bolshevicks(jews) did that you ignorant fuck.

>Detroit also has no money ever since the car industry died.
What death? I still see new Fords, GMs, and Chryslers being driven around.

to be fair that transition from beautiful neoclassical buildings to shitty utilitarian trash happened in pretty much every European and north american city as well.

this is pensylvania station in New york before some jews tore it down

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if its the fault of black people then explain why places like west virginia look like total shitholes

Fuck off nigger.


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how it looks now

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exterior + comparison

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>decide to finally go on Jow Forums
>first thread is this
still better than instagram and youtube comments

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bonus interior pic with wild nigs roaming the Premises

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White people living in the mountains in the middle of nowhere with zero resources still establish a safer and nicer place to live then nigs located at the confluence of every resource stream in the world

because most of those locations have collapsing populations, try and make a town look good when half the properties are abandoned. my province has the same issue with rural locations, the only people who live there are a few old boomers





They don't care for infrastructure. And who could blame them? Whites have evolved in societal structure for thousands and thousands of years while the negroids sold to America by their negroid brothers were all still living on barren soil getting eaten by lions in the night.

I work here, it's not really that shitty compared to other train stations.

It is their nature, yet they are allowed among us.


I just don't like what they did to the old one. it's about as close as anyone came to recreating some of the old monumental roman buildings

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Hey, as long as they move away from me it's a good deal

looks primed for a hispanic takeover

>looks primed for a hispanic takeover

And that's primed for a "white flight" as the brown skin illegal aliens bring a lowered quality of life into any area they move en masse into.

its actually a terrible deal, because any construction or work you try to do will be ruined when you leave. anything nice is a clear target.

Ask Merkel. She must surely have the answer.

If I win the lotto I will buy this building and convert it into a home.

I thought there were no white people living there already.

>destroy everything
>what is high time-preference

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That image is making me physically ill.