So I have officially been fucked by every girlfriend I've ever had. I mean it in a literal sense...

So I have officially been fucked by every girlfriend I've ever had. I mean it in a literal sense. I just found out yesterday my gf cheated on me with one of her exes. She only didn't it once and she hates herself for it. I just am completely destroyed and my trust has gone out the window for her. I stayed with her and forgave her but I just feel inadequate because every single girl I've been with has done this. By this point is it my fault? There's no way it could happen so many times without it being my fault. I'm still with her but this is how the downward spiral of my life usually starts.

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Girls cheating says more about them than it does about you.

It's not about anything you did, it's all her. Did she still have feelings for him while you were dating? Did she think of you as a rebound? It's about how she felt not what you did.

It's up to you what you do now but never let a cheating hoe make you doubt yourself.

Remember YOU are the prize and she just ratted herself out of it.

Look bud you got to take a little responsibility for this if it happens constantly, yes they are bitches for doing it but there is something about you that needs to change

I wasn't a rebound they had been broken up for about a year then. But she did this with her last boyfriend but he did it too and it was an open relationship and he broke up with her while she was doing it. She still had feelings but whenever think of how she must have moaned his name it makes me feel physically sick.

Stop dating damaged girls you stupid fuck, know a guy like you. He always goes for the drug addled poly sluts and tries to fix them and it always ends the same way. Stop dating rejects.

You're right I need to start taking a stand more. Not in an abusive way but I say no and don't hang out with him and mean it type of way

If the only thing stopping them cheating on you is you telling them not to then it isn't gonna work m8

I never tried to fix her at least this relationship I didn't and she's not damaged she just still had feelings. I just don't get why every girl did this to me when I've never cheated or been abusive. I've always been nice I'm not a "nice guy" but I've always treated my girlfriends the best I could I just want that in return for once

>she just still had feelings she isnt damaged
She cheated on the last boyfriend. She cheated on you. You dated a reject man, just accept it. You deserve better than someone who will endlessly repeat a cycle of hurting their partners.

First get some fucking self respect and ditch the bitch, I don't care how much she says she hates herself blah blah blah just end it.

Next work on yourself, you are lacking in confidence or something otherwise you wouldn't put up with this shit, you are a good person and you deserve someone who will value you, who will know they are the ones who are winning when you judge them worthy of being with you

It’s your fault for viewing yourself in a poor light. Realign yourself with values that promote a higher sense of being. Strong and strict morals.

I’m gonna give you a great and sound piece of advice right now, and do this with more certainty than you’ve done with anything in your life.

Quit moping about this,
look that bitch of yours right in the eyes, and say these words verbatim. Let each and every word roll off of your tongue like a series of jabs. “You and I are done. You have 2 days to pack your shit and get out. I’ll help.”

And stick with it. Let this action here set the course for how certain you should be with everything you pursue from here on out. Pursuing things that will better you, make you a higher status male, and in return, make you entitled to a quality woman.

You should ask them why they all cheats on you. Why did she tell you about it anyway and how many times was it

I can't pull myself away from her. This is the only time she flat out cheated but she's gone over the line with other guys multiple times. Granted some of it wasn't with her consent but most of it was. She wore another guys jacket when she went to see a movie with him she went to a dance with another guy after I told her and told her how much it would fuck me up. I just can't pull myself from her because then she turns around and she makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel happy and like I'm not alone. She's the best girlfriend I've ever had but I just feel so beaten down rn.

>Look girl, you got to take a little responsibility for this if it happens constantly, yeah they're abusive for beating you up but there is something about you that needs to change

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You're right. I just don't know if I can do it.

Bullshit user, or do you think that he just hits the shit lottery every time and a bitch cheats on him, if it happens once then yes I can see it, twice well shit happens, more than that and there is an issue.

I have had relationships with some total sluts and only had one cheat on me once, and you know what I figured out some things I could have done to prevent it.

Listen to yourself, you're a mess because of this girl. You need to cut her off even if it messes you up in the short term because this will only get worse for you the longer you keep it on life support. Any relationship will make you feel good in the short term, but no relationship should make you feel worthless, degraded or insecure. Think about it.

You're right I need some time to work up the courage to break it off but you're right

They do, if a girl gets beat constantly how the fuck is it not part of her problem that she can't have enough self respect to get the fuck out, it's fucking stupid to think otherwise

It sucks to be in that situation man, im sorry it ended up like this. I hope pulling the plug works out well for you, and you can meet a girl that respects you soon.

Not to mention she obviously lacks good judgment to even be with a guy that's violent, there's usually pretty good signs of this shit before it happens

Don’t say shit like that bud. Pound your fucking fist on your chest and feel the life run through your body. You’re a MAN put on this very planet to stand for yourself and pursue your own freedom. This girl here, this mess of a girl who can’t even control her own impulses, is an obstacle. A disguised obstacle that blew her fucking cover when she slept with some dude behind your back. You should feel repulsed.

Remove this obstacle and continue down the road of betterment. Snap the fuck out of it my man. You have to understand how pivotal of a move this is.

this guy gets it

I'm sitting here thinking about texting a friend from work (who I have a bit of interest in but I'm not gonna act on it) for support I just didn't have her number I got it off of her Facebook profile but I don't wanna text her and creep her out. She's never on Facebook so me DMing her doesn't work

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If you called me id answer. Worst case scenario she puts it off untill she's free or she might be awkard and not get involved. Just take a small risk and do anything to get you started.

Thank you I really needed that

the best advice on here. he wont do it though.




I’m not saying this to knock you down or make you feel like shit. I am here to give you the best advice I can muster up because I sympathize with you and I’ve been there before. Nothing good will come out of this.

If this is a girl you’re interested in but don’t know too well, something like this she will be put off by, tarnishing any further pursuits you see with her. I’m your bro here and you can talk it through with me.

I don't hope to get with her because we work together and she would never go for me she's way out of my league

One step at a time man, just get yourself ready to break up first.
If you text her dont forget to say who you are.

Christ bud, don't ever apologize at the get go, don't ever mention things like creepy and weird. This is cringe level shit. Should have been.

Hey this is user, got your number from ( whatever). We should talk get back with me.

See what I did there? it comes off way better, and you are not asking her permission to talk you are suggesting you talk

BS no one is out of your league unless you tell yourself they are

This is optimal. The smooth approach.

Ok I'm gonna share my little secret on how I became confident on talking to girls, it sounds fucking stupid but it works.

Go find someone you idolize for their ability to deal with girls and emulate the style in which they do it. Like say Rhett butler from gone with the wind or some shit ( clark gable made your grandmas panties so wet they are still dripping today), watch his delivery style and attitude.

Make these traits your own, mix up other styles in your grab bag, practice, don't be afraid of rejection and try to laugh it off for how funny it really is, and know each time you do you are learning from your mistakes

Smooth is the only way to go bud,when you act like it' no big deal it conveys you have other options and she's not that important ( as fucked up as that sounds) right off the bat they want that, they want to compete for the guy that many girls want.

Rule 0: dont take dating advice from Jow Forums

Why sometimes this place gives some solid advice ?

> 'I love you' as suggested

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the betrayal obviously isn't enough for you since you drag out the pain as it slowly kills you. most of us have had multiple women cheat on us but we end it with the woman when we have knowledge. we can self reflect where we went wrong while you hang around trying to prevent her from cheating again.

they cheat, you leave to heal and she can go to hell