>I just want a girlfriend to cuddle with. Feel and hear her breathing next to me. Feel her warm body pressed into me, her head tucked under my neck so she can be as close to me as logically possible. Hearing her breathing go from relaxed to gentle snoring as my arm that she's on top of starts to go to sleep. Wanting to drift of peacefully to sleep but being too happy and excited with life to shut my brain off.
I feel like I'm just a ball of love that's never going to have any possibility of release.
Is it possible to find this at all even if you have aspergers? Cause it sounds really appealing.
I just want a girlfriend to cuddle with. Feel and hear her breathing next to me. Feel her warm body pressed into me...
of course its possible
granted, the price is losing half of your possessions by the end of the decade.
Wanting cuddles is for children and men with no spine.
Yes absolutely. Everyone has those feelings. I get laid pretty frequently but if I go 2-3 weeks without it I start craving it. But once you have it it seems like no big deal.
Look OP I'm not saying those moments are not great but in reality there are so many issues you have to deal with and that she has to deal with that this idealized shit happens about 5 % of the time ( probably more at the beginning). The rest is work plain and simple
wtf cuddles and pre-sex are the best things in the world, kissless virgin detected
It's not impossible. Are you cute?
Hey everybody look at Chad badass over here. He fucks all the ladies.
As long as I get to keep my magic cards who gives a fuck.
and makes non of them cum
You’re an effeminate faggot
Men don’t wanna do that sappy cuddling shit
Holy shit Chad leave some pussy for the rest of us normies please
It's one thing to cuddle a little bit with your girl and be intimate. It's another thing entirely to want to be held like OP and cuddled because he misses mommy.
I used to pity betas but now I just how pathetic they are
Wait, is it wrong for me to want this? I don't wanna be an beta, but on other hand i really want to hold and hug her so bad. What's the big deal with sex anyhow? Why are normalfriends so obsessed with it?
Sounds like a fantasy of a 13 year old female fanfiction writer. Get a grip man, you sound like a fag.
as long as you want to be the big spoon you're good m8
You’re not a man, you’re a girl
I agree with you mate. I have been feeling asexual since probably a year but I'd still wish for a girl I could love and all of that
not saying I can't or don't want to have sex but I'm just not horny for it
ill cuddle with you op :3
i appreciate the thought user.
OP never said he wanted to be treated as a baby
>tfw girl I've been seeing falling asleep on my lap while I fuck around on my PS4
It was a nice feeling, don't know why so many people are against things like this here.
Falling asleep while holding hands with the person you love at 4pm on a Saturday after an afternoon of intense, passionate sex is one of the most blissful things in the world. Then getting to wake up and spoon him while he plays skyrim on his switch while he narrates his side quest for you is fun and sweet. While it happens is feels nice and safe and loving but not mindblowing. But I spend every waking moment fantasizing about it and replaying the feeling of contentment and love.
SAME this is exactly how i feel
I know this feel. Many a time i have hugged a particular girl as she sleeps/we were sleeping. It feels nice to feel her breath, and feel her heartbeat right next to mine.
I miss her.
tfw no bf :(
At least we're not having occasional re-run of these memories in our dreams, right?
Buy yourself a cat or start looking for personalities to connect with instead of pieces of meat to cuddle. Cuddles worth nothing if the person near you is not your best friend as well.
tfw no gf :(
that was so specific and creepy OP
tfw no bf :(
Girl or guy?
Girl obv
You never know. Plenty of faggots and trannies on Jow Forums. Okay then, if you are a girl, why don't you have a bf? Mental issues? Fat?
Why, looking for a gf? Lol
Not really. At least not on a thread like this. If you post tits on /soc/ then maybe.
I know how bad this craving is, he craving for intimacy with another human being, but then I remember neurotic mess with autism and probably I can't sleep with someone next to me in bed and I don't love myself so others can't love me.