How do we save the white race Jow Forums?

How do we save the white race Jow Forums?

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We won't, it will either save itself or it will get wiped out ( but that's way in the future )
Those who can't help themselves do not deserve to be saved and that goes for every group and individual period

By allowing degenerate whites to have nonwhite children or none at all if they want. What's wrong with that? Niglets aren't white, and aren't part of future generations of whites.

By engineering race-specific diseases.

we make up 7% of the worlds population, have the highest suicide rates in the world.
lowest reproduction rate, lowest marriage rate, highest divorce rate, white women have the second most STDs in the world.
also 80% of whites will fight against eachother.
making any white resistance less than 0.5% of thr worlds population.

you have to be a gigantic dumb fuck to think we are salvageable

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also cutting ties with race traitors, not publicly where youll get doxxed but in your private life

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There is hope that these fuckers will save us

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>Be white
>Kid looks like a literal chimp turd

only Zeus can, if you deny him, you will
find yourself being overrun by non whites
to make you into a racist.

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We should start a meme that whites adopting black children is racist so cuck whites will have no choice but to adopt pope white children.

Raise your daughters right. Arranged marriages exist for white people. Learn about that. Have your friend's kids marry your own children when they are adults. It isn't rock science.

Don't give single mothers or naive race mixed mothers any financial opportunities.


Not true
Not true
Not true
Not true
Don’t think so
And more like 1/7th of the world

>7% of the World's population

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By unironically genociding half of it. Left leaning whites are worse that any shitskin. They are the ones who hold open the gates.

Brazil's south is a great place for white families too. But.. Its in Brazil.


>you have to be a gigantic dumb fuck to think we are salvageable
Or you could be an optimist. Not so long ago people thought that it was impossible to run a 4 minute mile. They thought your heart would explode if you did. But Roger Bannister did it and proved everyone wrong. Since then millions of people have done it.


that's her biological child

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Define the white race? By most racists definition there are barely any white people in America.

by showing women their place

Yeah we are like 1/7 of the population or 1/8. Less then East Asians and browns middle eastern/indians. More then spics and blacks.

By having children, duh. At least four white children. And protecting our culture.

And not even including North Africans and Middle-Easterners

>How do we save the white race Jow Forums?
You cant

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When is this from 2005?
Africa has exploded

>> By killing all the..

Whoever made this was either completely clueless or shitfaced drunk

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