How to deal with immense boredom? Boredom that makes you just want to smash stuff, knock stuff off tables, yell at people? Two fucking days I cant find a single fucking thread that is worth a goddamn, nor a youtube video, and there is fucking NOTHING to do
>in "b4 bored people are boring" If you say this to people fuck yourself as a person. It doesn't even make fucking sense on many levels, on top of being really annoying
find stuff to do outside of using the internet if youve got pent up energy like that, go outside for a run or do some errands or you can do urban exploration i dont know, theres so much to do in this world that you cant stay bored for long
these are both things people often suggest and I have tried but they are so goddamn MADDENINGLY boring.
Like running isnt fucking doing anything. It's one notch beyond standing. Standing but moving forward at a decent speed
And there's just no way books can beat the internet, in terms of being interesting, and the fucking internet is failing me right now. I tried 2 different books yesterday and I just get stuck reading and rereading the same parts on the first few pages for 10, 20 minutes because I space out because they are so fucking boring, every single one of them
>theres so much to do in this world that you cant stay bored for long people say this but it doesn't seem true
William Nguyen
Fuck you.
There are a shitton of free games designed to zone you out and before you realize it a shitton of time has passed.
This too but don't download it, go to your local bookstore, browse away until one catches your attention, however avoid "young adult" like the plague, find a nice place to sit and read away.
Jeremiah Wilson
haha fuck you dude I grew up before the internet was really a thing, I spent all my childhood and most of my teens just doing stuff
Get a hobby, something creative like drawing or music or writing or whatever. It's nice out so go get some vitamin D and fresh air and get in shape. You can get into reading books too like someone else said if the internet hasn't already completely crippled your attention span.
>Like running isnt fucking doing anything. It's one notch beyond standing. I prefer to be sitting, sitting at my computer and doing nothing on the internet, complaining that I have nothing to do.
running is doing something, it's good for your body and your mind. That's why it's a multi-billion industry and olympic sport
>And there's just no way books can beat the internet, in terms of being interesting, and the fucking internet is failing me right now. I tried 2 different books yesterday and I just get stuck reading and rereading the same parts on the first few pages for 10, 20 minutes because I space out because they are so fucking boring, every single one of them
I never had internet until my late teens, "just doing stuff" is what everybody always says, yeah, I can't not "just do stuff" but it's boring stuff, all the shit people say isn't boring is boring
I have tried so many things that are suppose to be entertaining that people call hobbies. I have considered that people lie to themselves to say they are enjoying something that they aren't actually enjoying, and if they just keep it up long enough, forcing themselves, and telling themselves and others it is fun, then they end up actually liking it, and thats how people actually get hobbies. I have tried this myself and I can never get it to happen
Parker Gonzalez
I understand it is healthy, it is still boring, so so boring
I am 26
Daniel Jackson
have you considered the alternative possibility that maybe you're the one with a problem and you have severe attention deficit disorder?
hat exactly were you doing online that was better than any and all real-world activities?
I don't think you've ever put on a pair of running shoes, let alone gone for a run. You can't be bored because your mind is entirely focused on your body.
David Ramirez
>hat exactly were you doing online that was better than any and all real-world activities? an interesting thread, a youtube vid, nothing spectacular but it keeps you going and leads you to something else
> don't think you've ever put on a pair of running shoes, let alone gone for a run. You can't be bored because your mind is entirely focused on your body. I never could find running shoes but I did indeed run, in regular sneakers. That you can't be bored is just flatly wrong, I don't know what to tell you. I sweat, heavy breathing, for like an hour, my mind is still fucking bored, looking at houses or whatever I pass, and the houses are boring
Bentley Perez
Have you tried travelling? This is never boring.
Michael Stewart
It has been whenever I do it. What do you actually do when you travel, just go sight seeing? Walk around, look at a building, read an engraving by the building, snap a picture? Beyond shit like that, there are the same things to do everywhere else as there are here. It's just more expensive and you have to add in boring travel time
Asher Turner
the fact that you think that people posting cartoon frogs on Jow Forums and that like Feminist Gamers Get Pwned videos are infinitely more interesting than anything in the real world shows that you have a severe addiction to the internet.
You might even have severe ADD for real. I'm assuming that you at least spent a few years as a kid without the internet, were you always like "this is boring I'm bored everything is so boring"
Joseph Roberts
Go to sleep, either you have a dream that's better than nothing or you at least killed some hou
Andrew Edwards
>What do you actually do when you travel, just go sight seeing?
What do you do when you look at "an interesting thread" or "a youtube vid"
what exactly is it that's able to capture your bird brain's attention, give us some examples
Xavier Torres
I tried music and drawing Music was a colossal waste of time Drawing only made me miserable
Isaiah Gomez
>Music was a colossal waste of time
but pulling your pud while sitting at the computer isn't?
Justin Cox
are you just making excuses at this point it like whatever suggestion anons throw at you you're just like "i tried x and it was BORING so i don't want to do it" just fucking hang yourself if you find everything that isnt meme frogs and youtube clickbait boring
Henry Perez
>the fact that you think that people posting cartoon frogs on Jow Forums and that like Feminist Gamers Get Pwned videos are infinitely more interesting than anything in the real world shows that you have a severe addiction to the internet. well I obviously don't, there are plenty crap frog threads right now, I need something new
> were you always like "this is boring I'm bored everything is so boring" Kind of, at least on and off
I slept like 8 hours, and kept going back and pushed it to probably around 10. Had little glimpses and fragments of dreams, but nothing good. I usually don't remember any dreams, and when I do they are fucking BORING *smashes things*
>what exactly is it that's able to capture your bird brain's attention, give us some examples Could be just about anything. A lot of threads are funny sometimes, if its a little fresh and stuff. Beyond that, on youtube, I could watch stuff about history, economics, art, philosophy, science, could watch a tv series, whatever, it doesn't really matter. And I'll go back and do all that shit again when I give it some time, I just need something new right now and I've run out of fucking shit
Adrian Bailey
fyi is not OP. I am OP
is me though
Logan Morris
>well I obviously don't
You obviously do cause you've shot down any and all suggestions about anything related to real world activities or hobbies or pastimes or anything and even went as far as to accuse the entire rest of the world of somehow lying to themselves and that no one actually enjoys what they're doing.
I don't know how you possibly could have functioned as a human being prior to like 2003 when the internet wasn't a household item yet.
You have internet addiction and you're in deep denial about it.
Nathan Morgan
although I guess I should mentioned I have tried drawing multiple times throughout my life, and multiple instruments, and none of them went anywhere because they were actually really boring, making it hard to get anywhere
Kevin Martin
At least I'm not putting any effort into it, my dick doesn't even get hard anymore Maybe you have low standards, your mother sure did
Evan Reyes
It's just stupid shit designed to raise your expectations of life so they can inmediately be destroyed again by reality I wasted a ton of time and money into drawing, I wish I never did, I wish I just slept all that time away instead
John James
>You obviously do I'm saying the internet isn't always enough, I have the internet right now and I cant find anything on it, so it is no better than anything off the internet >even went as far as to accuse the entire rest of the world of somehow lying to themselves and that no one actually enjoys what they're doing. I believe I said I have considered that it is a possibility. I'm not sure about it though
>I don't know how you possibly could have functioned as a human being prior to like 2003 when the internet wasn't a household item yet. pretty similarly, I still got bored a lot. And all the shit people would suggest me to do, I would try, and they were boring. So it conflicts with the "internet addiction" idea
Jason Bailey
>I'm saying the internet isn't always enough, I have the internet right now and I cant find anything on it, so it is no better than anything off the internet
yeah but you've said that 100% of what you've tried off the internet is boring and lame and boring and not interesting and you get bored with it very quickly because it's boring, while with the internet you've said that you at least sometimes find "a cool thread"
so obviously the internet has some part in your problem. It just sounds like you have crippling ADD and you need meds.
Jeremiah Morgan
I dont think I said that. Before the internet, I would watch tv or something. Play some video games, I still do that sometimes. If you are talking really young, maybe legos or action figures. But those all get boring too, so I'm in the exact same position as when I get the internet later in life.
Grayson Reed
>Before the internet, I would watch tv or something. Play some video games, I still do that sometimes.
those are just the 90s equivalent of what the internet is today, something to do to shut your brain off.
>If you are talking really young, maybe legos or action figures. But those all get boring too,
exactly, you feel that anything in the real world that isn't attached to a fuckin screen is boring. That's an addiction.
well, because those things allow you to hop from information to information. It's not that any one thing on there is so particularly interesting, it's just that when one thing gets boring, it is a good medium for then finding the next thing until that gets boring too.
WHAT though
Henry Bennett
Hit the gym
John Scott
I generally try to sympathize with people here but you're just a faggot, curing boredom is so easy. Just start putting in more effort in everything you do and pursuing things you find interesting, if thats not enough then start seriously looking around until you find more shit to pursue. Git gud.
Levi Bennett
anything that is legal, that you can afford, that looks remotely interesting to you.
>but nothing- bullshit. I think youre feeling unmotivated as a result of doing nothing with yourself over a considerable period of time. do something that is interesting in theory, like going for a bike ride, a cafe to read, or talking to some gurlz.
most guys want a good gf or a wife but don’t actually do anything to accomplish that relationship until theyre older. most guys want fitness but don’t exercise.
Hudson Harris
done it, lift weight and then lift weight again and then lift weight again, not exactly entertaining. They call them reps, short for repetition, it's almost boring by fucking definition. And same with everything else you can find in a gym, it's all about repetition of the most menial things until you have muscles and shit.
more effort into something that is boring does not make it not boring, it just makes me more tired so more reason to stop, sorry but your advice is ridiculous
sorry but the but nothing stands
Not really interested in getting a gf or wife or talking to people in general
Aaron Sanchez
>whats 2 + 2? and don’t give me that 4 shit >op argued with everyone thread, rude edition
fucking idiot you deserve to feel worse, because youre doing this to yourself and being a dickhead so others suffer with you.
fucking retard kys
Andrew Mitchell
sorry boredom does make me more unlikeable, I admit that, but there was no 2+2=4 in this thread from you guys, you guys would rather just give bad advice than admit you don't have any, and then get mad if your bad advice isn't accepted
Lincoln Rivera
kill yourself instead of wasting anyone elses time
Jacob Moore
Jow Forums in a nutshell
Carson Gomez
shave your neckbeard take a shower go outside find a girl get a life
Kayden Bell
So you want to be my girlfriend?
Kayden Brooks
Not OP. Op is not interested in girls
Nicholas Cox
You shouldnt be bored if youre invested in something and treating it like a quest. If that doesnt work then put all your bored energy into finding things you enjoy IN REAL LIFE, the fact that youre looking on Youtube tells me the problem is youre spending all day on the computer.
Dominic White
If I spend all day on the computer it's because things are boring, not the other way around. And justtaking computer put of the equation doesn't fix that
Aiden Nelson
youre straight up a fucking idiot. please do what the smart people are telling you.
Xavier Hernandez
Do extreme sports or something. Something exciting.
Caleb Collins
Which is all shit ive already done
Ryan Smith
Lol youre hopeless sorry mate
Leo Campbell
That is kind of what I figured,at least you are honest
Luis Cox
do it for longer and become sufferable so you make a few friends
Aaron Thomas
youre pathetic
Jack Williams
That's the other thing they all say, and you could keep doing it for 10 years and they'll say just keep doing it longer until eventually they'll just say "well you're just too close minded" after ypuve wasted all your life on them
Lucas Lopez
Dude just play some vidyas or eat some nuggs. Chill
Xavier Lopez
ever tried meditating or any of that spiritual shit? it might help you a lot
Hunter Hernandez
Yeah I tried to get myself to believe in stuff, doesnt work like that
Jacob Thomas
I might eat some nugs but I was playing game before and was bored and really don't feel like it now
Jose Young
Have you ignore the entire rest of the thread where OP told everyone that everything in the entire universe except the internet is boring, and then he denied having an internet addiction and insisted on calling everyone and everything boring
Matthew Harris
That's not true im open to suggestions about what to do, that's why I made the thread but you guys arent really doing a good job and some of you it doesn't even seem like youre trying
Daniel Wilson
so does reading a fuking book m8, you can look shit up in the index
remember that shit? index in books?
>could watch stuff about history, economics, art, philosophy, science
so surely you could stand to read a fuckin book about it
oh no wait >And there's just no way books can beat the internet
Give it up man, you're literally describing ADD symptoms. Go get the medical help you need and deserve instead of arguing with everyone that life itself is boring and we're wrong for enjoying it.
Cameron Clark
>hat's not true im open to suggestions about what to do
you definitely are not open to anything
>all the shit people say isn't boring is boring >people lie to themselves to say they are enjoying something that they aren't actually enjoying, and if they just keep it up long enough, forcing themselves, and telling themselves and others it is fun, then they end up actually liking it, and thats how people actually get hobbies. I have tried this myself and I can never get it to happen
Carson Lewis
not nearly as fast as on a computer
that was me being open, I said I tried didnt I?
Anthony Price
>you guys arent really doing a good job and some of you it doesn't even seem like youre trying
People have suggested to you -going on errands -running -urban exploration -reading -going to a bookstore/library -drawing -music -writing -enjoying the outdoors -travelling -sleeping -going to the gym -finding a gf -extreme sports -playing video games -meditation
and you either ignored their suggestions, or said those things were boring and they were boring for enjoying those boring things
Christian Garcia
Youre neither open to suggestions nor trying. Listen to the following words: you are not abnormally bored, you are just a scared faggot who won't put any real effort into life. The only people who have serious chronic issues with boredom are geniuses who blaze through everything, and by nature they are smart and distressed enough that they can and do find ways to pass the time. This is not what you are, youre stupid and lazy and you've been sufficiently stimulated by Youtube for years and you're just now getting tired of it.
The real world is really pretty exciting if you try, you dont have to be a social butterfly just get some sunshine and find something to do. Here are some suggestions: Pick up a sport, go camping, develop an autistic interest in collecting something like bottlecaps and start haggling in flea markets, commit some crimes, go to a strip club, buy a boat and hit up all the whorehouses of the Caribbean, become a truck driver, work construction, ironically/unironically participate in protests, visit a nudist colony, just walk or drive around until you see something interesting.
Isaac Lewis
I have literally done all of those things and they are shit, or at least get old fast in the case of video games and sleeping
Anthony Rogers
nah m8, you're shit. People have no problem enjoying any one of those things.
If we're all idiots with shitty suggestions, then you figure it out. Maybe looking up another youtube video will magically drop happiness and a sense of fulfilment onto your lap.
Zachary Ross
Meditation. It _is_ boring.
So you train yourself to accept boredom instead of chasing the tail of "fun" all your life.
Eli Martin
change things up. do something different
it's as easy as that. you don't need to go into a severe emotional rage to break your own inertia.
Landon Allen
It does make sense. It's annoying because it hits a chord; the "it's my own damn fault and the fix is neither quick nor easy" chord. The thread is filled, as usual, with perfectly sensible advice you got FOR FUCKING FREE YOU GIBMEDAT KANG that would have literally been handed to you by a therapist. It's not going to be easy. Hell, becoming entertaining might not be fun unto itself. But whatever the FUCK you're doing is not just not helping, it's making the problem worse.
Two things I want you to remember: >Ignoring the truth does not make it any less true (you are boring and the cause of your own problems) >Significance is cumulative, but not always obvious
Jacob King
>Significance is cumulative, but not always obvious not sure what this means
Jackson Myers
Matthew Garcia
It means that what makes something significant is usually the sum of all the small parts So when people are telling you to do a list of things, they're telling you a list of general improvements and if you implemented them over a long-term, you would objectively see improvement. The problem is that somehow, we've all become quite used to instant gratification and now we expect it even from mental faculties... which is just not how those work.
Dylan Evans
is this from a jordan peterson book?
Ryan Nelson
I don't see anything about how the government should provide incels with state-funded sex slaves, I mean girlfriends, so no probably not
Robert Gomez
>JPeetz Fukken lol, shouldn't that tell you something about self-help. No, I have no idea if it has an origin source but I plucked it from an acquaintance. The point for OP is that you're not going to get instant results, so you're going to have to adopt a long-term strategy.
Maybe you need to, just, like, smoke some weed, man, like, really unwind, man. It's, like, totally, like, spiritual. Man.
Lincoln Cooper
pottery/clay making is pretty cool
plus, girls like it.
Ryder Reyes
Just seems like such a con. Not even that you are intentionally conning me, maybe you got conned and are just passing it on in a well meaning way. But it's like, I bought snake oil, it didnt do anything, so i go back and complain, and the guy tells me "well you just need to keep buying more. Drink a bottle a week" and I say "until when" and he says "well just keep doing it until it works, and then you'll know it works"
I have done weed, I dont like weed. Everyone already assumes I smoke weed anyways but I do not
Mason Hill
>Just seems like such a con. Not even that you are intentionally conning me, maybe you got conned and are just passing it on in a well meaning way
You're the one with a problem, not the rest of the world who you think is out to con you by well-meaning proxy
Cooper Jackson
That wouldnt settle who to listen to. Not always but a lot of the time theres one person saying "here, this is the path", and another saying "no, that will lead to misery, this is the way", and I cant do all of them, and the further I go down that path, the less I can go down another. In those scenarios, somebody at least has to be wrong, if not a con artist.
Julian Stewart
Found the underage faggot
Austin Stewart
>one person saying "here, this is the path", and another saying "no, that will lead to misery, this is the way"
no one has said that in this thread
John Murphy
Yeah I said not always. But they are giving me different things, most of which Ive tried, and the answer to that is almost invariably that I havent done it long enough. So how long am I suppose to try before switching to some other thing, cause the more time I can give to one, the less I can give to another
Im 26 though
Cooper Wright
Your brain is fucked mate, get off the computer despite it being boring, just force yourself to do productive shit. If you can't do that, seek help.
Joseph Hall
I dont really care what happens to you at this point but Im still here because I may as well help and its fun. Can you tell us exactly what you have tried? I assume youve been essentially a NEET since high school and only tried going to a handful of things outside your house since then.
Jack Clark
Well I did go to college. Ive tried getting into reading a few times, read a few books, terrible. I bought a keyboard piano, was forcing myself to do that for a while hoping it would get simewhat enjoyable, didn't. I bought a bunch of drawing supplies, worked on that for a while. I did some fitness shit, weightlifting, jogging, did lose some weight, but it only gets more and more boring the more you do it. I guess that's a primary problem I run into, people act like if you just keep doing something longer it gets less boring, but no, it always gets duller. Did walks in the woods every day for a while, like an hour a day for at least a few mobths, hate nature, it smells, its ugly, its a mess, and its boring as fuck, hate the feel of the air. Try to learn prpgramming through a few sources, tried codeacademy, youtube tutorials. Also tried unity but didnt get very far at all. Sort of learned German through Domingo, passed all the classes anyways. Still didnt really know it, tried to keep refreshing myself with it but it is such a fucking grind. Chess online. The point isnt really how shit I am at them its just how much none of them really catch when they seem to for others
Xavier Sanchez
Do you work? If you don't thats the problem, no one should have to fill free time 24/7, thats just not natural. If you do try to find a new job that either makes you travel or has some kind of irregular schedule and work load that keeps you on your feet (like being a cop).
Andrew Harris
>Like running isnt fucking doing anything. It's one notch beyond standing. Standing but moving forward at a decent speed I thought I was the only one lol
Samuel Flores
OP, if you're still there. What don't you try to find something you like? Like, you can see it from two POVs:
A) You're trying things blindly without thinking on what or why are you doing, thus, missing the point of doing it and obviously making you boring. Which I can understand btw.
B) Make your hobby try to find your hobby. It sounds stupid, but which all the shit people requested and invented, there's a fuckton of options. Just step into something, think on it and if you think it has caught your attention even a bare minimum, go ahead.
Cooper Thomas
Id suggest option A, lower your expectations about how much you have to love these things and just enjoy what you can. I dont have a world of hobbies but I get out and amuse myself by doing lots of silly things alone or with my friends, helps that I go to uni too.
Bentley Fisher
Part time, looking for a second. That list is stuff ive tried since graduating in 2015, so its not like thats all shit I tried yesterday
Landon Perez
Well that basically is what I'm trying, I think, and have been trying, just failing at it, abd frustration is pretty bound to build up that way
Blake Walker
Work full time, you'll appreciate your free time a lot more. Also, its clear you're following meme time killers like learning German and playing dominoes. Find things that are more for you and your demographic, fucked up guy stuff. Get into guns and military shit, go camping with some kind of twist to it like planning for a guerrila war or pretending to be a caveman, watch sam hyde videos and find some friends to do shit like that with.
Jason Jackson
Then stick to B. You also have to think that although there's a lot for everyone, sometimes there's not something someone. In case my english is poorly worded, I explain.
No because there's a fuckton of options you have to have something that would "wake" you up. Doesn't mean you have to stop trying.
If youstill want to try to read something, don't jump into the books directly. If you like games, try game reviews/opinions/technical game stuff. If you like shows, read about the shows, scripts, details, easter eggs, etc etc Nothing is a whole, and no because you're tried you went deep balls in. (Not accusing you of not trying it balls deep though)
Robert Cook
I am looking for full time as it is
I don't think the man shit will ever be for me. My grandpa did take me to a shooting range a couple years ago, pretty boring
Same with Sam hyde videos
Kevin Russell
Well some people arent meant to be happy
Brayden Hall
Ok but then if you just say that you have to expect that those people will find ways of lashing out in anger the more they realize how doomed they are
Julian Wilson
No i dont, if you were capable of doing that you'd have made a change in your life by now. Youre just a faggot.
Charles Wilson
But in really passive aggressive ways, maybe?
Samuel Torres
Who cares
Christian Wilson
You lack discipline, OP. Here's what discipline + boredom can do, especially of the ennui you feel:
James Flores
>like a quest "Do you have a quest?" "Everyone needs a quest."